Tag Archives: plumbing

Signs of Aging in Your Home’s Plumbing System: A Comprehensive Guide

outdated pipes in a home's plumbing system.

As homeowners, we often overlook the signs of aging in our homes. While we may pay attention to the creaking floors and peeling paint, one aspect that is often neglected is the plumbing system. Our home’s plumbing system is crucial in providing us with clean water and removing waste efficiently.

In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the signs of aging in your home’s plumbing system. By familiarizing yourself with these signs, you can proactively address any issues and prevent potential disasters.

1. Corroded Pipes

One of the most common signs of aging in a plumbing system is corroded pipes. Over time, pipes can deteriorate due to various factors such as age, water quality, and chemical reactions within the pipes. This can lead to leaks, reduced water pressure, and even burst pipes.

If you notice discolored water, a metallic taste, or visible signs of corrosion on your pipes, it is crucial to address the issue promptly. Engaging the services of a professional plumber can help determine the extent of the corrosion and necessary repairs or replacements.

2. Reduced Water Pressure

Another sign that your home’s plumbing system is aging is reduced water pressure. If you once enjoyed strong, consistent water pressure and now notice a significant decrease, it could be an indication of underlying issues.

Several factors can contribute to reduced water pressure, including mineral buildup, clogged pipes, or leaky connections. A plumbing professional can assess the situation, identify the cause, and provide suitable solutions to restore optimal water pressure.

3. Leaky Fixtures

Leaky fixtures, such as faucets and showerheads, are not only annoying but also a sign of aging in your plumbing system. Ongoing leaks can waste gallons of water and lead to increased water bills. Ignoring these leaks can also result in more severe damage to your plumbing system.

If you notice drips or a constant flow of water from your fixtures, it is crucial to address the issue promptly. Tightening or replacing washers, seals, or cartridges can often solve minor leaks. However, for more significant leaks or underlying issues, it is best to consult a professional plumber for an accurate diagnosis and effective solutions.

4. Slow Draining

Slow draining is a common issue in aging plumbing systems and often indicates a blockage somewhere along the drainage system. This can be caused by a buildup of debris, hair, grease, or even tree roots infiltrating the pipes.

If you notice that sinks, showers, or toilets are taking longer to drain, it is essential to address the issue promptly. Using chemical drain cleaners may provide a temporary fix, but they can also cause further damage to your pipes. A professional plumber can use specialized equipment to identify the blockage and clear it effectively.

5. Strange Noises

Unusual noises coming from your plumbing system can be a cause for concern. If you hear banging, whistling, rattling, or gurgling sounds, it could indicate underlying issues such as water hammer, loose connections, or debris in the pipes.

While some noises may be harmless, continuous or loud sounds should not be ignored. A professional plumber can help identify the source of the noise and provide necessary repairs or replacements to prevent further damage.

6. Foul Odors

Foul odors emanating from your plumbing system can be unpleasant and may indicate a larger problem. Sewer gas leaks are often the cause of these odors and could be due to dried-out traps, cracked pipes, or sewer line issues.

If you notice persistent foul odors coming from your drains or other plumbing fixtures, it is crucial to seek professional assistance. A plumber can inspect your system and determine the source of the odor, ensuring proper repairs and prevention of future leaks.

7. Water Discoloration

If you turn on the tap and notice discolored water, it is a sign of aging in your plumbing system. Brown, yellow, or rusty water can indicate corroded pipes or sediment buildup within the plumbing system.

While water discoloration may not always be harmful to your health, it can stain fixtures, clothes, and affect the overall quality of your water. A professional plumber can assess the situation, identify the underlying cause, and recommend appropriate solutions to restore clean and clear water.

8. Frequent Plumbing Repairs

If you find yourself constantly calling a plumber to address various plumbing issues, it could be a sign of an aging system. While minor repairs are normal as homes age, an excessive need for repairs may indicate more significant problems in your plumbing system.

Regular maintenance and inspections by a professional plumber can help identify potential issues before they escalate, saving you from costly repairs down the line. A plumber can assess the overall condition of your plumbing system and recommend any necessary repairs or upgrades.

In Conclusion

Ignoring the signs of aging in your home’s plumbing system can lead to costly repairs, water damage, and inconvenience. By familiarizing yourself with these signs and addressing them promptly, you can ensure the longevity and efficiency of your plumbing system.

If you notice any of the signs mentioned in this comprehensive guide, it is advisable to consult a professional plumber. They have the expertise and knowledge to assess your plumbing system, provide accurate diagnostics, and implement the necessary repairs or replacements.

Remember, a well-maintained plumbing system not only ensures the comfort and functionality of your home but also contributes to the overall value and longevity of your property.

Cold Snap Disasters: How to Safeguard Your Plumbing During Winter Season

during winter time it is important to safeguard your plumbing.

As the winter season approaches, it brings along with it the beauty of snowfall and the joy of the holiday season. However, it also brings the risk of cold snap disasters, especially when it comes to your plumbing system. Freezing temperatures can lead to burst pipes, frozen fixtures, and costly water damage if not properly addressed.

In this article, we will explore the steps you can take as a homeowner to safeguard your plumbing during the winter season. We will discuss preventive measures, maintenance tips, and important actions to take in case of a cold snap disaster. By following these guidelines, you can minimize the risk of plumbing issues and ensure a stress-free winter.

Understanding Cold Snap Disasters

Before we dive into the preventive measures, let’s understand what cold snap disasters entail. A cold snap refers to a sudden drop in temperature over a relatively short period. When temperatures plummet, the water inside your plumbing system can freeze, causing pipes to burst and fixtures to become non-functional.

When water freezes, it expands and exerts pressure on the pipes, leading to cracks or complete ruptures. As a result, when the ice thaws, the water leaks out of the damaged pipes, causing significant water damage to your property.

It is vital to note that not all pipes are equally susceptible to freezing. Outdoor pipes, exposed pipes in unheated areas, and pipes located in exterior walls are particularly vulnerable. However, even indoor pipes can freeze if the cold air enters your home through cracks or openings.

a man prepping for winter by sealing his windows.

Use weather-stripping or caulk to seal these gaps and prevent the chilly air from affecting your indoor plumbing.

Preventive Measures

Prevention is always better than cure, and this adage holds true when it comes to safeguarding your plumbing during the winter season. By taking the following preventive measures, you can significantly reduce the chances of encountering cold snap disasters:

1. Insulate Exposed Pipes

Start by identifying any pipes that are exposed to the cold air and insulate them with pipe insulation. Pipe sleeves or heat tape can be used to provide extra protection. Focus on pipes located in unheated areas such as basements, attics, garages, and crawl spaces. Insulating these pipes will help maintain a warmer temperature and prevent freezing.

2. Seal Cracks and Openings

Inspect your home for any cracks or openings that allow cold air to enter. Use weather-stripping or caulk to seal these gaps and prevent the chilly air from affecting your indoor plumbing. Pay close attention to areas near pipes, such as windows, doors, and vents.

3. Disconnect Outdoor Hoses and Faucets

Prior to the onset of freezing temperatures, remember to disconnect and drain outdoor hoses completely. Leaving hoses attached can lead to water freezing inside the hose and causing damage to both the hose and the faucet it is connected to. Moreover, it is recommended to install freeze-proof faucets that automatically shut off the water supply when temperatures drop.

4. Allow Warm Air Circulation

Make sure warm air can circulate around pipes by keeping cabinet doors open, especially those located against exterior walls. This allows the warm air from your home to reach the pipes and helps prevent freezing.

5. Set Thermostat Temperature

Maintain a consistent temperature inside your home, particularly at night and when you are away. Lowering the thermostat temperature during these times increases the risk of freezing. It is recommended to keep the temperature above 55 degrees Fahrenheit (12 degrees Celsius).

6. Monitor Weather Forecasts

Stay informed about weather forecasts and pay attention to extremely low temperatures. By knowing when a cold snap is expected, you can take additional precautions to safeguard your plumbing. For instance, you may choose to let faucets drip during very cold nights to prevent the water from freezing.

a man checking for plumbing pipe leaks.

Inspect your plumbing system for any leaks or drips.

Maintenance Tips

In addition to preventive measures, regular maintenance plays a crucial role in keeping your plumbing system in optimal condition during the winter season. By following these tips, you can ensure your plumbing is prepared to withstand the cold:

1. Drain and Insulate Outdoor Plumbing

Before winter sets in, remember to drain and disconnect any outdoor plumbing facilities such as sprinkler systems, fountains, and swimming pool supply lines. Make sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for draining and winterizing these components. Insulating outdoor faucets using foam covers can also provide an extra layer of protection.

2. Check for Leaks

Inspect your plumbing system for any leaks or drips. Even minor leaks can lead to frozen pipes, so it’s essential to address them promptly. Repair any leaks or contact a professional plumber for assistance.

3. Schedule a Professional Inspection

Hiring a professional plumber for an annual inspection is highly recommended. They can identify any potential issues, ensure your plumbing system is in good condition, and provide necessary repairs or maintenance. An experienced plumber will have the expertise to address specific concerns related to cold weather.

4. Consider Installing Insulated Pipes

If you live in an area with extremely low temperatures, you might consider installing insulated pipes. Insulated pipes are designed to withstand colder temperatures and provide an extra layer of protection against freezing.

turn off your water supply before making repairs.

If a pipe bursts or you suspect a leak, locate your main water shut-off valve immediately and turn it off.

Actions During a Cold Snap Disaster

Despite taking preventive measures and conducting regular maintenance, unforeseen circumstances can still lead to a cold snap disaster. If you find yourself facing plumbing issues during freezing temperatures, follow these immediate actions:

1. Shut Off the Water Supply

If a pipe bursts or you suspect a leak, locate your main water shut-off valve immediately and turn it off. This will stop the water flow and minimize potential water damage to your property. Familiarize yourself with the location of the shut-off valve in advance.

2. Open Faucets

After shutting off the water supply, open all the faucets in your home to relieve pressure and assist in the thawing process. As the ice begins to melt, water will start flowing, and this can help prevent further damage.

3. Call a Professional Plumber

Reach out to a licensed plumber who specializes in emergency services to assess the situation and provide necessary repairs. They will have the expertise and equipment to handle frozen pipes, burst pipes, and other plumbing emergencies.

4. Document the Damage

Take photos or videos of the damage for insurance purposes. Documenting the extent of the cold snap disaster and the resulting water damage will help expedite the insurance claims process and ensure proper compensation.


As winter approaches, it is essential to understand the risks associated with cold snap disasters and take appropriate measures to safeguard your plumbing. By implementing preventive measures, conducting regular maintenance, and knowing what to do during a plumbing emergency, you can protect your property from costly water damage and enjoy a worry-free winter season.

Remember, when it comes to plumbing and freezing temperatures, preparation is key. Stay proactive, and don’t hesitate to seek professional assistance when needed. By taking these steps, you can ensure the longevity and functionality of your plumbing system throughout the winter season.

A Guide To Plumbing Maintenance And Repair For Rental Property Owners in Chicago

apartment plumbing maintenance in chicago.

Welcome to the ultimate guide on plumbing maintenance and repair for rental property owners in Chicago. As a property owner, it is crucial to understand the importance of maintaining a well-functioning plumbing system in your rental property. Plumbing issues can cause significant disruption, inconvenience, and financial burden for both you and your tenants. Therefore, proactively addressing plumbing maintenance and repair can save you from future headaches and help maintain a satisfactory living environment for your tenants.

Understanding the Chicago Plumbing System

Before diving into the specifics of plumbing maintenance and repair, it is essential to have a basic understanding of how the plumbing system in Chicago works. Chicago, like most cities, relies on a network of pipes and fixtures to supply clean water and remove wastewater. The city’s plumbing system connects individual buildings to the municipal water supply and sewage disposal system.

The plumbing system in Chicago is subject to local building codes and regulations. It is crucial to familiarize yourself with these guidelines to ensure compliance during maintenance and repair activities. Hiring licensed and certified plumbers for any work on your rental property is highly recommended to ensure quality craftsmanship and adherence to regulations.

Preventive Plumbing Maintenance

Preventive maintenance plays a vital role in preventing plumbing issues from arising in the first place. By implementing a proactive approach, you can minimize emergency repairs and potentially save significant costs. Here are some key preventive maintenance tips:

1. Regular Inspections

Schedule regular inspections of your rental property’s plumbing system. Inspect fixtures, pipes, valves, and drains to identify any signs of leaks, corrosion, or damage. Early detection can prevent minor issues from escalating into major problems.

2. Drain Cleaning

Over time, drains can become clogged with debris and mineral buildup, leading to slow drainage and potential blockages. Implementing routine drain cleaning can help prevent these issues. Consider scheduling professional drain cleaning services or educate your tenants on proper drain maintenance.

3. Water Heater Maintenance

Regular maintenance of the water heater is crucial to ensure its efficient and safe operation. Flush the tank annually to remove sediment buildup and consider inspecting the pressure relief valve for proper functioning. If necessary, consult a professional to perform maintenance tasks.

4. Insulation

Chicago’s harsh winters can pose a threat to your plumbing system. Insulating exposed pipes, especially those located in unheated or exterior areas, can prevent freezing and potential pipe bursts. Adequate insulation not only protects the plumbing system but also aids in energy conservation.

a professional plumber in chicago cleaning out a drain.

Inspect for leaks regularly and repair or replace faulty pipes and faucets immediately.

Common Plumbing Issues and Repairs

Despite the best preventive efforts, plumbing issues may still arise in your rental property. Being aware of the most common problems and their respective repairs can help you promptly address any plumbing emergencies. Here are some common plumbing issues:

1. Leaking Pipes and Faucets

Leaking pipes and faucets waste water and can cause extensive damage if left unattended. Inspect for leaks regularly and repair or replace faulty pipes and faucets immediately.

2. Clogged Drains

Clogged drains are a common issue in any household. Encourage your tenants to avoid disposing of non-biodegradable materials down the drains and provide them with information on how to clear minor clogs using plungers or drain snakes. In severe cases, professional assistance may be required.

3. Running Toilets

A running toilet not only wastes water but can also cause a substantial increase in your water bill. It is typically caused by a faulty flapper valve or a damaged fill valve. These components can be easily replaced, but if you are unfamiliar with toilet repairs, hire a professional plumber.

4. Low Water Pressure

Low water pressure can be caused by various factors, including sediment buildup in pipes or a malfunctioning pressure regulator. Determine the cause of low water pressure and repair or replace the affected components accordingly.

A person fixing pipes.

For complex plumbing repairs or installations, hiring a professional plumber is essential.

Addressing Plumbing Issues

When a plumbing issue arises in your rental property, prompt action is key. It is crucial to respond to your tenant’s concerns promptly and take necessary steps to resolve the issue. Here are some guidelines for addressing plumbing issues:

1. Communication

Establish clear lines of communication with your tenants regarding plumbing issues. Encourage them to report any problems promptly and provide them with emergency contact information for plumbing repairs.

2. Hiring Professional Plumbers

For complex plumbing repairs or installations, hiring a professional plumber is essential. Research reputable plumbing companies in Chicago, request multiple quotes, and verify licenses and certifications before making a decision.

3. Temporary Solutions

In emergency situations, it may be necessary to implement temporary solutions to prevent further damage. Educate yourself on simple fixes like shutting off water valves or using leak sealants until professional help arrives.

4. Documentation

Keep detailed records of all plumbing maintenance and repairs conducted on your rental property. Proper documentation can protect you legally and financially in case disputes arise with tenants or insurance claims need to be filed.

happy rental tenants in chicago.

Happy tenants are more likely to renew their leases and take better care of the property, reducing the risk of damage.

The Importance of Regular Plumbing Maintenance

Regular plumbing maintenance is not just about addressing immediate issues; it is about preserving the long-term integrity and value of your rental property. Here are some key reasons why regular plumbing maintenance is crucial:

1. Cost Savings

By addressing minor plumbing issues promptly, you can prevent them from escalating into major, costly repairs. Regular maintenance allows you to catch problems early on and mitigate potential future expenses.

2. Tenant Satisfaction

Maintaining a well-functioning plumbing system ensures a higher level of tenant satisfaction. Happy tenants are more likely to renew their leases and take better care of the property, reducing the risk of damage.

3. Property Value

A well-maintained plumbing system contributes to the overall value of your rental property. When it comes time to sell, potential buyers will be more attracted to a property that has a history of proper maintenance and fewer plumbing issues.

4. Legal Compliance

Chicago has specific building codes and regulations relating to plumbing systems. Regular maintenance helps ensure compliance with these regulations, protecting you from potential legal issues.


Maintaining and repairing the plumbing system in your rental property is an essential responsibility for every property owner in Chicago. By implementing preventive maintenance strategies, promptly addressing plumbing issues, and hiring residential plumbers when needed, you can ensure the smooth operation of your plumbing system and provide a comfortable living environment for your tenants. Remember, regular plumbing maintenance is not just a financial investment but also an investment in tenant satisfaction, property value, and legal compliance. Incorporate these practices into your property management routine, and you will reap the long-term benefits.

Understanding and Preventing Common Plumbing Problems in Autumn

preventing common plumbing problems in autumn.

The arrival of autumn brings cooler temperatures, falling leaves, and beautiful colors. However, it also brings certain challenges, especially when it comes to plumbing. Many homeowners are unaware of the potential issues that can arise during this season, which can lead to costly repairs and inconveniences. In this article, we will explore some of the common plumbing problems that occur in autumn and provide valuable tips on how to prevent them. Whether you are a homeowner or a tenant, this information will help you protect your plumbing system and maintain the functionality of your home.

The Impact of Seasonal Changes on Your Plumbing System

Before diving into specific issues, it is crucial to understand why autumn can be a challenging time for your plumbing system. As temperatures begin to drop, several factors come into play:

  • Freezing temperatures: In many regions, autumn marks the beginning of freezing temperatures. When this happens, any water left in outdoor pipes, hoses, or sprinkler systems can freeze and expand, leading to burst pipes and significant water damage.
  • Falling leaves and debris: Autumn is known for its stunning foliage, but those leaves can pose a significant threat to your plumbing system. If they accumulate in gutters or downspouts, they can clog the system and cause water to back up into your home.
  • Increased rainfall: In some areas, autumn brings an increase in rainfall. If your gutters and downspouts are not properly maintained, excess rainwater can overflow and create structural damage to your home.

Now that we understand the potential issues, let’s explore some of the most common plumbing problems that you may encounter during the autumn months.

a burst pipe in need of repair.

One of the most common and damaging plumbing problems in autumn is frozen or burst pipes.

1. Burst or Frozen Pipes

One of the most common and damaging plumbing problems in autumn is frozen or burst pipes. When temperatures drop below freezing, any water-filled pipes exposed to the cold can freeze and expand. This expansion puts tremendous pressure on the pipes, causing them to crack or burst. The damage can extend beyond the pipes themselves and impact your walls, floors, and belongings.

To prevent frozen or burst pipes:

  • Insulate exposed pipes: Identify any pipes that are located in unheated areas, such as basements, crawl spaces, or attics. Use pipe insulation or heating tape to protect them from the cold.
  • Drain outdoor faucets and hoses: Disconnect and drain all outdoor hoses to prevent water from freezing inside and potentially damaging the connected pipes.
  • Keep the heat on: If you plan to be away from home during cold weather, set your thermostat to a temperature above freezing to ensure the pipes remain warm.
  • Open cabinet doors: For sinks located against exterior walls, open the cabinet doors to allow warm air to circulate around the pipes.

2. Clogged Gutters and Downspouts

Falling leaves and debris can accumulate in your gutters and downspouts, causing them to become clogged. This prevents water from flowing freely and can lead to serious water damage if left unaddressed. The weight of the debris-filled gutters can also pull away from the house, causing structural damage.

To prevent clogged gutters and downspouts:

  • Clean your gutters regularly: Remove leaves and other debris from your gutters and downspouts at least twice a year, ideally before autumn and after the leaves have fallen.
  • Install gutter guards: Consider installing gutter guards to prevent leaves from entering and clogging the system. This will minimize the need for frequent cleaning.
  • Trim tree branches: If you have trees near your house, trim any overhanging branches that may deposit leaves directly into the gutters.
a failing sump pump in need of repair.

Regularly clean and maintain your sump pump to remove any debris that may hinder its functionality.

3. Sump Pump Failure

A sump pump is a critical component in many homes, especially those with basements or crawl spaces prone to flooding. In autumn, heavy rains can overload your sump pump and cause it to fail. This can lead to basement flooding and extensive water damage.

To prevent sump pump failure:

  • Test your sump pump: Before the rainy season, test your sump pump to ensure it is in proper working order. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for testing.
  • Install a backup power source: Power outages during storms can render your sump pump useless. Consider installing a backup power source, such as a battery-powered sump pump or a generator.
  • Maintain your sump pump: Regularly clean and maintain your sump pump to remove any debris that may hinder its functionality.

4. Septic System Issues

Autumn and heavy rainfall can place significant stress on septic systems. Excess water from heavy rains can oversaturate the drain field, leading to system failure and costly repairs.

To prevent septic system issues:

  • Conserve water: Be mindful of water usage during heavy rainfall periods. Minimize additional strain on the septic system by limiting unnecessary water usage.
  • Fix leaks promptly: Address any leaks or dripping faucets in your home to prevent additional water from entering the septic system.
  • Regularly pump your septic tank: Scheduled septic tank pumping is essential for maintaining a healthy septic system. Consult a professional to determine the appropriate frequency for your tank.


As autumn heralds cooler weather and beautiful landscapes, it is important to be aware of potential plumbing problems that may arise during this season. Understanding the impact of seasonal changes on your plumbing system is the first step towards prevention. By implementing the preventative measures outlined in this article, you can safeguard your home and avoid costly repairs. Remember, if you encounter a plumbing issue that is beyond your capabilities, it is always best to consult a professional plumber to resolve the problem.

Chicago Plumbing Company Price Gouging: True Story

a happy elderly woman who experienced plumbing price gouging in chicago.

Welcome to our article investigating the alleged price gouging practices of a plumbing company operating in the city of Chicago. As plumbing issues can often arise unexpectedly and require urgent attention, it is important for homeowners and businesses to be aware of potential unethical practices that may occur within the industry.

We write this article after receiving a call from an elderly woman who was smart enough to call us after her son told her this other company was price gouging. We were able to bring a sigh of relief and tears of joy over the phone with this woman, which made everyone happy in the end.

The Plumbing Industry in Chicago

Before delving into the specific case of price gouging, let’s take a moment to understand the plumbing industry in Chicago. As a bustling metropolitan hub, Chicago is home to numerous plumbing companies, ranging from small local businesses to larger corporations.

Many of these businesses offer a wide range of services, including pipe installation, repairs, maintenance, and emergency call-outs. With a growing population and infrastructure, the demand for plumbers in the city has been steadily increasing.

The Alleged Price Gouging Incident

It is crucial to highlight that price gouging is an illegal practice in most jurisdictions, including Chicago. Price gouging occurs when a company unfairly raises the prices of its goods or services during times of high demand or emergency situations.

In this particular incident, a Chicago-based plumbing company has been accused of taking advantage of customers’ urgent plumbing needs and significantly overcharging for their services. The company allegedly charged exorbitant prices for simple repairs and basic maintenance, which were far above industry standards (56%!).

Impact on Customers

The alleged price gouging practices of this plumbing company not only affect customers’ wallets but also erode trust in the industry as a whole. Many customers have reported feeling cheated, taken advantage of, and left with no choice but to pay the inflated prices due to the urgency of their plumbing issues.

Moreover, price gouging can have a long-lasting impact on customers’ perception of plumbing services in general. Once trust is broken, it becomes harder for consumers to differentiate between genuine and dishonest providers, leading to skepticism and reluctance to seek professional help when needed.

price gouging plumbing estimate.

It is advisable to research and compare prices among different plumbing companies before committing to any specific service provider.

Identifying Price Gouging

While it may be difficult to identify price gouging until after the fact, there are some indicators that customers can watch out for to protect themselves from such practices:

  • Significant price discrepancies: If the cost of services offered by a plumbing company vastly exceeds the average market rates, it may be a clear indicator of price gouging.
  • Lack of transparency: Beware of companies that fail to provide detailed explanations for pricing, refuse to provide written estimates, or seem evasive when questioned about their charges.
  • Unjustified urgency: Some unethical companies may exaggerate the urgency of a plumbing issue to justify higher prices. Always take a moment to assess the situation and consult multiple professionals if possible.
  • Research and comparisons: It is advisable to research and compare prices among different plumbing companies before committing to any specific service provider. This helps in understanding the average market rates and identifying potential outliers.

Legal Actions and Consumer Protection

Authorities in Chicago take price gouging allegations seriously and have measures in place to protect consumers against unfair business practices. In the event of suspected price gouging, affected customers should:

  • Gather evidence: Maintain copies of invoices, receipts, or any form of communication with the plumbing company as proof of the alleged price gouging.
  • File a complaint: Reach out to local consumer protection agencies, such as the Better Business Bureau, or contact the Attorney General’s office to report the incident and file a formal complaint.


Price gouging within the plumbing industry is a serious concern that jeopardizes trust between service providers and customers. While the alleged incident discussed in this article highlights an unfortunate case, it is essential to understand that such practices are not representative of the entire industry.

As consumers, it is important to remain vigilant, educate ourselves on industry standards, and be aware of our rights. By doing so, we can protect ourselves and hold businesses accountable for fair pricing practices. Remember, price gouging is illegal, and there are legal measures in place to safeguard consumer interests.

Be proactive, informed, and cautious when seeking plumbing services in Chicago to ensure that you receive fair and transparent pricing for your plumbing needs.

The Essential Guide to Home Renovations

home renovations.

Renovating a home can be an intimidating process, but it does not have to be. With the right amount of research and planning, you can turn your house into a home that is comfortable and functional for you and your family. If you have a home remodel project on the horizon, Chicago Plumbing Experts invites you to take a look at what you need to consider.

Types of Home Renovation Projects

There are several different types of projects you can undertake. These include kitchen and bathroom remodeling, adding office space, replacing windows and doors, installing new flooring or countertops, painting rooms and walls, installing lighting fixtures or ceiling fans, and more. It is important to think through which projects will best suit your needs and lifestyle before making a commitment.

Before you begin, it’s also a good idea to research the home prices in your area and calculate how much your renovations might increase your home’s overall value. For instance, in Chicago, the median home sale price is $340K. Should you decide to sell your home down the road, how much value will your renovations add, versus the cost of putting them into place?

Plumbing Upgrades

When updating plumbing during a home renovation, it’s important to consider not just the function but the aesthetics as well. Choose durable and high-quality plumbing fixtures that will perform well and look great for years to come. Consult with a local plumbing professional like Chicago Plumbing Experts to ensure you get the high quality plumbing you will need over the years.

Additionally, updating plumbing can be an opportunity to add some style to your space, with stylish faucets, unique sink designs, and other custom features that reflect your personal taste. Ultimately, paying attention to the details of your plumbing during a renovation will ensure that your space is both functional and beautiful.

Is It a Home Office You Want?

If your intention is to remodel for a home office, taking time to plan for your desired result will ensure your home renovation is more efficient. For example, as part of your initial plan, focus on adding plenty of natural light (a must for any home office), and remember to include insulation and even ergonomic design in your plan.

Identify any potential areas that require additional assistance with wiring, equipment, or mounting technology such as computers or television monitors. And as a bonus, with a little work, your home office can also serve as a guest room when you need it!

Something else to bear in mind: if you’re going to be doing lots of work in your office, you want it to be a place you’ll enjoy being in. As previously mentioned, natural light can help, but you can also reduce the stress you’ll experience while working if you take advantage of tools that can streamline your efforts.

Sourcing a Contractor

Once you have decided on the type of project you want, the next step is finding a reliable contractor who can bring your ideas to life. Look for established contractors with years of experience in the areas they specialize in, and ensure they have positive reviews from their clients. Ask them questions about their approach to projects like yours so that you can get a better idea of whether they are the right fit for your needs.

Share Your Ideas Clearly

Once you find the right contractor for your project(s), clearly communicate your expectations about the work that needs to be done as well as any other ideas or special requests you may have. Make sure both parties agree on these details before any work begins so that there are no misunderstandings along the way.

Try to Establish a Solid Timeline

Next up is creating an overall timeline for when key milestones need to be completed as well as daily schedules for each task. This helps keep everyone on track throughout the project so that it is completed on time without sacrificing quality workmanship along the way. It’s important to remember that projects can and do go over time and budget, but when you set expectations clearly from the beginning, there’s a better chance of sticking to a schedule.

Costs and Budgeting

Home renovation projects offer countless possibilities for personalizing and improving your home. To make sure you don’t get overwhelmed or discouraged by unforeseen costs, it’s essential to plan every step of the project from start to finish. Of course, budgeting is an important part of this process and will require careful research into labor, tools, materials, and permitting requirements. Allocate a generous amount toward unexpected expenses, such as emergency repairs or additional supplies – it’s better to come prepared than to be caught off guard.

Apps the Contractors Use

Additionally, it helps to get an idea of the types of apps or software programs contractors may use during specific phases of construction. These platforms can help streamline certain processes while also providing detailed visuals throughout various stages for everyone involved in construction to stay organized and on-task throughout all phases of renovation.

Getting a Home Warranty

After completing a home remodeling project, it can be a great relief that the work is done…for now! To make sure you are covered in case anything goes wrong in the future, getting a home warranty may be your best bet. Not only will it give you peace of mind knowing that your newly renovated appliances and fixtures are covered under a comprehensive plan, but many home warranties offer benefits such as discounts for preventative measures like annual HVAC checkups and water heater maintenance.

Design a Home You’ll Love

Home renovations can be challenging. However, with a little know-how and preparation, home renovations can also be a highly worthwhile and fulfilling choice that leads to great results. Make your dream improvements come true with the right guidance by following the tips above.

Plumber Repair for Older Homes: Challenges and Solutions

a plumber repairing older home plumbing.

In this article, we will explore the challenges faced in repairing plumbing systems in older homes and discuss possible solutions to overcome these challenges. Older homes often have unique plumbing infrastructure and materials that require specialized knowledge and techniques. The purpose of this article is to provide guidance and insights to homeowners, plumbers, and anyone involved in the repair and maintenance of plumbing systems in older homes.

The Importance of Plumbing Repair in Older Homes

Plumbing systems play a crucial role in any home, and this is especially true for older homes. As homes age, their plumbing systems tend to deteriorate and become less efficient. They are more susceptible to leaks, clogs, and damage, potentially causing significant issues such as water damage, mold growth, and even structural damage.

Regular maintenance and timely repairs are essential to ensure the functionality and longevity of the plumbing system in older homes. Neglecting plumbing problems can lead to costly repairs and compromise the safety and comfort of the residents.

Challenges in Repairing Plumbing Systems in Older Homes

Repairing plumbing systems in older homes presents unique challenges due to several factors. Let’s explore some of the most common challenges:

Outdated Plumbing Materials

Many older homes were constructed using materials that are no longer in common use. These materials, such as cast iron, galvanized steel, and lead pipes, may present various challenges during repairs. For example, lead water pipes may need to be replaced due to health concerns, while corroded galvanized steel pipes may cause reduced water flow and require extensive repairs or replacements.

Inaccessible Pipework

The layout and design of older homes often make it challenging to access and repair the plumbing system. Pipes may be hidden behind walls, under floors, or in crawl spaces, which may require additional effort and expertise to address any issues. The need for accessing these hidden areas can result in additional costs and may involve temporary disruptions to the residents.

a plumber providing a home buyer with a plumbing inspection.

When repairing plumbing systems in older homes, it’s essential to comply with modern plumbing codes.

Multiple Plumbing Code Updates

Plumbing codes have evolved significantly over the years to ensure safety and efficiency. When repairing plumbing systems in older homes, it’s essential to comply with modern plumbing codes. This may involve updating the system to meet the current standards, such as installing pressure regulators, backflow preventers, or additional shut-off valves.

Fragile and Aging Components

Components of the plumbing system, such as faucets, valves, and fixtures, typically have a limited lifespan. In older homes, these components are often older and more susceptible to wear and tear. Replacing these fragile and aging components requires careful handling to avoid further damage while ensuring compatibility with the existing system.

Possible Solutions

While repairing plumbing systems in older homes can be challenging, there are several solutions to address these difficulties and ensure the longevity and quality of the repaired system:

Hiring Experienced Plumbers

Engaging experienced plumbers who specialize in working with older homes can make a significant difference. These professionals possess the necessary skills, knowledge, and expertise to navigate the challenges specific to older home plumbing systems. They can efficiently diagnose issues, offer suitable solutions, and carry out repairs with minimal disruption to the residents.

Thorough Inspection and Planning

Before commencing any repairs, it is essential to conduct a thorough inspection of the entire plumbing system. This inspection will help identify potential issues and develop a comprehensive repair plan. By investing time in meticulous planning, homeowners and plumbers can prioritize repairs, estimate costs accurately, and minimize unforeseen surprises during the repair process.

a plumber upgrading a customers plumbing.

Replacing outdated materials, such as lead pipes or corroded steel, with modern, durable, and code-compliant materials can enhance the reliability and safety of the plumbing system.

Upgrading Plumbing Infrastructure

In some cases, upgrading the plumbing infrastructure in older homes may be necessary. Replacing outdated materials, such as lead pipes or corroded steel, with modern, durable, and code-compliant materials can enhance the reliability and safety of the plumbing system. Upgrades may also involve installing shut-off valves, pressure regulators, and other components to meet current code requirements.

Preserving Historical Features

For owners of historical homes, preserving the unique character and aesthetic features of the plumbing system is crucial. Experienced plumbers can work closely with preservation experts to find innovative solutions that blend modern functionality with the historical charm of the home. By carefully considering preservation needs, homeowners can maintain the integrity of their older homes while improving the plumbing system.

Regular Maintenance and Preventive Measures

Prevention is key to minimizing plumbing issues in older homes. Implementing a regular maintenance routine and conducting preventive measures, such as drain cleaning, pipe insulation, and periodic inspections, can help identify potential problems early on and prevent major repairs down the line. Homeowners should also be mindful of their water usage habits and avoid putting undue stress on the plumbing system.


Repairing plumbing systems in older homes requires specialized knowledge, skills, and techniques due to the unique challenges they present. However, with the right approach and professional assistance, these challenges can be overcome effectively. By focusing on thorough inspections, careful planning, and utilizing suitable solutions, homeowners can ensure the reliability, safety, and longevity of their plumbing systems in older homes. Regular maintenance and preventive measures also play a vital role in preventing major issues and preserving the charm of these cherished homes for generations to come.

5 Convenient Tips for Maintaining Your Plumbing in Chicago

maintaining your plumbing is important in chicago.

Proper maintenance of your plumbing system is essential for the smooth functioning of your home in Chicago. From ensuring efficient water flow to preventing costly repairs, taking care of your plumbing can save you time, money, and headaches down the line. In this article, we will provide you with five convenient tips to help you maintain your plumbing system effectively.

1. Regularly Check for Leaks

One of the most common plumbing issues homeowners face is leaks. Even a small leak can waste gallons of water and lead to higher water bills. Regularly checking for leaks can help you detect and address them early on, saving you from significant water damage and costly repairs. Here are a few areas you should inspect for leaks:

  • Under sinks
  • Around toilets
  • Behind appliances such as washing machines and dishwashers
  • In the basement or crawl spaces
  • Around water heaters

If you notice any signs of leaks, such as dampness, water stains, or an increase in your water bill, it is important to address them promptly. You can fix minor leaks with plumber’s tape or pipe sealant, but for larger leaks or complicated issues, it is best to call a professional plumber.

2. Avoid Chemical Drain Cleaners

Clogged drains are another common plumbing problem that many homeowners face. While it may be tempting to reach for a chemical drain cleaner from the store, it is best to avoid them. These products may provide a temporary fix but can cause long-term damage to your plumbing system.

The harsh chemicals in drain cleaners can corrode your pipes, leading to leaks and even pipe bursts. Instead, consider using natural methods to unclog drains, such as a combination of baking soda and vinegar or a drain snake. If you are dealing with persistent or severe clogs, it is advisable to seek professional help.

3. Insulate Exposed Pipes

During the cold winter months, the freezing temperatures in Chicago can pose a threat to your plumbing system. Exposed pipes are particularly vulnerable to freezing, which can cause them to burst, leading to water damage and expensive repairs. To prevent this, it is important to insulate any exposed pipes in your home.

You can use foam pipe insulation or heat tape to protect your pipes from the freezing temperatures. Make sure to cover both hot and cold water pipes, as both can freeze and burst. Additionally, if you have outdoor faucets, consider installing faucet covers to provide an extra layer of protection.

4. Avoid Overloading Your Garbage Disposal

Your garbage disposal can be a convenient tool in the kitchen, but it is important to use it properly to prevent clogs and damage. Avoid overloading your garbage disposal with large amounts of food waste or non-food items. Here are a few tips to keep in mind:

  • Run cold water while using the garbage disposal to help flush the waste down the drain.
  • Cut larger food items into smaller pieces before disposing of them.
  • Avoid putting fibrous or starchy foods such as potato peels, celery, or corn husks down the disposal.
  • Never pour grease or oil down the drain as it can solidify and cause clogs.

By following these guidelines, you can prevent unnecessary strain on your garbage disposal and ensure its longevity.

5. Schedule Professional Maintenance

While regular maintenance tasks can go a long way in preserving your plumbing system, it is also important to schedule professional maintenance annually. Hiring a nearby plumber to inspect your plumbing system can help catch potential issues before they escalate, saving you from costly repairs in the future.

During a professional maintenance visit, the plumber will perform a thorough inspection of your plumbing system, including checking for leaks, testing water pressure, inspecting pipes, and identifying any potential concerns. They can also provide advice on maintenance techniques specific to your home’s plumbing setup.

In Conclusion

By following these five convenient tips, you can effectively maintain your plumbing system in Chicago and avoid major plumbing issues. Regularly checking for leaks, avoiding chemical drain cleaners, insulating exposed pipes, using your garbage disposal properly, and scheduling professional maintenance can all contribute to the longevity and efficiency of your plumbing system. Remember, prevention is key when it comes to plumbing maintenance, so it is important to address any concerns promptly to avoid more significant problems in the future.

A Proactive Approach to Residential Plumbing Maintenance: Identifying and Preventing Common Issues

residential plumbing maintenance.

Problems in your home’s plumbing don’t just happen overnight. Most times, they take weeks or months to unfold. The reason a lot of the plumbing issues in homes happen as emergencies is because the early signs of the problem are undetected or they were overlooked.

Because most plumbing issues in the home are preceded by warning signs, it is possible to prevent them. If you are keen to minimize your plumbing maintenance costs and prolong the life of your plumbing, Rockbridge Real Estate says you need a system for early detection and quick resolution of problems.

In this post, we identify four of the most common plumbing issues in homes and explain what you can do to prevent them.

4 common plumbing issues in homes and how to prevent and solve them

Clogged drains

Clogged drains happen when solid or semi-solid materials inside the drainpipes prevent wastewater from flowing freely through the drainage system.

Causes of drain clogs:

  • Hair inside shower drains
  • Dumping grease into the kitchen sink
  • Flushing materials other than toilet paper and human waste into the toilet
  • Too much soap scum mixing with grease inside the drains
  • Small items that fall into the toilet or other drains

Signs of a clogged drain include:

  • Slow draining sink or shower
  • Water collecting in toilet bowl instead of flushing
  • Gurgling sounds when you flush the toilet
  • Movement in nearby drains when you use the washer
  • Odor of sewage gases in the home

How to prevent the problem:

  • Install strainers over drain openings
  • Never pour grease into the drain
  • Only flush toilet paper into your toilet
  • Call a professional plumber if you see any of the above signs
  • Have the drainage system inspected and cleaned once a year

leaky pipes in a home.

Leaky faucets and pipes

A leaky pipe won’t only waste water and increase your water bills but can cause massive damage to flooring, walls, cabinets and even the building foundation. The main problem with leaky pipes is the problem is notoriously hard to detect. That is because pipes are often found in inaccessible parts of the home. Leaky faucets, on their part, will also waste your water, but they are more of a nuisance due to the irritating sound of constant dripping.


  • Excessive water pressure can cause pipes to leak
  • Extreme temperature changes will cause pipes to freeze and burst
  • Sediments inside pipes can also make them prone to leak
  • Weak pipe joints will cause leaks
  • In faucets, the main cause of leaks is a damaged washer

Signs of leaky pipes and faucets:

Preventing the problem:

  • Since leaks are mostly caused by wear and tear, a yearly pipe inspection is the best way to prevent the problem
  • Knowing how to prepare the plumbing for winter will help prevent frozen pipes

Water pressure issues

All water pressure issues in the home are bad. But it is low water pressure that usually gets the homeowner’s attention because it makes simple things like taking a shower, washing clothes or doing the dishes hard. High water pressure is worse than low water pressure because excessive water pressure will damage appliances and make the plumbing more likely to leak.


  • The problem may be from the municipal water supply
  • Leaking pipes and faucets can divert water pressure
  • Overuse of water in the home; too many plumbing fixtures being used at once
  • Pipes diameter has been narrowed by sediments
  • Clogged faucet aerators and showerheads

How to prevent the problem:

  • Clean faucet aerator and showerhead with vinegar to remove sediments
  • Install a water filtration system to prevent sedimentation
  • Contact the utility company to report the problem
  • Check pipes on a schedule to detect leaks

a plumber replacing a water heater in chicago.

Water heater issues

Water heater issues are particularly dangerous because of the risk of electric shocks, fires and explosions. Common water heater issues include;

  • Discolored water
  • Noises from the water heater
  • No or inadequate hot water
  • Puddles beneath the water heater tank
  • Excessively hot water from the water heater

The majority of the issues highlighted are caused by sedimentation inside the water heater tank. Sediments will not only discolor the water. It can prevent effective heating. Sediments will also cause your water heater to leak.

How to prevent water heater problems:

  • Tank water heaters should be drained at least once a year
  • Replace essential components like the anode rod when needed
  • Once a year, have the water heater checked for leaks and other problems
  • Install a water filtration system to prevent sedimentation inside the water heater

To conclude, the two most vital steps for spotting or preventing plumbing issues in your home are;

  • Regular inspections, and
  • Knowing the signs of different plumbing problems

If you can spot the signs of an impending issue and get a professional plumber near you to fix them, your plumbing will be just fine.

The Road to Recovery: Professional Strategies for Efficiently Rehabilitating Your Plumbing System After Heavy Rain and Flooding

strategies to rehabilitate your plumbing

Heavy rain and flooding can wreak havoc on the plumbing system of your home or business. From water damage to pipe blockages, the aftermath of such events requires immediate action to rehabilitate your plumbing system and restore its functionality. In this article, we will discuss professional strategies that can efficiently help you recover from the effects of heavy rain and flooding.

Assessing the Damage

The first step in rehabilitating your plumbing system after heavy rain and flooding is to assess the damage. This involves inspecting all areas where water might have entered, such as basements, crawl spaces, and outdoor drainage systems. Look for signs of water damage like damp walls, standing water, or musty odors. Identify any visible cracks or leaks in pipes, plumbing fixtures, or sewage lines. It is crucial to understand the extent of the damage to determine the necessary repair and rehabilitation procedures.

Water Extraction and Drying

Once the damage has been assessed, it is necessary to remove any standing water and initiate the drying process. Water extraction can be done using pumps or wet/dry vacuums, depending on the volume of water. Ensure that all affected areas are thoroughly dried to prevent mold growth and further damage. Utilize dehumidifiers and fans to enhance the drying process.

the science behind hydro jetting.

Clearing Drainage Systems

Heavy rains and flooding can lead to debris buildup in drainage systems, causing blockages and potential backups. It is crucial to clear these systems to restore proper water flow. If you have outdoor drains, remove any visible debris, leaves, or mud that might be obstructing the drainage paths. For interior drainage systems, professional plumbers can use specialized equipment such as drain snakes or hydro-jetting to clear any clogs.

Inspecting and Repairing Water Supply Lines

After heavy rains and flooding, it is essential to inspect your water supply lines for any damages or leaks. Inspect both exposed and concealed pipes for cracks, leaks, or corrosion caused by the excess water exposure. Professionally trained plumbers can identify and repair such damages efficiently. Any damaged pipes or fittings should be replaced promptly to avoid further complications.

Cleaning and Sanitizing

Once the damaged plumbing components have been repaired or replaced, it is crucial to thoroughly clean and sanitize your plumbing system. This step ensures that any contaminants or pathogens carried by floodwaters are eliminated, safeguarding your health and preventing future issues. Clean all fixtures, drains, and pipes using appropriate disinfectants and sanitizers recommended by professionals.

a completed sump pump installation.

Preventive Measures for Future Protection

After rehabilitating your plumbing system, it is vital to take preventive measures to protect your property from future heavy rain and flooding damages. Consider installing a sump pump system, backwater valves to prevent sewage backups, and waterproofing measures to protect basements or crawl spaces. Regular inspections and maintenance of your plumbing system can help identify potential issues before they escalate into significant problems.


Rehabilitating your plumbing system after heavy rain and flooding requires a systematic approach to ensure efficient recovery. Assessing the damage, extracting water, clearing drainage systems, inspecting and repairing water supply lines, cleaning, sanitizing, and implementing preventive measures are all crucial steps in this process. Professional plumbers can provide valuable expertise and assistance throughout the rehabilitation process, ensuring the long-term functionality and durability of your plumbing system.