Tag Archives: plumbing tips

Plumbing Problems vs. Plumbing Emergencies: What Every Homeowner Should Know

a man experiencing plumbing problems.

Problems in your home’s plumbing system are unavoidable, but emergencies in your plumbing system are not. Plumbing emergencies do not have to happen. Homeowners often conflate plumbing problems with plumbing emergencies, but they are not the same according to AIM Real Estate, Inc.

While plumbing emergencies should not ever have to happen in your home, there is nothing you can do to stop plumbing problems from occurring. Problems in your plumbing WILL happen, but if you ignore those problems, they WILL become plumbing emergencies.

Today, we discuss the difference between plumbing problems and plumbing emergencies.

This post will show you the link between plumbing problems and plumbing emergencies. When you finish reading this article, you will see why having plumbing problems in your home should not mean that you will also have plumbing emergencies.

Plumbing problems

These are routine issues that happen in the plumbing system. They are the natural consequences of using the plumbing in the prescribed manner. Plumbing problems stem from wear and tear or aging. They will typically not stop you from using your home’s plumbing fixtures.

Most plumbing problems are not urgent. So you can DIY the problems. Because they are not disruptive, plumbing problems are typically detected during routine use of the plumbing fixtures, and they are solved as part of the home’s regular plumbing maintenance.

Examples of plumbing problems include:

A dripping faucet

The sound of a dripping faucet may be annoying enough to keep you up at night, and the problem can inflate your home’s water bills. But you will still be able to use your faucet despite the issue.

Slow drains

Slow drains are a huge inconvenience and a massive waste of your time (especially if you have to wait for a sink or shower to empty), but they don’t bring your life to an abrupt stop.

Running toilet

Similar to a dripping faucet, a runny toilet is a huge annoyance and a massive waste of money. But this problem will not make your toilet unusable or expose your home to the risk of damage.

Low water pressure

This is another highly frustrating plumbing issue that will waste your time and impair your shower time enjoyment. But you can still live with a low water pressure in your home.

Pipe leaks

Depending on how it happens, pipe leaks are not necessarily an emergency. Leaking pipes that do not damage your flooring, walls, foundation, or landscaping are not an urgent problem.

From the above, you can see that plumbing problems are not pressing. They don’t endanger the structures of your building or prevent the use of your home’s plumbing fixtures.

a burst pipe is considered a plumbing emergency.

It is hard to go to sleep when there is a gaping hole in your water pipe, discharging gallons of water into your home. This problem can result in structural damage to your home and massive property loss.

Plumbing emergencies

Emergencies in the home are generally described as those problems that make your home unlivable, and plumbing emergencies fit this description. Plumbing emergencies typically announce themselves by the amount of damage they can do in a short time.

Plumbing emergencies cannot be ignored or solved with DIY methods because speed is vital when dealing with plumbing emergencies. A plumbing emergency’s highly disruptive nature means that it only worsens the longer it takes to solve the issue.

Examples of plumbing emergencies include:

A burst pipe

It is hard to go to sleep when there is a gaping hole in your water pipe, discharging gallons of water into your home. This problem can result in structural damage to your home and massive property loss.

Sewage backup

If raw sewage is oozing from your toilet and floor drains, that is a plumbing emergency. This issue will make your home unlivable and expose you to the risk of ill health. It must be solved immediately.

Gas leaks

A gas leak carries the threat of house fires and death by suffocation. That is not a problem you can afford to ignore. Nor is it one you should attempt to DIY.


Whether caused by damage to your home’s plumbing or extreme weather events, a flood inside your home qualifies as an emergency because it is disruptive and very destructive.

No water in your home

A sudden break in your home’s water supply qualifies as an emergency because the presence of potable water is one of the key things that make a home livable.

Relationship between plumbing problems and plumbing emergencies

Most plumbing emergencies begin as plumbing problems.

When those plumbing problems are undiscovered, ignored or poorly solved, they degenerate to a point where they cause a disaster in the home. That is why the best way to prevent plumbing emergencies in your home is to deal with plumbing problems as soon as you find them.

To stop plumbing emergencies in your home, follow these steps:

  • Have a professional inspect your home’s plumbing on a schedule every year
  • Have your drains professionally cleaned at least once a year
  • Make sure plumbing issues are properly fixed as soon as they are detected

Lastly, you want to ensure that you have a certified and experienced emergency plumber whom you can trust to find and fix the plumbing problems in your home before those issues grow into highly damaging and costly plumbing emergencies.

Essential Tips for Preventing Leaks and Keeping Your Plumbing System in Top Shape

a plumber working on a plumbing system.

Having a functioning plumbing system is essential for any home or building. A well-maintained plumbing system not only ensures the flow of clean water but also promotes the removal of waste efficiently. However, leaks in the plumbing system can occur over time due to wear and tear or other factors. These leaks can lead to water damage, increased water bills, and even mold growth. To prevent such issues and keep your plumbing system in top shape, it is important to follow some essential tips. In this article, we will discuss various preventive measures and maintenance practices that can help you avoid leaks and ensure the longevity of your plumbing system.

Regular Inspection

One of the key ways to prevent leaks in your plumbing system is by conducting regular inspections. This allows you to identify any signs of potential leaks or other issues before they turn into major problems. Inspect the visible plumbing pipes for signs of corrosion, rust, or leaks. Look for any water stains on ceilings, walls, or floors, as they can indicate a hidden leak. Additionally, check for dripping faucets, loose or worn-out connections, and water pressure irregularities. By inspecting your plumbing system regularly, you can catch problems early on and address them promptly.

Maintain Proper Water Pressure

Water pressure that is too high can put excessive strain on your plumbing system, leading to leaks and other issues. It is important to maintain appropriate water pressure to prevent unnecessary stress on the pipes. You can use a water pressure gauge to measure the pressure and ensure it falls within the recommended range, usually between 40 to 80 psi (pounds per square inch). If the pressure is too high, consider installing a pressure regulator to regulate the flow of water and prevent potential damage to your plumbing system.

Insulate Exposed Pipes

In cold climates, it is crucial to insulate exposed pipes to prevent them from freezing and potentially bursting. Frozen pipes can lead to significant water damage and costly repairs. Insulation sleeves or foam insulation can help protect the pipes from freezing temperatures. Additionally, insulating the pipes can also help conserve energy by reducing heat loss as the water travels through them. Make sure to insulate both hot and cold water pipes.

dont pour grease down your drains.

When grease and oil are poured down the drain, they can solidify and block the pipes over time.

Properly Dispose of Grease and Food Waste

Improper disposal of grease, oil, and food waste can cause clogs in your plumbing system. When grease and oil are poured down the drain, they can solidify and block the pipes over time, leading to backups and potential leaks. Instead of pouring grease down the drain, let it cool and dispose of it in a sealed container. Use strainers or drain guards to catch food particles and prevent them from going down the drain. By properly disposing of grease and food waste, you can avoid unnecessary plumbing problems.

Be Mindful of What You Flush

Toilets are not designed to handle anything other than human waste and toilet paper. Flushing items such as paper towels, feminine hygiene products, or cleaning wipes can cause blockages in your plumbing system and lead to leaks or backups. Educate everyone in your household or building about what can and cannot be flushed down the toilet. Provide clearly marked trash bins in the bathroom to encourage proper disposal.

Avoid DIY Plumbing Repairs

While it can be tempting to try and fix plumbing issues yourself, it is generally best to leave repairs to the professionals. Improper repairs can result in further damage and potentially worsen leaks. Hiring a licensed plumber ensures that the repairs are done correctly and effectively. Additionally, professional plumbers have the necessary tools and expertise to identify and address underlying problems that may not be apparent to the untrained eye.

Regular Maintenance

Regular maintenance is essential for keeping your plumbing system in top shape. Here are a few maintenance practices to consider:

1. Drain Cleaning

Over time, debris, hair, and other substances can accumulate in your drains, leading to clogs. Schedule regular drain cleaning to prevent blockages and maintain proper drainage. You can use a plunger or an eco-friendly drain cleaner to clear minor blockages. For more stubborn clogs, consider contacting a professional plumber.

2. Water Heater Maintenance

Your water heater plays a crucial role in your plumbing system. It is important to maintain it properly to ensure its longevity and efficiency. Regularly drain and flush the water heater to remove sediment buildup. Check the pressure relief valve and ensure it is functioning correctly. If you notice any issues or unusual noises coming from the water heater, contact a professional for inspection and repairs.

3. Check for Leaks

Periodically check all faucets, showerheads, and toilets for leaks. Even a small, unnoticed leak can waste a significant amount of water over time. Repair any leaks promptly to prevent further damage and conserve water.

4. Septic Tank Maintenance

If you have a septic system, regular maintenance is essential to prevent leaks and keep it functioning properly. Have your septic system inspected and pumped at recommended intervals. Avoid flushing harmful chemicals or large quantities of non-biodegradable substances down the drain, as they can disrupt the natural balance of the septic tank.

5. Professional Inspections

Hiring a professional plumber for periodic inspections can help catch potential issues early on. They can perform thorough checks of your plumbing system and identify any underlying problems that may not be visible to the untrained eye.

In Conclusion

Preventing leaks and maintaining a well-functioning plumbing system is crucial for the overall health and efficiency of your home or building. By following the essential tips mentioned in this article, such as conducting regular inspections, maintaining proper water pressure, and practicing regular maintenance, you can keep your plumbing system in top shape and avoid costly repairs. Remember, when in doubt, always consult a professional plumber to ensure that your plumbing system receives the care it deserves.

Cold Snap Disasters: How to Safeguard Your Plumbing During Winter Season

during winter time it is important to safeguard your plumbing.

As the winter season approaches, it brings along with it the beauty of snowfall and the joy of the holiday season. However, it also brings the risk of cold snap disasters, especially when it comes to your plumbing system. Freezing temperatures can lead to burst pipes, frozen fixtures, and costly water damage if not properly addressed.

In this article, we will explore the steps you can take as a homeowner to safeguard your plumbing during the winter season. We will discuss preventive measures, maintenance tips, and important actions to take in case of a cold snap disaster. By following these guidelines, you can minimize the risk of plumbing issues and ensure a stress-free winter.

Understanding Cold Snap Disasters

Before we dive into the preventive measures, let’s understand what cold snap disasters entail. A cold snap refers to a sudden drop in temperature over a relatively short period. When temperatures plummet, the water inside your plumbing system can freeze, causing pipes to burst and fixtures to become non-functional.

When water freezes, it expands and exerts pressure on the pipes, leading to cracks or complete ruptures. As a result, when the ice thaws, the water leaks out of the damaged pipes, causing significant water damage to your property.

It is vital to note that not all pipes are equally susceptible to freezing. Outdoor pipes, exposed pipes in unheated areas, and pipes located in exterior walls are particularly vulnerable. However, even indoor pipes can freeze if the cold air enters your home through cracks or openings.

a man prepping for winter by sealing his windows.

Use weather-stripping or caulk to seal these gaps and prevent the chilly air from affecting your indoor plumbing.

Preventive Measures

Prevention is always better than cure, and this adage holds true when it comes to safeguarding your plumbing during the winter season. By taking the following preventive measures, you can significantly reduce the chances of encountering cold snap disasters:

1. Insulate Exposed Pipes

Start by identifying any pipes that are exposed to the cold air and insulate them with pipe insulation. Pipe sleeves or heat tape can be used to provide extra protection. Focus on pipes located in unheated areas such as basements, attics, garages, and crawl spaces. Insulating these pipes will help maintain a warmer temperature and prevent freezing.

2. Seal Cracks and Openings

Inspect your home for any cracks or openings that allow cold air to enter. Use weather-stripping or caulk to seal these gaps and prevent the chilly air from affecting your indoor plumbing. Pay close attention to areas near pipes, such as windows, doors, and vents.

3. Disconnect Outdoor Hoses and Faucets

Prior to the onset of freezing temperatures, remember to disconnect and drain outdoor hoses completely. Leaving hoses attached can lead to water freezing inside the hose and causing damage to both the hose and the faucet it is connected to. Moreover, it is recommended to install freeze-proof faucets that automatically shut off the water supply when temperatures drop.

4. Allow Warm Air Circulation

Make sure warm air can circulate around pipes by keeping cabinet doors open, especially those located against exterior walls. This allows the warm air from your home to reach the pipes and helps prevent freezing.

5. Set Thermostat Temperature

Maintain a consistent temperature inside your home, particularly at night and when you are away. Lowering the thermostat temperature during these times increases the risk of freezing. It is recommended to keep the temperature above 55 degrees Fahrenheit (12 degrees Celsius).

6. Monitor Weather Forecasts

Stay informed about weather forecasts and pay attention to extremely low temperatures. By knowing when a cold snap is expected, you can take additional precautions to safeguard your plumbing. For instance, you may choose to let faucets drip during very cold nights to prevent the water from freezing.

a man checking for plumbing pipe leaks.

Inspect your plumbing system for any leaks or drips.

Maintenance Tips

In addition to preventive measures, regular maintenance plays a crucial role in keeping your plumbing system in optimal condition during the winter season. By following these tips, you can ensure your plumbing is prepared to withstand the cold:

1. Drain and Insulate Outdoor Plumbing

Before winter sets in, remember to drain and disconnect any outdoor plumbing facilities such as sprinkler systems, fountains, and swimming pool supply lines. Make sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for draining and winterizing these components. Insulating outdoor faucets using foam covers can also provide an extra layer of protection.

2. Check for Leaks

Inspect your plumbing system for any leaks or drips. Even minor leaks can lead to frozen pipes, so it’s essential to address them promptly. Repair any leaks or contact a professional plumber for assistance.

3. Schedule a Professional Inspection

Hiring a professional plumber for an annual inspection is highly recommended. They can identify any potential issues, ensure your plumbing system is in good condition, and provide necessary repairs or maintenance. An experienced plumber will have the expertise to address specific concerns related to cold weather.

4. Consider Installing Insulated Pipes

If you live in an area with extremely low temperatures, you might consider installing insulated pipes. Insulated pipes are designed to withstand colder temperatures and provide an extra layer of protection against freezing.

turn off your water supply before making repairs.

If a pipe bursts or you suspect a leak, locate your main water shut-off valve immediately and turn it off.

Actions During a Cold Snap Disaster

Despite taking preventive measures and conducting regular maintenance, unforeseen circumstances can still lead to a cold snap disaster. If you find yourself facing plumbing issues during freezing temperatures, follow these immediate actions:

1. Shut Off the Water Supply

If a pipe bursts or you suspect a leak, locate your main water shut-off valve immediately and turn it off. This will stop the water flow and minimize potential water damage to your property. Familiarize yourself with the location of the shut-off valve in advance.

2. Open Faucets

After shutting off the water supply, open all the faucets in your home to relieve pressure and assist in the thawing process. As the ice begins to melt, water will start flowing, and this can help prevent further damage.

3. Call a Professional Plumber

Reach out to a licensed plumber who specializes in emergency services to assess the situation and provide necessary repairs. They will have the expertise and equipment to handle frozen pipes, burst pipes, and other plumbing emergencies.

4. Document the Damage

Take photos or videos of the damage for insurance purposes. Documenting the extent of the cold snap disaster and the resulting water damage will help expedite the insurance claims process and ensure proper compensation.


As winter approaches, it is essential to understand the risks associated with cold snap disasters and take appropriate measures to safeguard your plumbing. By implementing preventive measures, conducting regular maintenance, and knowing what to do during a plumbing emergency, you can protect your property from costly water damage and enjoy a worry-free winter season.

Remember, when it comes to plumbing and freezing temperatures, preparation is key. Stay proactive, and don’t hesitate to seek professional assistance when needed. By taking these steps, you can ensure the longevity and functionality of your plumbing system throughout the winter season.

5 Convenient Tips for Maintaining Your Plumbing in Chicago

maintaining your plumbing is important in chicago.

Proper maintenance of your plumbing system is essential for the smooth functioning of your home in Chicago. From ensuring efficient water flow to preventing costly repairs, taking care of your plumbing can save you time, money, and headaches down the line. In this article, we will provide you with five convenient tips to help you maintain your plumbing system effectively.

1. Regularly Check for Leaks

One of the most common plumbing issues homeowners face is leaks. Even a small leak can waste gallons of water and lead to higher water bills. Regularly checking for leaks can help you detect and address them early on, saving you from significant water damage and costly repairs. Here are a few areas you should inspect for leaks:

  • Under sinks
  • Around toilets
  • Behind appliances such as washing machines and dishwashers
  • In the basement or crawl spaces
  • Around water heaters

If you notice any signs of leaks, such as dampness, water stains, or an increase in your water bill, it is important to address them promptly. You can fix minor leaks with plumber’s tape or pipe sealant, but for larger leaks or complicated issues, it is best to call a professional plumber.

2. Avoid Chemical Drain Cleaners

Clogged drains are another common plumbing problem that many homeowners face. While it may be tempting to reach for a chemical drain cleaner from the store, it is best to avoid them. These products may provide a temporary fix but can cause long-term damage to your plumbing system.

The harsh chemicals in drain cleaners can corrode your pipes, leading to leaks and even pipe bursts. Instead, consider using natural methods to unclog drains, such as a combination of baking soda and vinegar or a drain snake. If you are dealing with persistent or severe clogs, it is advisable to seek professional help.

3. Insulate Exposed Pipes

During the cold winter months, the freezing temperatures in Chicago can pose a threat to your plumbing system. Exposed pipes are particularly vulnerable to freezing, which can cause them to burst, leading to water damage and expensive repairs. To prevent this, it is important to insulate any exposed pipes in your home.

You can use foam pipe insulation or heat tape to protect your pipes from the freezing temperatures. Make sure to cover both hot and cold water pipes, as both can freeze and burst. Additionally, if you have outdoor faucets, consider installing faucet covers to provide an extra layer of protection.

4. Avoid Overloading Your Garbage Disposal

Your garbage disposal can be a convenient tool in the kitchen, but it is important to use it properly to prevent clogs and damage. Avoid overloading your garbage disposal with large amounts of food waste or non-food items. Here are a few tips to keep in mind:

  • Run cold water while using the garbage disposal to help flush the waste down the drain.
  • Cut larger food items into smaller pieces before disposing of them.
  • Avoid putting fibrous or starchy foods such as potato peels, celery, or corn husks down the disposal.
  • Never pour grease or oil down the drain as it can solidify and cause clogs.

By following these guidelines, you can prevent unnecessary strain on your garbage disposal and ensure its longevity.

5. Schedule Professional Maintenance

While regular maintenance tasks can go a long way in preserving your plumbing system, it is also important to schedule professional maintenance annually. Hiring a nearby plumber to inspect your plumbing system can help catch potential issues before they escalate, saving you from costly repairs in the future.

During a professional maintenance visit, the plumber will perform a thorough inspection of your plumbing system, including checking for leaks, testing water pressure, inspecting pipes, and identifying any potential concerns. They can also provide advice on maintenance techniques specific to your home’s plumbing setup.

In Conclusion

By following these five convenient tips, you can effectively maintain your plumbing system in Chicago and avoid major plumbing issues. Regularly checking for leaks, avoiding chemical drain cleaners, insulating exposed pipes, using your garbage disposal properly, and scheduling professional maintenance can all contribute to the longevity and efficiency of your plumbing system. Remember, prevention is key when it comes to plumbing maintenance, so it is important to address any concerns promptly to avoid more significant problems in the future.

12 Plumbing Tips For Landlords in Chicago

plumbing tips for landlords.

As a landlord in Chicago, it is crucial to ensure that the plumbing systems in your rental properties are well-maintained and functional. Plumbing issues can lead to costly repairs and unhappy tenants. By following these 12 plumbing tips, you can minimize the likelihood of plumbing emergencies and maintain happy, satisfied tenants.

1. Regularly Inspect Plumbing Fixtures

Perform routine inspections of all plumbing fixtures such as sinks, toilets, showerheads, and faucets. Look for any signs of leaks, drips, or damage. Early detection can prevent small issues from turning into major problems.

2. Test Water Pressure

Check the water pressure throughout the property regularly. Low water pressure can indicate underlying plumbing issues like clogged pipes or faulty pressure regulators. Addressing these issues promptly can prevent long-term damage to the plumbing system.

3. Educate Tenants

Provide your tenants with essential plumbing tips and guidelines to prevent common issues. Inform them about what should not be flushed down the toilet, how to use garbage disposals properly, and how to report any plumbing problems promptly.

4. Install Drain Strainers

Encourage tenants to use drain strainers in their sinks and showers to catch hair, soap residue, and other debris. This simple measure can significantly reduce the chances of clogs and blockages in the pipes.

5. Insulate Pipes

Insulate any exposed pipes, especially during the colder months in Chicago. This helps prevent frozen pipes, which can cause extensive damage and costly repairs. Insulation materials are readily available at hardware stores.

6. Maintain Hot Water Heaters

Regularly inspect and maintain the hot water heater in each rental unit. Flush the tank annually to remove sediment buildup, test the pressure relief valve, and ensure that the temperature is set to a safe and efficient level.

7. Address Leak Repairs Promptly

If you receive reports of leaks from your tenants, address them promptly. Ignoring leaks can lead to water damage, mold growth, and even structural issues. Timely repair work will save you from costly repairs in the long run.

8. Winterize Vacant Properties

Before winter, if any of your rental units are vacant, take the necessary steps to winterize them. Shut off the water supply, drain the pipes, and install antifreeze in fixture traps. This will protect the plumbing system from freezing and potential damage.

9. Schedule Routine Plumbing Maintenance

Engage a professional plumbing service to conduct annual inspections and maintenance checks. They can identify potential issues before they escalate and perform necessary repairs or replacements.

10. Test Sump Pumps

If your rental property has a basement, ensure that the sump pump is in working order. Test it regularly, especially before heavy rainfall or during spring when snow is melting. A functioning sump pump helps prevent flooding and water damage.

11. Know the Location of Shut-off Valves

Inform your tenants about the location of shut-off valves for the main water supply and individual plumbing fixtures. In case of emergencies like burst pipes, quick access to shut-off valves can prevent further damage.

12. Hire Licensed Plumbers

Whenever plumbing repairs or installations are required, hire only licensed and reputable plumbers. This ensures that the work is done correctly and up to code, reducing the chances of recurring issues.


By following these 12 plumbing tips as a landlord in Chicago, you can maintain well-functioning plumbing systems in your rental properties, prevent emergencies, and keep your tenants satisfied. Regular inspections, timely repairs, and educating tenants will go a long way in ensuring the longevity and efficiency of your plumbing infrastructure.

Preventive Measures to Safeguard Your Plumbing System

a woman safeguarding her plumbing system.

Proper maintenance and preventive measures play a critical role in safeguarding your plumbing system. Whether it’s a residential or commercial property, a well-maintained plumbing system ensures the efficient flow of water and minimizes the risk of costly repairs in the future.

Regular Inspections

Performing regular inspections of your plumbing system is essential to identify potential issues before they become major problems. Engage professional plumbers to inspect the system thoroughly, including pipes, valves, fixtures, and drains. They will look for signs of leaks, corrosion, blockages, or any other damage that may compromise the integrity of your plumbing system.

Pipe Maintenance

Pipes are the lifeline of any plumbing system. To ensure their longevity and functionality, the following preventive measures should be taken:

  • Flush drains regularly with hot water to prevent build-up of debris and grease.
  • Avoid using chemical drain cleaners as they can corrode pipes over time.
  • Insulate exposed pipes during colder months to prevent freezing and potential bursts.
  • Address any cracks or leaks promptly to prevent water damage.
  • Limit or avoid pouring grease, oil, or coffee grounds down the drain to prevent clogs.

a plumbing doing some plumbing maintenance.

Fixture Maintenance

Proper maintenance of plumbing fixtures not only ensures their longevity but also prevents issues such as leaks and low water pressure. Here are some preventive measures for fixture maintenance:

  • Regularly inspect and replace worn-out washers and gaskets in faucets and showerheads.
  • Ensure there are no loose connections in the fixtures, as they can cause leaks.
  • Check toilet tanks for leaks by adding food coloring to the water and monitoring for any color seepage into the bowl.
  • Install water-efficient fixtures such as low-flow toilets and aerators to conserve water and reduce strain on the plumbing system.

a plumber performing a water heater repair.

Hot Water System Maintenance

The hot water system is an integral part of any property. To ensure its efficiency and longevity:

  • Inspect the temperature and pressure relief valve to ensure it is functioning correctly.
  • Check for any signs of corrosion or leaks in the tank and plumbing connections.
  • Set the water heater temperature to a safe but energy-efficient level.
  • Consider installing insulation blankets on older water heaters to improve their efficiency.

Preventing Frozen Pipes

Frozen pipes can lead to costly repairs and water damage. To prevent pipe freezing:

  • Ensure proper insulation around pipes in unheated areas such as basements, crawlspaces, and attics.
  • Open cabinet doors under sinks to allow warm air to circulate around pipes.
  • Drip faucets during extremely cold weather to release pressure and prevent freezing.
  • Disconnect and drain outdoor hoses, and close outdoor water valves before winter.

a plumber fixing a broken water heater.

Professional Maintenance

Engaging professional plumbers for routine maintenance will help identify potential problems and ensure the longevity of your plumbing system. Some tasks that professionals can handle include:

  • Water pressure testing to ensure optimal flow without any excessive strain on the pipes.
  • Checking for hidden leaks using advanced detection techniques.
  • Performing video inspections of the pipes to identify any damage or buildup.


Implementing preventive measures and regular maintenance is crucial in safeguarding your plumbing system. By staying proactive and addressing issues promptly, you can avoid expensive repairs, extend the life of your plumbing system, and ensure a continuous supply of clean water throughout your property.

What to Do When your Plumbing Goes Wrong? Tips From Chicago’s Top Emergency Plumbers!

a chicago plumbing expert.

Plumbing emergencies are something that no homeowner wants to deal with. The sudden flooding, leaking pipes, or sewage backups can be not only frustrating but also cause significant damage to your property if not addressed immediately. When faced with a plumbing emergency, it is crucial to act swiftly and efficiently to minimize the damage and get the situation under control. In this article, we will share valuable tips from the city Chicago’s best emergency plumbers on what to do when your plumbing goes wrong.

1. Shut off the Water

One of the first things you should do when you encounter a plumbing emergency is to shut off the water supply. This will help prevent any further water damage to your property. Locate the main water shut-off valve in your home and turn it off immediately. It is essential to familiarize yourself with the location of this valve before an emergency occurs to save time in such situations.

2. Assess the Situation

After turning off the water supply, take a moment to assess the severity of the plumbing emergency. Consider the extent of the damage, the potential causes, and whether it is something you can handle on your own or if professional assistance is necessary. Minor issues like a clogged drain or a small leak might be manageable with some simple troubleshooting, but more significant problems such as burst pipes or sewer backups require the expertise of an emergency plumber.

3. Call a Professional Emergency Plumber

If you are dealing with a severe plumbing emergency, it is best to call a professional emergency plumber right away. Chicago’s top emergency plumbers are experienced professionals who specialize in handling urgent plumbing issues. They have the necessary tools, knowledge, and expertise to quickly diagnose and resolve the problem, saving you time, effort, and further damage to your property.

4. Take Immediate Steps to Minimize Damage

While waiting for the emergency plumber to arrive, there are several immediate steps you can take to minimize damage to your home:

  • Turn off electrical power: If there is standing water near electrical outlets or appliances, turn off the power at the main electrical panel to avoid the risk of electrocution.
  • Clear the area: Move any furniture, belongings, or valuables away from the affected area to prevent them from getting damaged.
  • Use buckets or towels: If there is excessive water or leaks, use buckets or towels to soak up the water and prevent it from spreading further.
  • Open windows and doors: Ventilate the area by opening windows and doors to allow fresh air to circulate and aid in drying out the affected area.

5. Avoid DIY Fixes

While it may be tempting to try and fix the plumbing issue yourself, especially if it seems minor, it is generally advisable to avoid DIY fixes during a plumbing emergency. Incorrect repairs or temporary solutions can lead to more significant problems down the line and cost you more in repairs. Professional emergency plumbers possess the necessary expertise to efficiently diagnose the problem and offer a reliable and long-lasting solution.

6. Take Preventive Measures

Plumbing emergencies can be unpredictable, but there are preventive measures you can take to minimize the risk of encountering such situations in the future:

  • Maintain regular plumbing inspections: Schedule regular inspections with a reputable plumber to identify and address any potential plumbing issues before they escalate into emergencies.
  • Avoid flushing non-flushable items: Educate yourself and your family members on what can and cannot be flushed down the toilet. Flushing non-flushable items can lead to clogs and backups.
  • Properly maintain your plumbing fixtures: Regularly clean and maintain your plumbing fixtures, such as faucets, showerheads, and drains, to prevent clogs and other plumbing problems.
  • Winterize your plumbing: In colder climates, take necessary precautions to prevent frozen pipes, such as insulating exposed pipes and letting faucets drip during freezing temperatures.

7. Learn from the Experience

Experiencing a plumbing emergency can be stressful and inconvenient, but it also presents an opportunity to learn and be better prepared for future situations. Reflect on the experience and take note of what you could have done differently to prevent or minimize the damage. This knowledge will help you respond more effectively in case of any future plumbing emergencies.

In Summary

Dealing with a plumbing emergency can be overwhelming, but following these tips from Chicago’s top emergency plumbers will help you handle the situation with efficiency and minimize damage to your property. Remember to shut off the water supply, assess the severity of the issue, and call a professional emergency plumber if necessary. Take immediate steps to minimize damage and avoid DIY fixes that may worsen the problem. By taking preventive measures and learning from the experience, you can reduce the risk of future plumbing emergencies and keep your home safe and secure.

Are you in need of an emergency plumber in Chicago? We offer free estimates and can be reached at 773-599-9181 or you can fill out the form below.

Noisy Pipes? Our Top Plumber Explains What Could Be Wrong

our top plumber investigating noisy pipes.

It can be alarming when your pipes start making strange noises – the high-pitched whistles or banging sounds can become loud and frequent. You may feel like something is seriously wrong, but it turns out having noisy pipes isn’t necessarily something to be overly concerned about. Our top plumber has some insights into what might be causing the strange sounds in your pipes, and best of all, it may be something you can fix yourself!

Water Hammer

One of the more common causes of loud pipe noises is something called the “water hammer.” This refers to a sudden jolt of pressure that occurs in the pipes when a faucet or valve is shut off too quickly. It causes a banging or thudding sound as a result of the sudden change in pressure.

The best way to prevent this is to install something called a water hammer arrestor. This device is attached to the side of the pipe, and it helps to absorb the shock of quickly-changing water pressure. It can be a fairly easy fix to make on your own, but if it’s something you’re not comfortable tackling, you can call up our plumber for assistance.

Structural Movements

Another common cause of loud pipe noises is structural movements. For example, if the pipe runs through something like a wall or a floorboard, it can be subjected to pressure when that structure shifts. This could be an issue of settling in a new building, or it could be caused by vibrations from nearby sources — for instance, if your water heater or washing machine is particularly loud, it could be causing the pipes to shake slightly.

In this case, the long-term solution usually involves some sort of bracing or padding around the pipe to reduce the amount of pressure it feels when the structure around it moves. If the vibrations are coming from a particular appliance, try to get it repaired or replaced as quickly as possible.

a plumber tightening loose plumbing fittings.

You can use a wrench to tighten any loose fittings

Loose Fittings

In some cases, the noise could actually be coming from a loose fitting. If there’s a joint that isn’t tightened properly, it may be vibrating slightly, creating a whistling noise in the pipes. Thankfully, this is a fairly easy fix. You can use a wrench to tighten any loose fittings — but if you’re not confident in your DIY skills, our professional plumbers can lend a helping hand.

In  Summary

Noisy pipes don’t always mean there’s something seriously wrong — often, it’s caused by something like water hammer or structural shifts. Our head plumber can help you identify the problem and provide advice on how to fix it, but in many cases, it may be something that you can do yourself. A little bit of plumbing knowledge can go a long way towards quieting those noisy pipes for good.

Best Tips To Avoid Spring Plumbing Issues

a running bathroom sink.

Springtime is that time of year when everything in nature comes alive. After months of lying dormant because of winter, plants, animals, and humans are bustling with energy and raring to go. Everywhere you look, there are lovely colors and birdsongs. People everywhere are unfolding their tools, equipment and bodies to get back to the work and play they love. 

But the start of spring is also when you are most likely to find leaks in your water pipes. That is mostly the aftermath of winter when pipes burst due to exposure to cold. With the onset of spring rains, your home’s plumbing is also likely to be overwhelmed by surface runoff and flash floods, resulting in even more plumbing issues for your home.

We know sometimes it’s hard to manage your investments and keep track of this kind of issues, especially for property managers who manage multiple rental properties, but these spring plumbing issues can be avoided with a little insight into the causes of the problems and preemptive steps to stop them. Spring is here; which can mean bad news for many homeowners. However, with the spring plumbing tips listed below, you can make spring fun by avoiding potential issues with your property’s plumbing.

8 tips to avoid spring plumbing issues

Check your toilets

Hidden leaks in your toilet will waste water and interfere with the toilet’s function. Check for hidden leaks by adding six drops of food coloring to the toilet tank. Wait 30 minutes to see if the color shows up in the bowl. If it does, there is a leak. Does the toilet flush properly, and does the water stop running after each flush? If the answer is no, there are worn-out parts in the tank that need to be replaced.

a fancy bathtub.

Inspect the bathtub and shower

Cracks often appear in grout as a result of changes in temperature and humidity that happen during winter. Inspect your shower and bathtub trim molding. If there are cracks in the seams, they can cause leaks or mold. Seal them before the small issues become problems that cost thousands of dollars to fix.

Inspect floor drains and outdoor drains

Check floor drains for signs of slow draining. If more than one-floor drain is acting-up at the same time, that can be a sign of impending problems with your main sewer line. Also, check outside drains; they are likely to be clogged after the winter weather. If your home has a French drain installed, this is the time to inspect and have it cleaned out by way of a hydro jetting.

Clean gutters and downspouts

Remove all winter debris from gutters and downspouts. Check for signs of damage, loose or missing fittings, and rust. Ensure the downspout is not discharging in the wrong place on your property. Check your vent pipes; they are a favorite location for birds to make their nest. Blocked vent pipes will cause the home’s plumbing to drain slowly.

Test the sump pump

The sump pump is your home’s last line of defense against flash floods; test it to ensure it is working. Testing a sump pump is as simple as pouring enough water into the basin to trigger the pump and then watching it to ensure the water is completely removed and the pump turns itself off afterwards. Also, clean the sump pump to prevent malfunctions due to clogging.

a tankless water heater.

Flush your water heater

To prevent scalding, the temperature setting on your water heater should not be above 120°F. A lower temperature setting will also help reduce your energy bills. Limescale and debris inside the potable water supply are left inside the water heater as the water is heated. This deposit can impair the efficiency of your water heater. Drain the water heater to get rid of sediment that has built up in the last year.

Check for leaks and drips

Faucets and supply hoses for the dishwasher, washing machine and ice maker may have minor leaks that are hard to detect. Inspect and test them carefully. To ensure there are no leaks in your home’s water pipes, take a meter reading when leaving for work and do it again when you return. If the number has changed, you have a leak in your plumbing.

Test your main water valve

Shutting off your home’s water supply is the first step when you have a burst pipe or major leak at home. But for this to work, the main water valve must be functional. If the valve is stuck because of disuse, you won’t be able to turn off the water. Test the water main valve by turning it on and off several times.

Finally, a wholesale inspection of your home’s plumbing systems is the best way to detect and eliminate any potential plumbing issues. It is suggested that you do this at least twice a year, preferably at the start of the season. To ensure this is done correctly, you will need to talk to a professional plumber.

A plumber will not only have an overview of how the home’s plumbing works, they know the likely issues that can happen and have a tested routine for inspecting the plumbing. This ensures that no aspect of the system is overlooked and no budding issues are missed.

Plumbing Tips and Tricks for Landlords


As a landlord, much of what happens to the plumbing in your rental property is out of your hands. Most of the time, you are away from the rental, and as such, not in direct control of how the plumbing pipes and fixtures in the property will be treated.

This makes managing the plumbing system of a rental property more challenging than managing the plumbing in your home. You often have to deal with problems – repair and replacement costs – that could have been avoided if more care had been taken.

This can lead to conflicts with tenants and make the experience of owning and operating a rental property more difficult. As a busy landlord trying to keep your rental running efficiently with the least effort, what can you do to minimize plumbing issues in the property?

As with most aspects of managing a rental property, you want to properly identify the issues and the persons involved in the situation. You also want to define the roles and responsibilities of each of the parties and establish a framework for enforcing rules.

Here is how you can do that.

Plumbing tips and tricks for landlords

Conduct a move-in inspection

Conducting thorough move-in inspections will help you avoid difficulties when tenants are about to move out. The results of the move-in inspection create a snapshot of the plumbing condition at the time the home was handed to the tenant. It offers a baseline against which you can compare the plumbing when the tenant moves out. To avoid disputes, having the tenant present when the inspection is done is promising. Tenants should sign off on the documented results of the inspection.

Discuss the lease terms

Refrain from assuming that your tenants understand the terms of the lease. Many of the difficulties landlords face with tenants are simply because the tenants do not really comprehend their roles and responsibilities regarding the home’s plumbing. You will drastically reduce the opportunities for misunderstandings if you take the time to explain the lease terms to your tenants.

Educate tenants

In addition to telling them, you also want to show tenants the proper way to handle the plumbing. Ensure tenants know where the main water shutoff valve for the home is and how to use it. They should know the steps to take during a plumbing emergency. You want to ensure your tenants know how to keep pipes from freezing during winter. Freezing pipes can lead to a burst pipe emergency and be very chaotic. Creating a list of plumbing tips that tenants can easily refer to will go a long way to help solve the problems.

Ease of communication

As the party closest to the plumbing, the tenant must detect and report issues with the plumbing to the landlord. But those reports will mean nothing if the landlord does nothing with the information. Put yourself within easy reach of your tenants; renters should have multiple channels for reporting problems – email, telephone, or in-person. You want to ensure that those reports are responded to, no matter how trivial.

Seasonal plumbing inspections

Seasonal inspections of the plumbing system at the start of each season are the best way to catch problems before they become significant. Seasonal inspections allow you to see how a tenant treats the plumbing. This can create opportunities for more education, or you can issue written warnings to the tenant. Make sure to include seasonal plumbing inspections as one of the clauses in the lease agreement.

Take steps to protect the plumbing

Investing in devices and systems that reduce the potential for plumbing problems or help you detect problems early can save you money and trouble. For instance, you can install strainers over drain openings to keep debris from drains. Installing a leak detection system in the home will help you detect unseen leaks before they cause significant damage to the house. Insulating your pipes will help prevent frozen pipes in winter.

Undertake yearly maintenance

Waiting until there are visible problems before paying attention to the plumbing is why plumbing maintenance is often so hard. It is why most problems are only discovered at an advanced stage when they will cost much money to fix. Routine maintenance of your rental’s plumbing system is the best way to save costs. Routine maintenance ensures you are not chasing problems in the plumbing but preventing them.

Have a plumbing service agreement

A plumbing service agreement allows you to always retain the services of professional plumbers during the year. A service agreement means the plumber will give you preferential treatment when there is high demand for their services (such as in winter) and if plumbing parts or supplies are scarce. A service agreement also means you get cheaper but higher quality service. 

Maintaining the plumbing systems in a rental property is a joint effort between the owner, tenant, and plumber. But the most important part of the equation is the landlord; if you invest effort in finding the right tenants and professional plumber, most of your issues will be solved.