Tag Archives: plumbing repairs

How To Repair Your Plumbing After Heavy Rain and Flooding

how to repair your plumbing after heavy rain.

After heavy rain and flooding, dealing with the aftermath can be overwhelming. Not only do you have to worry about the damage to your property and belongings, but you may also have to deal with plumbing issues. From clogged drains to damaged pipes, the impact of excessive water can wreak havoc on your plumbing system. Here we will discuss how to repair your plumbing after heavy rain and flooding, providing you with the guidance and steps needed to restore your plumbing system to its optimal condition.

Understanding the Impact of Heavy Rain and Flooding on Plumbing

Before we delve into the repair process, it’s important to understand how heavy rain and flooding can affect your plumbing system. Excessive water can lead to several common issues:

  • Clogged Drains: Debris, mud, and silt carried by floodwaters can accumulate in your drains, leading to clogs.
  • Damage to Pipes: The pressure and force exerted by floodwaters can cause pipes to crack, burst, or shift.
  • Water Contamination: Flooding can contaminate your water supply, making it unsafe for consumption.

Now that we have an understanding of the potential plumbing issues caused by heavy rain and flooding, let’s move on to the repair process.

1. Prioritize Safety

Before attempting any repairs, ensure your safety and that of your family. If your property is severely damaged or you suspect electrical hazards, it is crucial to evacuate and seek professional assistance.

2. Assess the Damage

Once it is safe to enter your property, conduct a thorough assessment of the plumbing damage. Look for visible signs such as water stains, leaks, or standing water. It is crucial to identify the extent of the damage to determine the appropriate repairs.

3. Clear Clogged Drains

Clogged drains are a common problem after heavy rain and flooding. To clear them:

  • Use a plunger: For minor clogs, a plunger can often do the trick. Position the plunger over the drain, ensuring a tight seal, and forcefully plunge several times.
  • Try a drain snake: If the plunger doesn’t work, a drain snake or auger can help dislodge the stubborn clog. Insert it into the drain and rotate it while applying gentle pressure.
  • Seek help from a plumber: If the clog persists, it may be a sign of a more significant issue deeper in the plumbing system. In such cases, it is advisable to call a professional plumber.

4. Address Sewer Backups

Sewer backups are a more serious issue that requires immediate attention. Here’s what you can do:

  • Call a professional plumber: Sewer backups are complex and potentially hazardous. It is best to call a professional plumber who has the expertise and equipment to handle the situation safely.
  • Avoid using water: Until the issue is resolved, refrain from using any water fixtures or appliances connected to the sewer line to prevent further backups or flooding.
a professional plumber repairing plumbing after heavy rains.

If the clog persists, it may be a sign of a more significant issue deeper in the plumbing system. In such cases, it is advisable to call a professional plumber.

5. Repair or Replace Damaged Pipes

In cases where heavy rain and flooding cause significant damage to your plumbing pipes, repairs or replacements may be necessary. Here’s what to do:

  • Identify the damaged pipes: Look for visible signs of damage such as cracks, leaks, or noticeable shifts in the plumbing lines.
  • Turn off the water supply: Before attempting any repairs, locate the main water shut-off valve and turn off the water supply to prevent further damage.
  • Temporary fixes: In some cases, you may be able to apply temporary fixes such as using plumber’s tape or pipe clamps to seal small leaks. However, it is recommended to consult a professional plumber for a more permanent solution.
  • Seek professional help: If the damage is extensive or beyond your expertise, it is best to contact a licensed plumber who can assess the situation accurately and perform the necessary repairs or replacements.

6. Test Water Quality

After heavy rain and flooding, your water supply may be contaminated. It is essential to test the water quality before resuming normal usage. You can obtain water testing kits from local health authorities or hire a professional water testing service.

7. Take Preventive Measures

To minimize the risk of future plumbing issues caused by heavy rain and flooding, consider taking the following preventive measures:

  • Elevate electrical systems: If possible, elevate electrical systems and components above the flood level to prevent water damage.
  • Regular maintenance: Schedule regular plumbing inspections and maintenance to identify and address any potential issues before they escalate.
  • Improve drainage: Ensure your property has proper drainage systems in place to redirect excess water away from the foundation.
  • Install a sump pump: A sump pump can help prevent basement flooding by automatically pumping out water that accumulates in the sump basin.

Repairing your plumbing after heavy rain and flooding can be a challenging task, but with the right knowledge and steps, you can restore your plumbing system to its optimal condition. Prioritize safety, assess the damage, clear clogged drains, address sewer backups, repair or replace damaged pipes, test water quality, and take preventive measures to minimize future risks.

Remember, if you are unsure or the damage is extensive, it is always wise to seek help from a local plumber. By taking prompt action and following the appropriate repair procedures, you can overcome the plumbing challenges brought on by heavy rain and flooding.

How to Check for Plumbing Problems when Buying a New Home in Illinois

how to check for plumbing problems when buying a new home in illinois.

Buying a new home is an exciting milestone, but it’s important to ensure that everything is in good working order before making such a significant investment. One area that requires careful inspection is the plumbing system. Plumbing problems can lead to costly repairs and inconvenience down the line, so it’s crucial to thoroughly check for any issues before finalizing the purchase of a new home in Illinois. In this article, we will guide you through the process of checking for plumbing problems, providing you with the necessary knowledge to make an informed decision.

Why Checking for Plumbing Problems is Important

The plumbing system is an integral part of any home, responsible for delivering clean water and removing waste efficiently. Ignoring potential plumbing issues during the home buying process can result in significant expenses and disruptions later on. By taking the time to inspect the plumbing system thoroughly, you can identify any existing problems or potential issues and negotiate repairs or price adjustments with the seller.

Where to Start

When examining the plumbing system of a potential new home, it’s crucial to conduct a comprehensive inspection. Here are some key areas to focus on:

1. Water Supply

Check the water pressure in each faucet to ensure it is adequate. Low water pressure can indicate issues with the plumbing system, such as clogged pipes or leaks. Additionally, check for any signs of discolored water, which can be a sign of pipe corrosion or sediment buildup. It’s also important to test different faucets simultaneously to confirm that the water pressure remains consistent throughout the house.

2. Drains and Toilets

Inspect all drains and toilets to ensure they are functioning properly. Run water through each drain and observe its flow. Slow drainage could indicate clogs or improper venting. Flush all toilets and check for any signs of leaks or continuous running. It’s vital to ensure that the drains and toilets are working efficiently to avoid future plumbing issues.

3. Water Heater

The water heater is another essential component of the plumbing system. Determine the age of the water heater and inquire about its maintenance history. Look for any signs of leakage or corrosion around the unit. A properly functioning water heater is crucial for a comfortable living environment.

4. Visible Pipes

Inspect the visible pipes in the basement, crawl spaces, or utility rooms for signs of leakage, corrosion, or damage. Look out for water stains, mold, or mildew, as they indicate potential plumbing issues. Pay attention to any unusual odors as well, as they could be a sign of hidden leaks.

5. Sewer System

An often overlooked aspect of the plumbing system is the sewer system. Consider hiring a professional to conduct a sewer scope inspection. This involves inserting a small camera into the main sewer line to identify any clogs, tree root intrusions, or damaged pipes. Identifying sewer problems before purchasing a home can save you from expensive repairs in the future.

sewer camera inspections are important for maintenance reasons.

Consider hiring a professional to conduct a sewer scope inspection. This involves inserting a small camera into the main sewer line to identify any clogs, tree root intrusions, or damaged pipes.

Hiring a Professional Plumbing Inspection

While conducting a preliminary inspection on your own can provide valuable insights, it’s always wise to hire a professional plumber for a thorough examination. A licensed plumber has the expertise to identify hidden plumbing issues that may be beyond the scope of a novice’s inspection. They will conduct a comprehensive evaluation of the plumbing system, including all fixtures, pipes, and appliances.

During the professional inspection, the plumber will:

  • Check for leaks and signs of water damage
  • Inspect the water pressure and flow rate
  • Evaluate the condition of pipes, fittings, and joints
  • Test drains and toilets to ensure they are functioning optimally
  • Assess the performance and lifespan of the water heater
  • Examine the sewage system for any blockages or damage

After the inspection, the plumber will provide you with a detailed report, outlining any existing plumbing problems and their estimated repair costs. This report can be used as a negotiation tool with the seller or to make a well-informed decision about the purchase.

To Sum it Up

Checking for plumbing problems is a crucial step when buying a new home in Illinois. By thoroughly examining the water supply, drains, toilets, water heater, visible pipes, and sewer system, you can identify any potential issues and negotiate repairs or price adjustments accordingly. However, it’s essential to remember that a professional plumbing inspection is highly recommended to ensure a comprehensive evaluation of the plumbing system. By taking the time to assess the plumbing system before finalizing the purchase, you can avoid unexpected expenses and enjoy a worry-free homeownership experience in your new Illinois home.

Signs of Aging in Your Home’s Plumbing System: A Comprehensive Guide

outdated pipes in a home's plumbing system.

As homeowners, we often overlook the signs of aging in our homes. While we may pay attention to the creaking floors and peeling paint, one aspect that is often neglected is the plumbing system. Our home’s plumbing system is crucial in providing us with clean water and removing waste efficiently.

In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the signs of aging in your home’s plumbing system. By familiarizing yourself with these signs, you can proactively address any issues and prevent potential disasters.

1. Corroded Pipes

One of the most common signs of aging in a plumbing system is corroded pipes. Over time, pipes can deteriorate due to various factors such as age, water quality, and chemical reactions within the pipes. This can lead to leaks, reduced water pressure, and even burst pipes.

If you notice discolored water, a metallic taste, or visible signs of corrosion on your pipes, it is crucial to address the issue promptly. Engaging the services of a professional plumber can help determine the extent of the corrosion and necessary repairs or replacements.

2. Reduced Water Pressure

Another sign that your home’s plumbing system is aging is reduced water pressure. If you once enjoyed strong, consistent water pressure and now notice a significant decrease, it could be an indication of underlying issues.

Several factors can contribute to reduced water pressure, including mineral buildup, clogged pipes, or leaky connections. A plumbing professional can assess the situation, identify the cause, and provide suitable solutions to restore optimal water pressure.

3. Leaky Fixtures

Leaky fixtures, such as faucets and showerheads, are not only annoying but also a sign of aging in your plumbing system. Ongoing leaks can waste gallons of water and lead to increased water bills. Ignoring these leaks can also result in more severe damage to your plumbing system.

If you notice drips or a constant flow of water from your fixtures, it is crucial to address the issue promptly. Tightening or replacing washers, seals, or cartridges can often solve minor leaks. However, for more significant leaks or underlying issues, it is best to consult a professional plumber for an accurate diagnosis and effective solutions.

4. Slow Draining

Slow draining is a common issue in aging plumbing systems and often indicates a blockage somewhere along the drainage system. This can be caused by a buildup of debris, hair, grease, or even tree roots infiltrating the pipes.

If you notice that sinks, showers, or toilets are taking longer to drain, it is essential to address the issue promptly. Using chemical drain cleaners may provide a temporary fix, but they can also cause further damage to your pipes. A professional plumber can use specialized equipment to identify the blockage and clear it effectively.

5. Strange Noises

Unusual noises coming from your plumbing system can be a cause for concern. If you hear banging, whistling, rattling, or gurgling sounds, it could indicate underlying issues such as water hammer, loose connections, or debris in the pipes.

While some noises may be harmless, continuous or loud sounds should not be ignored. A professional plumber can help identify the source of the noise and provide necessary repairs or replacements to prevent further damage.

6. Foul Odors

Foul odors emanating from your plumbing system can be unpleasant and may indicate a larger problem. Sewer gas leaks are often the cause of these odors and could be due to dried-out traps, cracked pipes, or sewer line issues.

If you notice persistent foul odors coming from your drains or other plumbing fixtures, it is crucial to seek professional assistance. A plumber can inspect your system and determine the source of the odor, ensuring proper repairs and prevention of future leaks.

7. Water Discoloration

If you turn on the tap and notice discolored water, it is a sign of aging in your plumbing system. Brown, yellow, or rusty water can indicate corroded pipes or sediment buildup within the plumbing system.

While water discoloration may not always be harmful to your health, it can stain fixtures, clothes, and affect the overall quality of your water. A professional plumber can assess the situation, identify the underlying cause, and recommend appropriate solutions to restore clean and clear water.

8. Frequent Plumbing Repairs

If you find yourself constantly calling a plumber to address various plumbing issues, it could be a sign of an aging system. While minor repairs are normal as homes age, an excessive need for repairs may indicate more significant problems in your plumbing system.

Regular maintenance and inspections by a professional plumber can help identify potential issues before they escalate, saving you from costly repairs down the line. A plumber can assess the overall condition of your plumbing system and recommend any necessary repairs or upgrades.

In Conclusion

Ignoring the signs of aging in your home’s plumbing system can lead to costly repairs, water damage, and inconvenience. By familiarizing yourself with these signs and addressing them promptly, you can ensure the longevity and efficiency of your plumbing system.

If you notice any of the signs mentioned in this comprehensive guide, it is advisable to consult a professional plumber. They have the expertise and knowledge to assess your plumbing system, provide accurate diagnostics, and implement the necessary repairs or replacements.

Remember, a well-maintained plumbing system not only ensures the comfort and functionality of your home but also contributes to the overall value and longevity of your property.

Plumber Repair for Older Homes: Challenges and Solutions

a plumber repairing older home plumbing.

In this article, we will explore the challenges faced in repairing plumbing systems in older homes and discuss possible solutions to overcome these challenges. Older homes often have unique plumbing infrastructure and materials that require specialized knowledge and techniques. The purpose of this article is to provide guidance and insights to homeowners, plumbers, and anyone involved in the repair and maintenance of plumbing systems in older homes.

The Importance of Plumbing Repair in Older Homes

Plumbing systems play a crucial role in any home, and this is especially true for older homes. As homes age, their plumbing systems tend to deteriorate and become less efficient. They are more susceptible to leaks, clogs, and damage, potentially causing significant issues such as water damage, mold growth, and even structural damage.

Regular maintenance and timely repairs are essential to ensure the functionality and longevity of the plumbing system in older homes. Neglecting plumbing problems can lead to costly repairs and compromise the safety and comfort of the residents.

Challenges in Repairing Plumbing Systems in Older Homes

Repairing plumbing systems in older homes presents unique challenges due to several factors. Let’s explore some of the most common challenges:

Outdated Plumbing Materials

Many older homes were constructed using materials that are no longer in common use. These materials, such as cast iron, galvanized steel, and lead pipes, may present various challenges during repairs. For example, lead water pipes may need to be replaced due to health concerns, while corroded galvanized steel pipes may cause reduced water flow and require extensive repairs or replacements.

Inaccessible Pipework

The layout and design of older homes often make it challenging to access and repair the plumbing system. Pipes may be hidden behind walls, under floors, or in crawl spaces, which may require additional effort and expertise to address any issues. The need for accessing these hidden areas can result in additional costs and may involve temporary disruptions to the residents.

a plumber providing a home buyer with a plumbing inspection.

When repairing plumbing systems in older homes, it’s essential to comply with modern plumbing codes.

Multiple Plumbing Code Updates

Plumbing codes have evolved significantly over the years to ensure safety and efficiency. When repairing plumbing systems in older homes, it’s essential to comply with modern plumbing codes. This may involve updating the system to meet the current standards, such as installing pressure regulators, backflow preventers, or additional shut-off valves.

Fragile and Aging Components

Components of the plumbing system, such as faucets, valves, and fixtures, typically have a limited lifespan. In older homes, these components are often older and more susceptible to wear and tear. Replacing these fragile and aging components requires careful handling to avoid further damage while ensuring compatibility with the existing system.

Possible Solutions

While repairing plumbing systems in older homes can be challenging, there are several solutions to address these difficulties and ensure the longevity and quality of the repaired system:

Hiring Experienced Plumbers

Engaging experienced plumbers who specialize in working with older homes can make a significant difference. These professionals possess the necessary skills, knowledge, and expertise to navigate the challenges specific to older home plumbing systems. They can efficiently diagnose issues, offer suitable solutions, and carry out repairs with minimal disruption to the residents.

Thorough Inspection and Planning

Before commencing any repairs, it is essential to conduct a thorough inspection of the entire plumbing system. This inspection will help identify potential issues and develop a comprehensive repair plan. By investing time in meticulous planning, homeowners and plumbers can prioritize repairs, estimate costs accurately, and minimize unforeseen surprises during the repair process.

a plumber upgrading a customers plumbing.

Replacing outdated materials, such as lead pipes or corroded steel, with modern, durable, and code-compliant materials can enhance the reliability and safety of the plumbing system.

Upgrading Plumbing Infrastructure

In some cases, upgrading the plumbing infrastructure in older homes may be necessary. Replacing outdated materials, such as lead pipes or corroded steel, with modern, durable, and code-compliant materials can enhance the reliability and safety of the plumbing system. Upgrades may also involve installing shut-off valves, pressure regulators, and other components to meet current code requirements.

Preserving Historical Features

For owners of historical homes, preserving the unique character and aesthetic features of the plumbing system is crucial. Experienced plumbers can work closely with preservation experts to find innovative solutions that blend modern functionality with the historical charm of the home. By carefully considering preservation needs, homeowners can maintain the integrity of their older homes while improving the plumbing system.

Regular Maintenance and Preventive Measures

Prevention is key to minimizing plumbing issues in older homes. Implementing a regular maintenance routine and conducting preventive measures, such as drain cleaning, pipe insulation, and periodic inspections, can help identify potential problems early on and prevent major repairs down the line. Homeowners should also be mindful of their water usage habits and avoid putting undue stress on the plumbing system.


Repairing plumbing systems in older homes requires specialized knowledge, skills, and techniques due to the unique challenges they present. However, with the right approach and professional assistance, these challenges can be overcome effectively. By focusing on thorough inspections, careful planning, and utilizing suitable solutions, homeowners can ensure the reliability, safety, and longevity of their plumbing systems in older homes. Regular maintenance and preventive measures also play a vital role in preventing major issues and preserving the charm of these cherished homes for generations to come.

6 Signs You Have Bad Plumbing That Needs to Be Fixed Immediately

a person unclogging a toilet.

Urgent Plumbing Repairs

When homeowners experience plumbing problems, it is important that they assess the severity of the situation and get it repaired as quickly as possible. In some cases, a plumbing issue can become a major and potentially costly headache if not dealt with right away. Here are six signs that homeowners should look out for that indicate their plumbing needs to be fixed immediately.

1. Unusually high water bills – Abnormal and increasingly high water bills can mean that there is a plumbing issue that is causing water to leak somewhere in the house. This could be due to a damaged pipe, a malfunctioning appliance, or a dripping tap. If your water bill is unusually high, homeowners should contact a plumber to investigate and determine the cause of the higher bill.

2. Visible water damage – Water leaks can be difficult to detect unless a homeowner is looking for them. However, one way to tell if a leak has gone unnoticed is to look for signs of water damage such as mold, discoloration on the walls or bubbling of the paint. If a homeowner notices any of these warning signs, it is likely that a plumbing repair is needed as soon as possible.

3. Foul odors – One of the most common signs of a plumbing issue is a foul smell coming from the drain. This smell often indicates a clogged pipe or a malfunctioning appliance. If the smell is coming from the sink, it could mean that there is a blockage or leakage somewhere in the drain.

4. Low water pressure – A drop in water pressure can often be due to a plumbing issue. This is often caused by leaks or breaks in the piping. A homeowner can check if the water pressure appears to be lower than usual by testing the flow of water from taps. If the water pressure is lower than normal, it is likely that a plumbing repair is needed.

5. No hot water – If a homeowner finds that they have no hot water, it could indicate a problem with the water heater or the plumbing system. A plumber should be contacted to investigate the issue and determine the best course of action.

6. Toilets overflowing – Toilets overflowing due to clogged pipes or backed-up drains is a sign that a homeowner should call a plumber for urgent plumbing repair. Toilets can cause significant damage to property if they are not fixed right away.

Plumbing Maintenance Tips

It’s important that homeowners take preventive measures to maintain their plumbing systems in order to avoid emergency plumbing repairs. Here are some tips to help protect your plumbing system:

• Regularly inspect your pipes to check for any signs of wear or damage.

• Clean out clogged drains with a natural drain cleaner or a plumbing snake to prevent further blockages and potential flooding.

• Ensure that all fixtures and appliances connected to the plumbing system are working properly.

• Make sure hoses and faucets are free from any kinks or potential leaks.

• Make sure that the temperature of the hot water is set to a safe range.

• Replace old fixtures with new ones that use low-flow technology.

Plumbing Repair Services

If and when homeowners require plumbing repair services, they should make sure to hire an experienced, licensed plumber. A professional plumber can identify the issue and advise on the best course of action. They will use their expertise to successfully diagnose and repair any plumbing problems.

For emergency plumbing repairs, finding the right plumber who is available and equipped to deal with the issue is essential. Homeowners should do research online to locate companies and individuals that offer emergency plumbing services and call immediately to discuss their issue and arrange a visit.

When getting plumbing repair services, homeowners should also ask for cost estimates and warranties to ensure that the work is of a high standard and that any repairs carried out are covered. Some professional plumbers may offer discounts for first-time customers, so it is always worth asking if any money-saving deals are available.

In conclusion, it is important for homeowners to be aware of the signs of plumbing issues and take immediate action to repair them. Although many plumbing issues can be an inconvenience, the cost of not dealing with them can become much more expensive if not addressed in a timely manner. It is also important for homeowners to follow plumbing maintenance tips and make sure to hire a licensed plumber for any repair jobs.

How to Avoid DIY Plumbing Mistakes

How to Avoid DIY Plumbing Mistakes

If you want to save money on home maintenance and still be able to solve issues in your home fast, you must become good at DIY. Many of the problems you experience with various features in your home are easy to solve if you are willing to take the time to learn how to fix them, says Keyrenter North Dallas.

Solving minor home maintenance issues will save you money and make your technician’s job easier. You will be able to provide the expert with detailed information to help them narrow down to the root of the problem faster.

That being said, you should never attempt to DIY a problem unless you have first invested the effort to understand the issue entirely. Homeowners often worsen the existing problems in their homes when they try to fix them without first learning the right way to deal with the issues.

Nowhere is this more common than with plumbing problems. Plumbing issues often look easy to fix because of the internet’s many DIY plumbing videos. But one small mistake when solving a plumbing issue can leave your home flooded or without water.

What are homeowners’ common plumbing mistakes, and how can you avoid them?

Plumbing DIY mistakes and how to avoid them

Gluing a painted pipe

When connecting pipe fittings, do not apply glue to a pipe without first removing the paint on that end of the pipe. If there is a thin layer of paint between the two parts, the glue will not adhere properly, and the joint will leak. To avoid this problem, remove the paint on the end of the pipe with paint thinner.

Reusing flexible hoses

Flexible hoses are made of a rubber core within a stainless-steel jacket that protects them from damage. Flexible hoses are the weakest links in your home’s plumbing. They typically have a lifespan of five years and should never be reused.

Using the wrong plunger

It would help if you had separate plungers to remove clogs in your toilet and the kitchen sink. Toilet plungers have a different design than sink plungers. Sink plungers are ineffective for removing clogs in the bathroom because they do not have a flange and cannot seal the hole properly.

Cooling a soldered joint

Never use water to cool a soldered joint; it will defeat the entire purpose of soldering the joint. That is because the rapid temperature change will cause the soldering to crack. Instead of forcibly cooling the joint, give it 30-60 seconds to cool. To know if the solder has cooled, wait until it goes from a shiny to a matte color.

Not disconnecting an outside hose during winter

This is one of the quickest ways to ensure your pipes get frozen. When you fail to disconnect a hose connected to an outside faucet, the water inside the pipe does not drain. As temperatures get lower, the trapped moisture in the pipe freezes and expands until that pipe has burst.

Soldering over a leaky joint without cleaning it

If a soldered joint is leaking, fusing over the existing solder might look like an easy fix. But this does not solve the issue long term since the solder does not penetrate the joint properly. The right way is to disassemble the joint and clean the pipes before soldering it.

Not isolating an external faucet

An exterior faucet is in contact with the cold air outside your home during winter. It can transfer the cold outside to the pipes inside the home, causing the water in them to freeze. To avoid this, isolate the exterior faucet by shutting it off from inside the house and draining all the water.

Failing to install a P-Trap

A P-trap is essential for keeping sewage odors from coming into the house. Failing to add this small detail to drain outlets for your sink, bathtub, washing machine, sinks, shower, and floor drain will leave your home at the mercy of foul odors from your drains.

Using the wrong glue

Glues are made for use with specific types of plumbing pipes. Just because a particular kind of glue can hold your pipes together doesn’t mean the pipes are thoroughly sealed. Pipes that are joined with the wrong type of glue will leak soon after the water passes through them.

Not sloping pipes correctly

A proper slope is necessary to keep wastewater flowing when installing drainpipes. Without the appropriate slope, water will stagnate in the pipes or flow in the wrong direction. Sloping your pipes also keeps them from siphoning air out of nearby P-traps, allowing sewer gases into the home.

Problems with DIY Plumbing Repairs

local chicago plumber

Plumbing issues in the home are wide range and every time something goes wrong with one of the plumbing features in your home, the chances that you are going to spend money to fix it are high. The combined cost of fixing small plumbing issues in the home can sum up to a lot of money at the end of the year.

One of the best ways to minimize the cost of solving problems with your plumbing is to understand how the system works. As a homeowner or a landlord, says Vineyard Property Management, you should know how to prevent, diagnose, and fix certain plumbing issues in your home. It makes no sense to call a plumber for problems you can handle yourself.

At the same time though, a do-it-yourself approach to plumbing issues in your home also can be a problem. DIY plumbers get into trouble when they start to imagine themselves as professional plumbers. There is a difference between what you can learn on a YouTube video and what a professional plumber knows.

Not knowing the limits of your DIY abilities will cause you more plumbing problems than you are trying to solve. The plumbing in your home is massive, complicated, and is made up of interconnected systems. Seemingly small issues in one part of the plumbing will result in bigger problems elsewhere.

Most amateur plumbers do not fully comprehend the truth about the complexity of a home’s plumbing. As a result, they will undertake projects without a complete overview of the system. What often results is they end up compounding the existing issues and causing bigger problems for themselves.

What are some of the DIY plumbing repairs that homeowners encounter?

Increased risk of flooding

The margin for error when fixing plumbing problems in the home is very narrow. Small things you overlook can result in consequences that are several times worse than the original problem. 

It is not uncommon for the home to get flooded as a result of mistakes during a DIY plumbing repair. This happens because amateur plumbers do not follow a systematic routine and they can also fail to turn the water off.

Superficial fixes

Most DIY fixes focus on the immediate rather than the remote causes of a problem. The concern of the homeowner is to eliminate urgent and distressing issues. As a result, DIYers do not do a proper diagnosis of the issue but only apply superficial fixes. 

The result of doing that is the underlying problem is left to persist and grow worse. When it is eventually discovered, it will cost a lot more money to solve than it would have if it was detected earlier.

Recurring problems

Without attention from a licensed plumber, your home’s plumbing systems will deteriorate at a faster rate. Firstly, the prevalence of shoddily done DIY fixes will combine to make the system more prone to damage. 

plumber in chicago

Secondly, the lack of attention by a professional plumber will increase the rate of natural wear and tear. The issues of a plumbing system will steadily become worse if that system does not get the professional care it requires.

Exposure to safety hazards

In addition to pipes and connections, the plumbing system in your home also has components that use gas and electricity. Fiddling with appliances like water heaters and washing machines when you don’t have the necessary training is a recipe for disaster. 

Moreover, some plumbing repairs require the use of power tools that can easily cause injuries. Lastly, slips and falls are common when doing plumbing repairs. Protect yourself by leaving the job to a professional.

Lost time and avoidable delays

There is nothing like a plumbing emergency to get you to rearrange your plans. The danger of flooding posed by the problem and the chance that you will be without water, makes solving the problem urgent. 

The frequency of disruptions to your work schedule and lifestyle increases with the number of plumbing issues in the home. A professional plumber can help you prevent plumbing problems that show up at the most inopportune times.

Higher system maintenance cost

DIY repairs are more impromptu than they are systematic. A DIY approach to solving your home’s plumbing issues prevents you from adopting a preventative maintenance schedule that is based on timely inspection of the plumbing. This narrow focus on solving short-term problems will cost you more money in the long run because it is easier and cheaper to manage your home’s problems when you can anticipate the issues.

diy plumbing

In conclusion, when maintaining the plumbing system in your home, it is important to make a distinction between what you can do and what you should not try to do. Minor repairs like changing faucet aerators or unclogging the toilet with a drain snake are things every homeowner should be able to DIY. More complex plumbing repairs are best left to a local plumber.

Hiring an expert plumber when you need to will ensure your personal safety, protect your home’s plumbing system and also minimize your plumbing expenditure.