Tag Archives: residential plumbing

A Proactive Approach to Residential Plumbing Maintenance: Identifying and Preventing Common Issues

residential plumbing maintenance.

Problems in your home’s plumbing don’t just happen overnight. Most times, they take weeks or months to unfold. The reason a lot of the plumbing issues in homes happen as emergencies is because the early signs of the problem are undetected or they were overlooked.

Because most plumbing issues in the home are preceded by warning signs, it is possible to prevent them. If you are keen to minimize your plumbing maintenance costs and prolong the life of your plumbing, Rockbridge Real Estate says you need a system for early detection and quick resolution of problems.

In this post, we identify four of the most common plumbing issues in homes and explain what you can do to prevent them.

4 common plumbing issues in homes and how to prevent and solve them

Clogged drains

Clogged drains happen when solid or semi-solid materials inside the drainpipes prevent wastewater from flowing freely through the drainage system.

Causes of drain clogs:

  • Hair inside shower drains
  • Dumping grease into the kitchen sink
  • Flushing materials other than toilet paper and human waste into the toilet
  • Too much soap scum mixing with grease inside the drains
  • Small items that fall into the toilet or other drains

Signs of a clogged drain include:

  • Slow draining sink or shower
  • Water collecting in toilet bowl instead of flushing
  • Gurgling sounds when you flush the toilet
  • Movement in nearby drains when you use the washer
  • Odor of sewage gases in the home

How to prevent the problem:

  • Install strainers over drain openings
  • Never pour grease into the drain
  • Only flush toilet paper into your toilet
  • Call a professional plumber if you see any of the above signs
  • Have the drainage system inspected and cleaned once a year

leaky pipes in a home.

Leaky faucets and pipes

A leaky pipe won’t only waste water and increase your water bills but can cause massive damage to flooring, walls, cabinets and even the building foundation. The main problem with leaky pipes is the problem is notoriously hard to detect. That is because pipes are often found in inaccessible parts of the home. Leaky faucets, on their part, will also waste your water, but they are more of a nuisance due to the irritating sound of constant dripping.


  • Excessive water pressure can cause pipes to leak
  • Extreme temperature changes will cause pipes to freeze and burst
  • Sediments inside pipes can also make them prone to leak
  • Weak pipe joints will cause leaks
  • In faucets, the main cause of leaks is a damaged washer

Signs of leaky pipes and faucets:

Preventing the problem:

  • Since leaks are mostly caused by wear and tear, a yearly pipe inspection is the best way to prevent the problem
  • Knowing how to prepare the plumbing for winter will help prevent frozen pipes

Water pressure issues

All water pressure issues in the home are bad. But it is low water pressure that usually gets the homeowner’s attention because it makes simple things like taking a shower, washing clothes or doing the dishes hard. High water pressure is worse than low water pressure because excessive water pressure will damage appliances and make the plumbing more likely to leak.


  • The problem may be from the municipal water supply
  • Leaking pipes and faucets can divert water pressure
  • Overuse of water in the home; too many plumbing fixtures being used at once
  • Pipes diameter has been narrowed by sediments
  • Clogged faucet aerators and showerheads

How to prevent the problem:

  • Clean faucet aerator and showerhead with vinegar to remove sediments
  • Install a water filtration system to prevent sedimentation
  • Contact the utility company to report the problem
  • Check pipes on a schedule to detect leaks

a plumber replacing a water heater in chicago.

Water heater issues

Water heater issues are particularly dangerous because of the risk of electric shocks, fires and explosions. Common water heater issues include;

  • Discolored water
  • Noises from the water heater
  • No or inadequate hot water
  • Puddles beneath the water heater tank
  • Excessively hot water from the water heater

The majority of the issues highlighted are caused by sedimentation inside the water heater tank. Sediments will not only discolor the water. It can prevent effective heating. Sediments will also cause your water heater to leak.

How to prevent water heater problems:

  • Tank water heaters should be drained at least once a year
  • Replace essential components like the anode rod when needed
  • Once a year, have the water heater checked for leaks and other problems
  • Install a water filtration system to prevent sedimentation inside the water heater

To conclude, the two most vital steps for spotting or preventing plumbing issues in your home are;

  • Regular inspections, and
  • Knowing the signs of different plumbing problems

If you can spot the signs of an impending issue and get a professional plumber near you to fix them, your plumbing will be just fine.

An Essential Guide: Common Residential Plumbing Issues

a plumber repairing a sink.

Residential plumbing issues are a common occurrence that can cause inconvenience and frustration for homeowners. Whether it’s a dripping faucet or a clogged drain, understanding the common plumbing problems that arise in residential properties can help homeowners address these issues effectively. In this guide, we will explore some of the most common residential plumbing problems and provide guidance on how to identify and resolve them.

1. Dripping Faucets

A dripping faucet is not only annoying but can also lead to water wastage and increased utility bills. The most common cause of a dripping faucet is a worn-out rubber washer. Replacing the washer is a simple and cost-effective solution to this problem. However, if the issue persists, it is recommended to consult a local plumber to inspect the faucet and ensure all components are in good condition.

2. Clogged Drains

Clogged drains are another prevalent plumbing issue faced by homeowners. They can occur in sinks, showers, and toilets due to the accumulation of hair, soap residue, food particles, or other debris. To tackle a clogged drain, try using a plunger or a drain snake to remove the blockage. If the problem persists, consider using a chemical drain cleaner or contact a residential plumber for assistance.

3. Running Toilet

A running toilet can waste a significant amount of water and lead to higher water bills. The most common cause of a running toilet is a faulty flapper valve or an improperly adjusted float. Checking and repairing these components can usually resolve the issue. In some cases, sediment buildup in the tank can also cause a running toilet, requiring a thorough cleaning of the tank.

4. Water Heater Problems

Water heater problems can range from insufficient hot water to leaking tanks. Sediment buildup in the tank, a faulty heating element, or a malfunctioning thermostat are common causes of water heater issues. Flushing the tank periodically and replacing faulty components can often resolve these problems. However, it is recommended to seek professional help for complex water heater problems.

5. Low Water Pressure

Low water pressure can be frustrating, especially when trying to take a shower or wash dishes. It can result from various factors, including mineral buildup in pipes, hidden leaks, or issues with the municipal water supply. Identifying the cause of low water pressure can be challenging. It is advisable to consult a plumber who can troubleshoot the problem and ensure optimal water flow throughout the house.

6. Leaky Pipes

Leaky pipes can cause significant damage if not addressed promptly. Common causes of leaks include corroded pipes, loose fittings, or excessive water pressure. Detecting leaks can be difficult, especially if they are hidden within walls or under flooring. If you notice water stains, mold growth, or a musty odor, it is crucial to contact a professional plumber to inspect the plumbing system and fix any leaks.

7. Frozen Pipes

In colder climates, frozen pipes are a common concern during winter months. When water freezes inside the pipes, it expands and can cause them to burst, leading to extensive water damage. To prevent frozen pipes, insulate exposed pipes and allow a slow drip of water during freezing temperatures. If you suspect frozen pipes, it is essential to thaw them gently using warm air or by contacting a plumber to avoid pipe ruptures.

8. Garbage Disposal Issues

Garbage disposals can experience problems such as clogs, jammed blades, or motor failures. Avoid putting fibrous or starchy foods, grease, or hard objects down the disposal, as they can lead to clogs. Using cold water while running the disposal and periodic cleaning can help prevent issues. If the disposal becomes clogged or the motor malfunctions, it is advisable to consult a professional plumber or an appliance technician.

Close-up of tools and plumbing supplies.

Regular cleaning can avoid bigger problems in your home’s plumbing system.


Being aware of common residential plumbing issues and how to address them can save homeowners time, money, and stress. By understanding the causes and potential solutions for problems like dripping faucets, clogged drains, running toilets, and many others, homeowners can take appropriate steps to resolve minor issues themselves or seek professional help when needed. Regular maintenance and timely repairs can ensure a smooth and functioning plumbing system, enhancing the comfort and convenience of every household.

Residential vs. Commercial Plumbing: What’s The Difference?

a commercial plumbing system.

The plumbing systems in residential and commercial buildings do the same things; they supply fresh water to the building and remove wastewater from the premises. Visitors who use the plumbing fixtures in a commercial building may not see any differences between them and the plumbing fixtures in their homes.

Yet there are lots of differences between these two types of plumbing systems. Although they look the same on the surface, their underlying structures are very different. For one thing, commercial plumbing systems serve several people. As a result, they are larger and more complex than the plumbing systems in homes.

But the difference between the two systems is not limited to size; they also influence how these different plumbing systems should be managed. For property managers and real estate investors who own or operate commercial and residential buildings, understanding the differences between residential and commercial plumbing systems is crucial.  

Important differences between residential and commercial plumbing

Firstly, residential plumbing refers to the plumbing systems found in homes, along with their related sub-systems, such as drain and sewer lines. These systems have relatively simple construction because they only serve the needs of a limited number of people.

Commercial plumbing, on the other hand, is a plumbing system for a wide range of business facilities. These have to be more robust than residential plumbing systems because of the number of people who use them and the different ways those people use them.

What are the major differences between residential plumbing systems and commercial plumbing systems?

a business restroom.

Amount and type of usage

Commercial plumbing systems are used by more people. Unlike residential plumbing, which is used mostly at specific times during the day, commercial plumbing is used heavily throughout the day. The types of materials people flush into the drains of commercial plumbing systems also vary a lot.

Durability of the plumbing

As a result of the amount of use they see, the fixtures in commercial systems are more robust; they use higher-grade materials. Residential plumbing is subject to less wear. Lower-grade pipes may be acceptable in residential plumbing because they don’t experience heavy usage.

Differences in complexity

Compared to commercial systems, residential plumbing systems are straightforward; comprising a few sinks, toilets and showers. Commercial plumbing often has multiple sinks, toilets and urinals on each floor of a multi-story building. A good number of these fixtures may be under use at the same time.

Risk of damage

Because of the sheer number of people using them, commercial plumbing has a higher risk of being damaged. This is partly because the people who use commercial plumbing are not likely to treat them with as much care as they show the plumbing system in their homes.

System efficiency 

If there are problems in a home’s plumbing, the impact is limited to the people living in the home. Problems in a commercial plumbing system not only affect more people but can also hurt the operation of the businesses in that building. That is why these systems have to be very efficient.

Water heaters

The water heaters used in residential plumbing will not work in a commercial building because more people require hot water at the same time. To meet this huge demand, commercial buildings use water heaters with large tanks that can take up to 250 gallons of water.

Sanitation and health

Due to the number of people who use plumbing fixtures in commercial buildings, there are bigger health challenges with these systems. To keep them from becoming a health hazard to those who use them, there are stricter health and sanitary standards for commercial plumbing systems.

Frequency of leaks

Keeping tabs on all potential leak locations in a commercial plumbing system is hard. Due to the scale and complexity of the system, it is easier for leaks and other kinds of problems to be missed or overlooked. Managing commercial plumbing systems is more difficult.

fixing a leak with a wrench.

Drainage services

Solving drainage problems in a commercial building is hard. Issues with the drainage system on one of the floors can easily affect the drains on other floors. Sometimes, the drain issues can show up on a floor that is many levels away from the floor where the problem originated.

Plumbing maintenance in residential and commercial buildings

Given this information, how should you maintain the plumbing system in a commercial building? When hiring a plumber for your commercial building, keep in mind the vastly-different training commercial plumbers receive in comparison to how residential plumbers are trained.

The differences in their training can be seen in:

  • The scope of work they are trained to handle.
  • The stricter job requirements for commercial plumbers.
  • The time-sensitive nature of commercial plumbing issues.

Taking these differences into consideration is essential when hiring a commercial plumber. Never hire a commercial plumber until you are sure they have adequate training and experience to handle the plumbing systems in your building.

How Does Hard Water Effect Residential Plumbing?

Hard Water Effect Residential Plumbing

Hard Water Plumbing

For homeowners, hard water can present a unique set of plumbing-related problems. What is hard water? Hard water is water that contains higher-than-usual levels of minerals such as calcium and magnesium. This is usually caused by water being naturally exposed to certain rocks, sediment, and soils.

Hard water affects your plumbing system mainly in two ways. One, it can corrode pipes and fixtures, and two, it leaves soap scum and other mineral deposits that can build up and interfere with the proper functioning of the plumbing system or home appliances that utilize water.

The most common problem with hard water is its effect on pipe systems throughout the home. Generally, hard water does not cause major damage, but it certainly takes its toll on pipe systems over time, especially for pipes made of non-coated metals. Without protection from a chemical agent, the minerals in hard water can wear away and corrode the piping, causing eventual leaks and weakened pipes.

Plumbing Troubleshooting Tips

If you suspect you’re having problems with hard water, there are several steps homeowners can take to help safeguard their plumbing and appliances.

First and foremost, it’s important to act fast when it comes to potential problems. If you notice anything suspicious, look into it right away. Be sure to check the pipes in the entire home and don’t just concentrate on the ones that appear to be in good condition. Corrosion and mineral deposits can build up inside the walls of a pipe and be hard to detect.

It’s also important to have a local plumber take a look at the water supply and assess the situation. Not only can a plumber help to determine if you’re having problems with hard water in your home, but they can also provide suggestions for ways to minimize the risk of problems in the future.

One suggestion a plumber may make is to install a water softener. A water softener is a device that removes minerals from the water before it reaches the faucets, curtailing the harmful effects that hard water can have on your plumbing system.

Soap Scum Buildup

Another popular problem homeowners with hard water experience is the build-up of soap scum in fixtures and sinks. Soap scum is a sticky residue that forms when the minerals in hard water bind with the soap being used in the home.

The same minerals that form soap scum can also interfere with the soap itself, making it hard to form lather and further complicating the labor already needed to clean fixtures.

To help combat soap scum buildup, homeowners can use mild, acidic cleaners on bathrooms and kitchen fixtures to help dissolve the buildup. Additionally, switching out traditional soaps for body wash or detergents specifically designed for hard water can help.

Homeowners may also be able to lessen their hard water woes by investing in a water softener. As mentioned before, a water softener can help to reduce mineral content in the water, alleviating some of the common issues associated with hard water.

Hard water can be a challenge for homeowners, but it doesn’t have to be an impossibility to deal with. With a bit of troubleshooting and perhaps an investment in a water softener, homeowners can put their hard water woes behind them.

Prepare Your Home Plumbing for Spring

Worker checking the power

As a homeowner, expectations are on you to take care of your house; otherwise, the potential damages can be costly. Plumbing is one of the tasks you should take care of regularly if you want to avoid costly problems. Plumping problems can be very inconvenient and expensive, so trying to prevent them in the first place is your best strategy. Even if learning plumbing might seem daunting at first, it’s an essential part of home maintenance that every homeowner should take into account. Checking home plumbing for Spring should be a thought-out process, and it’s best to do it before your big spring cleanup. That’s why we at Chicago Plumbing Experts would like to share our expert knowledge on home plumbing so Spring cleanup can be a much easier experience.

Checking everything before Spring clean up is a must

Homeowners should always be aware of the state of their house; negligence can be a costly mistake. To avoid a major headache in terms of large repair bills, you should know how to ensure everything in your house runs smoothly. This is especially true for your home plumbing, so you should check everything. One of the most important things to check are:

  • Test your sump pump-you need to avoid your basement flooding, and testing your sump pump is crucial for it,
  • Check your basement-you will need to thoroughly check the basement of your house for any leaks from damaged pipes,
  • Everything needs to be correctly sealed-this includes your floor, walls, windows, and doors Check your water valves-you don’t want them to be functional during home plumbing for Spring
Steal pipes in the basement

The basement is a crucial place to check when preparing home plumbing for Spring

New homeowners should be aware of the things we listed before moving to their new house, as it’s a good indicator of the house’s state. According to experts, inspecting plumbing is a must-do and needs to be among the things you should check first before any home acquisition. So, check home plumbing if you want to be smart about your move.

You should check sprinklers and outdoor faucets

Spring is more than just a problem for plumbing because of the cleanup. Spring is the time of the year when your garden comes back to life. If you want the perfect front yard for this spring season, check your sprinklers and outdoor faucets for any malfunctions, which can quickly happen. This is because during winter, many outside pipes tend to freeze, and during unfreezing, many problems can arise, and pipes can even break completely. To test this, run the whole system and check each sprinkler head and faucet individually for water leaks. By testing it, you can react on time for any malfunction and get to repair it.

One more area that would need checking is a house bib, as it’s a common area to malfunction. If you forgot to unhook your garden hose over winter, this part of the plumbing could have sprung a leak, so you should check that out too.

an outdoor water spigot

When preparing for plumbing, don’t forget pipes that are outside

A water softener is going to solve a lot of your problems

If your pipes are in good condition, you would want them to stay that way for a long time. However, minerals in the water that flow through the pipes can be a significant problem in the long run. Hard water has many dissolved minerals like magnesium and calcium, which can build up in your pipes and plug them over time. That’s why a water softener will keep your pipes unplugged by balancing hard minerals in water that runs through them and improve your home plumbing for Spring cleanup.

You should consider one if you come from places known to have hard water, which is 85% of our country. However, if you are coming from Utah, New Mexico, or the western side of Texas, a water softener is a must-have due to its incredibly mineral-dense water that is a plumbing hazard. Installing a salt-based softener has other benefits as well, like reducing hard water stains, improving your skin and hair, reducing the amount of soap needed to clean dishes and clothes, etc.

Preparing home plumbing is a constant search for leaks.

To properly prepare your home plumbing for the spring season, you should check the areas that leak the most. A toilet is one of the most important places to check for leaks, as it can cause costly problems like damaged floors and high water bills. One helpful tip is to use food coloring to spot leaks around your toilet. Simply put a few drops of food coloring in your toilet, and leaking water will be easy to spot.

Another area you should check when preparing your home plumbing is the kitchen. Again, you should check if any faucet is dripping, and if they do, fix it. Drain lines should be cleaned appropriately of food blockage, and the sink should be checked for damages. A garbage disposal can also be troublesome, so troubleshoot for any problems. Any of these issues can cause problems for your home plumbing for spring cleanup, so it would be smart to check it all out.

Habits that can make home plumbing a lot easier

Home plumbing problems often occur because of our bad habits, and a few changes here can make a big difference. First, you should never pour cooking oils and grease into your drain; they can stay there and solidify, causing clogging. One beneficial thing for your drain is to run hot water after washing dishes, as it helps remove grease. Using drain covers in your shower and kitchen sink prevents unwanted objects from entering pipes. Finally, we recommend using a body wash rather than a soup bar, as it is much healthier for your home’s plumbing. Bar soap produces too much soap scum that coats the walls of your pipes, which can result in clogs. 

Kitchen sink and knives

A kitchen is a place where leaks can cause a lot of trouble

Making sure that your home plumbing for Spring is proper is an important job that homeowners should pay attention to. During Spring clean up, your home plumbing will be under much stress from the increased water use, and any imperfections could lead to trouble. But don’t worry, if you put effort into it and follow our advice, it’s nothing that you can’t overcome.

Home Plumbing Solutions

kitchen faucet

Every household will face plumbing problems at some point in time. However, you can avoid most major plumbing problems by regularly maintaining your home. You can probably resolve some of the issues on your own, but you will most likely need to hire professional home plumbing services for the more serious ones. Today, we will break down the essential home plumbing solutions and what you can do to keep up with the maintenance.

Remodel your home with your health in mind

Most people don’t pay enough attention to their health and how their home’s plumbing can affect them. Thankfully, the water in the Chicago area is generally decent; however, there is still lead in the tap water. This can cause problems, especially after prolonged exposure, and no level of lead is safe for children. Additionally, as your pipes corrode over time, the water quality may drop. You can consider renovating your home and updating your plumbing to improve your health, safety, and quality of life. 

Be aware that a major house remodel, which includes your home’s plumbing system, can make it hard to live on the property while the work is ongoing. So, you might want to schedule the remodel when you have some vacation days to spare. Furthermore, you will also need to make room so that the plumbers can reach the pipes. Since the pipes are sometimes hidden in hard-to-reach places behind your furniture, Strong-Ass Movers recommend temporarily packing and moving your furniture out of the home and into a storage unit. And, if you vacate your home, the work will be done faster, and you won’t have to live among the debris during the remodel.

Home plumbing solutions for each part of your house

Focus most of your attention on the bathroom

You use the most considerable amount of water in the bathroom, and that’s precisely where most of the plumbing problems in your home can occur. You should check the faucets and the showerhead to see if there are any leaks. Another common bathroom plumbing problem can be caused by toilets that aren’t flushing correctly. From our experience, backed-up toilets usually occur when people try to flush things that should actually go in the trash. So, sit down with your family members or housemates, and explain what goes down the toilet and what goes in the trash.

Showerhead with running water

Water-saving shower heads can reduce your utility bills

In case you run into any issues with bathroom plumbing, we suggest that you contact plumbing repair experts from Chicago since bathroom plumbing can be challenging to deal with on your own. If you want to be environmentally friendly, you can consider installing a water-saving shower and a toilet that uses less water. Not only are those solutions good for the environment, but they will also reduce your water bill.

Inspect your water heater

A large number of homes in Chicago rely on tank water heaters that pre-heat the water in your home. Most water heaters will last somewhere between 6 to 8 years; however, you can extend their duration with regular water heater repair and maintenance. When it comes to your water heater, there are a few home plumbing solutions you can try yourself:

  • Uneven low water pressure. The pressure for hot water is directly tied to your water heater, and if there are fluctuations in the pressure, you might need to replace the pump.
  • The temperature of the water fluctuates. All of the faucets in your home should have equally hot water.
  • Hot water has a strange color or smell. This could point to a buildup in your tank, which could probably be solved by cleaning it.
Home plumbing solutions to recognize hot water problems

Problems with hot water are probably coming from your water heater

Check your kitchen 

Kitchen drains can often get backed up due to food buildups. This is especially common for households that have garbage disposal units. Even if you are very careful about what you put down the garbage disposal, there could still be small buildups of leftover food that can accumulate over time, thus causing the drain to get blocked. The garbage disposal isn’t something that you should try to repair by yourself, and we recommend hiring local plumbers to deal with that for you. If you are looking for DIY home plumbing solutions, you can try to use a chemical-free solution to unclog your drains. Choose a product that won’t corrode your pipes and drains. Alternatively, you can use a mix of baking soda and vinegar to break down the buildup.

Kitchen chemicals

Be careful which chemicals you use to unclog backed-up pipes

Get the pipes ready for winter

Most people stick to the motto “if it isn’t broken, don’t fix it.” Unfortunately, if you wait until your pipes start leaking, you are in for a lot of trouble. It would be best to inspect your pipes for leaks regularly, and the best time to fix any damage to your pipes is during the summer. Chicago winters can be freezing, and leaky pipes can freeze and burst from the low temperatures. Your best course of action would be to take care of those issues before any significant damage occurs. 

Even in a warmer climate, leaky pipes will lead to unnecessarily large water bills. Most importantly, unchecked leaks can cause water damage to your home, which can be expensive and challenging to deal with. When checking your home for leaks, you should work from the bottom up since water flows downwards. If your home has a basement, look for any sources of water that shouldn’t be there. Leaks in the basement could cause damage to the foundation of your home and should be treated very seriously.

To summarize

We have covered the four most crucial home plumbing solutions and explained which signs you should look for. When you run into any issues, carefully consider whether you can deal with them yourself. If you feel uncomfortable dealing with plumbing problems, you can contact us, and we will be happy to assist you.