Tag Archives: sewer line camera inspection

How Sewer Camera Inspections Help Prevent Costly Plumbing Problems

prevent costly plumbing problems with a sewer camera inspection.

Plumbing problems can be a nightmare for homeowners. Not only do they cause inconvenience and disruption, but they can also result in costly repairs. One of the most effective ways to prevent these issues is through sewer camera inspections. With the help of advanced technology, these inspections allow professionals to thoroughly assess the condition of your sewer lines, identify potential problems, and take proactive measures to avoid expensive plumbing disasters.

Understanding Sewer Camera Inspections

Sewer camera inspections involve using a specialized camera system to inspect the interior of your sewer lines. The camera, attached to a flexible rod, is inserted into the sewer line through an access point. It travels through the pipes, capturing high-quality video footage of the entire system.

These inspections are typically carried out by professional plumbing companies who have the necessary equipment and expertise. The recorded video footage is then reviewed by the plumber, allowing them to identify any issues or abnormalities within the sewer line.

The Benefits of Sewer Camera Inspections

Early Detection of Problems:

Sewer camera inspections enable the early detection of potential plumbing issues before they escalate into major problems. The high-resolution video footage provides a comprehensive view of the sewer line, allowing plumbers to identify signs of damage, blockages, corrosion, tree root intrusions, or other issues that may lead to sewer line backups or leaks. By catching these problems early on, homeowners can save themselves from expensive and extensive repairs down the line.

Accurate Diagnosis:

Traditional methods of diagnosing sewer line issues, such as excavation or guesswork, can be time-consuming, disruptive, and often inaccurate. Sewer camera inspections provide an accurate and detailed diagnosis of the problem. The video footage allows plumbers to pinpoint the exact location and nature of the issue, facilitating targeted repairs or replacements.

Cost-Effective Solution:

Investing in sewer camera inspections is a cost-effective solution in the long run. By identifying and addressing issues at an early stage, homeowners can avoid costly repairs that may arise due to neglect or delayed action. Additionally, these inspections help prevent emergency situations that usually result in higher expenses, such as extensive sewer line replacements or property damage caused by sewage backups.

Proactive Maintenance:

Sewer camera inspections offer homeowners the opportunity for proactive maintenance of their plumbing systems. Rather than waiting for a problem to occur, regular inspections can help identify potential issues and allow plumbers to take preventive measures. This may include clearing tree root intrusions, removing blockages, or applying protective coatings to prevent future corrosion. By staying ahead of problems, homeowners can ensure the longevity and optimal performance of their sewer lines.

a plumber performing a sewer camera inspection.

As the camera travels through the sewer line, it captures high-definition video footage of the interior. The plumber closely monitors the video feed, looking for any signs of damage, blockages, or abnormalities.

How Sewer Camera Inspections Work

During a sewer camera inspection, a professional plumber will follow a standard process to thoroughly examine your sewer lines:

  • Access Point: The plumber will locate the nearest access point to your sewer line, which is typically an existing cleanout or the main sewer line’s entrance.
  • Camera Insertion: The plumber will carefully insert the camera into the access point and guide it through the sewer line. The flexible rod allows the camera to navigate through twists, turns, and bends in the pipes.
  • Video Inspection: As the camera travels through the sewer line, it captures high-definition video footage of the interior. The plumber closely monitors the video feed, looking for any signs of damage, blockages, or abnormalities.
  • Problem Identification: If any issues are detected, the plumber will make note of their location, severity, and nature. This information helps in formulating the most appropriate solution.
  • Report and Recommendations: Once the inspection is complete, the plumber will provide you with a detailed report of their findings. They will highlight any identified problems and recommend the necessary repairs or maintenance required.

When Should You Schedule a Sewer Camera Inspection?

Older Homes:

If you live in an older home with an aging plumbing system, scheduling regular sewer camera inspections is essential. Over time, pipes can deteriorate, corrode, or develop cracks, leading to potential leaks or blockages. By inspecting the sewer lines and addressing any issues promptly, you can avoid costly repairs and extensive damage.

Frequent Drain Clogs:

If you experience frequent drain clogs or backups, it could indicate a more significant underlying problem within your sewer line. A camera inspection can help identify the cause of these issues, whether it be tree root intrusion, pipe damage, or a blockage that requires professional attention.

Home Purchase:

If you are in the process of buying a new home, it is strongly recommended to schedule a sewer camera inspection as part of the home inspection process. This will give you peace of mind and ensure that the plumbing system is in good condition before making a substantial investment.

Remodeling or Renovation:

Before undertaking any major remodeling or renovation projects that involve your plumbing system, a sewer camera inspection can reveal any potential problems that may affect the project. It allows you to address these issues beforehand, saving you from unexpected delays and additional expenses.

Regular Maintenance:

Even if you have not encountered any specific plumbing issues, scheduling periodic sewer camera inspections is an excellent preventive measure. It helps you identify any early signs of damage, blockages, or tree root intrusions, allowing you to take proactive steps to maintain the health and functionality of your sewer lines.

Sewer camera inspections are a valuable tool in preventing costly plumbing problems. By proactively identifying issues within the sewer lines, homeowners can save themselves from potential headaches and expensive repairs. Regular inspections provide an accurate diagnosis, enable early intervention, and help maintain the overall health of the plumbing system. Whether you are a homeowner of an older property or simply looking to ensure the longevity of your sewer lines, scheduling a sewer camera inspection is a wise investment.

Frequently Asked Questions About Residential Sewer Lines in Chicago

a residential sewer line in chicago.

Common Questions About Residential Sewer Lines in Chicago

Whether you’re a homeowner in the city or planning to move to Chicago, it’s important to have a good understanding of sewer systems and how they work. In this article, we’ll cover common concerns, maintenance tips, and important information regarding residential sewer lines in the beautiful city of Chicago.

1. What is a residential sewer line?

A residential sewer line, also known as a house sewer, is the underground pipe system that carries wastewater from your home’s plumbing fixtures to the sewer main in the street or an adjacent alley. It connects your property to the municipal sewer system, ensuring proper waste disposal.

2. How do I know if there is a problem with my sewer line?

There are several signs that may indicate a problem with your residential sewer line. These include:

  • Frequent toilet clogs
  • Slow draining sinks, showers, or tubs
  • Gurgling noises coming from drains
  • Foul odors in your yard or home
  • Sewage backups or water pooling in the basement or yard

If you notice any of these signs, it’s crucial to contact a professional plumber specializing in residential sewer line repairs.

3. How often should I have my sewer line inspected?

While there isn’t a specific timeframe for sewer line inspections, it’s recommended to have your residential sewer line camera inspected every 1-2 years, especially if you live in an older home or an area with a history of sewer line issues. Regular inspections can help identify potential problems before they escalate and prevent major repairs in the future.

4. Can tree roots damage my sewer line?

Yes, tree roots can infiltrate and damage residential sewer lines. As trees grow, their roots naturally seek sources of water, including sewer pipes. Over time, tree roots can cause cracks and blockages, leading to sewer line backups. It’s advisable to plant trees away from sewer lines and have a professional inspect and trim tree roots near your sewer line regularly.

5. How can I prevent sewer line clogs?

Preventing sewer line clogs involves practicing good plumbing habits. Here are some tips:

  • Avoid flushing non-biodegradable items such as wipes, diapers, and feminine hygiene products down the toilet.
  • Dispose of cooking grease and oils in the trash rather than pouring them down the sink.
  • Install drain screens or traps to catch debris and prevent it from entering your sewer line.
  • Avoid excessive use of chemical drain cleaners as they can damage your pipes.
  • Regularly maintain your gutters and downspouts to prevent debris from entering the sewer system.

6. What should I do if there is a sewer line backup?

In the event of a sewer line backup, it’s essential to take immediate action. Follow these steps:

  • Turn off the water supply to your home to prevent further backups.
  • Avoid using any plumbing fixtures until the issue is resolved.
  • Contact a professional plumber who specializes in sewer line repairs.
  • Avoid trying to fix the problem yourself as it may cause further damage.

7. What are the common causes of sewer line damage?

Several factors can contribute to sewer line damage, including:

  • Age and deterioration of pipes
  • Tree roots infiltrating the pipes
  • Ground movement or shifting soil
  • Accumulation of grease, debris, or foreign objects
  • Extreme temperature changes
  • Improper installation or previous repairs

Understanding these causes can help you take preventive measures and ensure the longevity of your residential sewer line.

8. Do I need a permit to repair or replace my sewer line?

Yes, in Chicago, a permit is required to repair or replace a residential sewer line. It’s important to consult with the Chicago Department of Buildings to obtain the necessary permits and ensure compliance with the city’s regulations.

In Conclusion

Residential sewer lines play a vital role in maintaining a clean and healthy environment in Chicago. By understanding the basics of sewer line systems, recognizing signs of potential issues, and following good plumbing practices, you can help prevent costly repairs and ensure the proper functioning of your home’s sewer system. Remember to reach out to professional plumbers for any concerns or repairs related to your residential sewer line. Stay informed, take proactive steps, and enjoy a hassle-free sewage system in the windy city!

What is the Cost of a Sewer Line Camera Inspection in Chicago?

a plumber performing a sewer line camera inspection in chicago.

When it comes to maintaining and repairing sewer lines, one of the most important tools in a plumber’s arsenal is a sewer line camera inspection. This advanced technology allows plumbers to visually inspect the inside of sewer pipes, diagnose issues, and determine the best course of action for repairs. While sewer line camera inspections are widely used and highly effective, many homeowners in Chicago wonder about the cost associated with this service. In this article, we will explore the factors that influence the cost of a sewer line camera inspection in Chicago and provide you with an understanding of what to expect.

Importance of Sewer Line Camera Inspection

Before discussing the cost of a sewer line camera inspection, it is important to understand why this service is invaluable in maintaining the health of your sewer system. A sewer line camera inspection allows plumbers to identify a wide range of issues, including blockages, leaks, cracks, root intrusions, and deterioration. By identifying these problems in their early stages, homeowners can address them before they escalate into more significant and costly repairs.

Sewer camera inspections are particularly useful in Chicago, where the city’s infrastructure is aging. With many homes and buildings in the city having sewer pipes that are decades old, regular inspections can help identify potential issues and avoid major disruptions.

Factors Affecting the Cost

Type of Property

The cost of a sewer line camera inspection can vary depending on the type of property being inspected. Residential properties typically have simpler plumbing systems compared to commercial or industrial properties. As a result, inspections for residential properties tend to be less expensive.

Commercial or industrial properties, on the other hand, may have more complex plumbing systems, larger pipes, and a greater number of sewer connections. Inspecting these properties requires specialized equipment and expertise, which can contribute to a higher cost.

Length of the Sewer Line

Another factor that influences the cost of a sewer line camera inspection is the length of the sewer line being inspected. Longer sewer lines require more time and resources to inspect thoroughly. Therefore, the cost of inspecting a longer sewer line is generally higher compared to shorter lines.

It is worth noting that some companies charge a flat fee for the first few feet of inspection, while others may charge per foot for the entire length of the sewer line. Ensure you clarify the billing structure with the plumbing company beforehand to avoid any surprises.

Accessibility of the Sewer Line

The accessibility of the sewer line also affects the cost of inspection. If the sewer line is easily accessible and does not require extensive excavation, the cost is likely to be lower. However, if the sewer line is located deep underground, obstructed by other utility lines, or surrounded by hard-to-reach areas, it may require additional equipment or labor, leading to higher costs.

Additional Services Needed

In some cases, a sewer line camera inspection may uncover issues that require additional services such as drain cleaning, repairs, or replacements. If these services are necessary, they will be billed separately from the inspection itself. The cost of any additional services will depend on the extent of the problem and the required repairs or replacements.

Cost Range for Sewer Line Camera Inspections in Chicago

The cost of a sewer line camera inspection in Chicago typically ranges between $200 and $800. However, this range can vary depending on the factors mentioned above and the specific plumbing company you choose to work with. It is essential to request quotes from multiple reputable plumbing companies to compare prices and services.

Considering the Value

While the cost of a sewer camera inspection may seem significant, it is crucial to consider the value it provides. Identifying and addressing sewer line issues early can save homeowners thousands of dollars in future repairs and prevent potential health hazards.

Moreover, many plumbing companies offer warranties or guarantees for their inspection services. If any issues arise shortly after the inspection, the company can address them at little to no additional cost. This provides peace of mind and adds further value to the investment in a sewer line camera inspection.

In Summary

When it comes to maintaining the health of your sewer system, a sewer line camera inspection is an indispensable tool. By understanding the factors that influence the cost of this service and the value it provides, homeowners in Chicago can make informed decisions about their sewer line maintenance. Remember to research reputable plumbing companies, request quotes, and prioritize regular inspections to keep your sewer system running smoothly and avoid costly repairs in the long run.

Investing in a sewer camera inspection is a proactive step towards ensuring the longevity and functionality of your sewer system, giving you peace of mind and saving you money in the future.

How Can You Repair Your Pipes While Saving Your Landscape?

a beautiful yard.

Maintaining a healthy home landscape goes beyond having beautiful gardens and lush lawns; it also encompasses preserving the infrastructure that supports it. One of the key components of your landscape’s infrastructure is the piping system that supplies water and irrigation to the various areas of your property. However, over time, these pipes may experience leaks, cracks, or other damages that can lead to significant water loss and potential landscape damage. To prevent further harm to your landscape and ensure the longevity of your piping system, proper pipe repair techniques are crucial. This article will explore some effective methods to repair your pipes while saving your precious landscape.

Detecting Pipe Issues

Before addressing pipe repairs, it is essential to identify and locate any issues within your piping system. Signs of pipe problems may include low water pressure, unexplained increases in water bills, damp areas on your lawn, or pooling water where it shouldn’t be. Additionally, if you notice an unusual decrease in the health or appearance of your landscape despite regular maintenance, there may be hidden pipe issues contributing to the problem.

To detect pipe issues, it is advisable to hire a plumber near you or use specialized equipment such as leak detection devices or thermal imaging cameras. These methods help locate potential leaks, cracks, or clogs within your piping system, enabling a targeted approach to repairs.

Non-Invasive Pipe Repair Techniques

When it comes to repairing your pipes while saving your landscape, non-invasive techniques are the most favorable option. Not only do they minimize disruption to your landscaping, but they also save you from incurring significant costs associated with digging up and replacing pipes.

One popular non-invasive pipe repair technique is trenchless pipe lining or relining. This process involves rehabilitating damaged pipes from within without the need for excavation. A durable lining material is inserted into the existing pipe, creating a new, structurally sound pipe within the old one. Trenchless pipe lining effectively seals cracks, prevents leaks, and improves the overall functionality of the piping system without disturbing your landscape.

Another non-invasive technique is pipe bursting. This method is commonly used to replace sewer pipes that are severely damaged and beyond repair. With pipe bursting, a new pipe is pulled through the damaged one, causing it to burst and displace the remnants while simultaneously installing a brand new pipe. This approach eliminates the need for extensive digging and trenching, minimizing landscape disruption.

a sewer camera video inspection taking place.

Preventive Measures for Pipe Maintenance

To ensure the longevity of your pipes and reduce the likelihood of landscape damage, implementing preventive measures is essential. Here are some tips to maintain a healthy piping system and preserve your landscape:

1. Regular Inspections: Schedule periodic sewer camera inspections of your piping system to identify and address any issues promptly. Timely identification can prevent minor problems from escalating into major ones, saving you time, money, and potential landscape damage.

2. Proper Planting Techniques: When landscaping your property, be mindful of the proximity of plants, trees, or shrubs to your piping system. Plant roots can pose a risk of intrusion, leading to cracks or blockages. Consult with a professional landscaper to ensure proper plant placement, especially near buried pipes.

3. Adequate Drainage: Proper drainage systems play a vital role in maintaining the health of your landscape and preventing water accumulation near pipes. Ensure proper grading, install drain covers, and regularly clear debris from gutters and downspouts to minimize the risk of water-related pipe damage.

4. Insulate Exposed Pipes: In colder climates, insulating exposed pipes is crucial to prevent freezing and potential bursting. Burst pipes not only impact your piping system but can also cause extensive damage to your landscape if left unaddressed.

5. Educate Household Members: Teach everyone in your household about the significance of water conservation and responsible water usage. By avoiding excessive water usage, you can reduce the strain on your piping system, minimizing the chances of leaks or damages that may affect your landscape.

The Importance of Professional Assistance

While some minor pipe repairs can be handled by homeowners, it is often recommended to seek professional assistance for significant or complex issues. Experienced plumbers have the knowledge, tools, and expertise necessary to diagnose and repair pipe problems efficiently without causing additional damage to your landscape. Hiring a professional ensures that repairs are conducted accurately, providing long-lasting solutions and peace of mind.

In conclusion, protecting your landscape while repairing your pipes is not only possible but also essential for maintaining a healthy and visually appealing outdoor environment. By utilizing non-invasive repair techniques, implementing preventive measures, and seeking professional assistance when needed, you can repair your pipes without compromising the beauty and integrity of your landscape for years to come.

Sewer Scoping Inspections and Buying a Home: What You Need to Know

a couple that just bought a new home.

If you’re in the process of buying a home, there are a lot of things to consider. You want to ensure that the home you’re purchasing is in good condition and that there are no major issues that will end up costing you a fortune in repairs down the line. One area that you don’t want to overlook is the sewer system. That’s where sewer scoping inspections come in.

What is a Sewer Scope Inspection?

A sewer scope inspection is a process in which a specialized camera is inserted into the home’s plumbing system to inspect the condition of the sewer pipes. The camera is attached to a long, flexible cable and is inserted through a drain, typically the main sewer line cleanout.

The camera is able to provide a detailed view of the condition of the sewer pipes, including any obstructions, cracks, or other issues that could be present. The inspection will typically take about an hour to complete, and the results will be provided to you in a detailed report and/or can be recorded on a USB drive.

a sewer scoping inspection taking place.

Why is a Sewer Scope Inspection Important?

There are a few reasons why a sewer scope inspection is important when buying a home. First, it allows you to identify any issues that might be present in the sewer pipes. If there are cracks, breaks, or obstructions, these can end up causing major issues down the line. By identifying these issues before you purchase the home, you can work with the seller to address them, or you can make an informed decision about whether to move forward with the purchase.

Second, if you do end up purchasing a home with sewer issues, you could be on the hook for costly repairs. Sewer repairs can be extremely expensive, and if you don’t catch these issues before you buy the home, you could be looking at a significant amount of unexpected costs.

How to Get a Sewer Scope Inspection

If you’re interested in getting a sewer scope inspection, you’ll need to contact a qualified local plumber or sewer inspection company. They will be able to schedule the inspection, perform the assessment, and provide you with a detailed report of their findings.

It’s important to note that not all homes will require a sewer scope inspection. If you’re purchasing a newly-constructed home, for example, the sewer pipes may still be in excellent condition and not require inspection. However, if you’re purchasing an older home, or a home that has a history of sewer issues, a sewer scope inspection is likely a good idea.

a sewer line camera inspection taking place.

What to Expect During the Sewer Scope Inspection

During the inspection, a qualified technician will insert the camera into the home’s plumbing system. They will typically begin by inspecting the main sewer line, which is the largest and most important sewer pipe in the home. From there, they will inspect any other relevant pipes, such as those leading from bathrooms or sinks.

The technician will be looking for various issues, such as cracks or breaks in the pipes, tree roots that may be growing into the pipes, and any other obstructions that may be preventing water from flowing freely through the system.

After the inspection is complete, the technician will provide you with a report that details their findings. The report will typically include information about the condition of the pipes, any issues that were identified, and recommendations for sewer line repairs or further inspections if necessary.

What Happens If Issues Are Identified?

If the sewer scope inspection identifies issues with the home’s sewer system, you’ll want to work with the seller and your real estate agent to address them. Depending on the severity of the issues, it may be necessary to negotiate repairs or a reduction in the home’s sale price to cover the cost of repairs.

It’s important to keep in mind that not all issues with a sewer system will be deal breakers. However, it’s important to have all of the information available to you so that you can make an informed decision about the home purchase.

a broken sewer line.


When buying a home, it’s important to have as much information as possible about the condition of the property. This includes the condition of the home’s sewer system. By getting a sewer scope inspection, you can identify any issues that might be present in the sewer pipes and make an informed decision about whether to move forward with the home purchase.

Remember, not all homes will require a sewer scope inspection, but if you’re purchasing an older home or a home with a history of sewer issues, it’s likely a good idea. Contact a qualified plumber or sewer inspection company to schedule an inspection and get the information you need to make an informed decision about the home purchase.

Drain Line Inspection: What Is It and Do You Need It

plumbers carrying out a drain line inspection.

What is Drain Line Inspection?

Drain line inspection is the process of examining the full length of a drain pipe, or sewer line, to detect any existing or potential problems that could lead to plumbing issues in your home. It involves using various techniques to inspect the drain line from the interior and exterior of a home to look for any signs of deterioration or blockages. By carrying out a drain line inspection, homeowners can quickly identify any issues before they become more serious, and can act to prevent the problem from escalating.

Drain lines are buried underground and are susceptible to damage from high levels of moisture, pests and tree root intrusion. If left unchecked, these problems can quickly weaken the structural integrity of the drain line, potentially leading to costly repairs if not detected early on. Regular inspections help to ensure that any problems are identified quickly, preventing them from growing into much bigger issues.

How is a Drain Line Inspection Conducted?

A drain camera inspection involves the use of various methods to inspect the drain line from the interior and exterior of the home. For interior inspections, this typically involves using a specialized camera mounted onto a long, flexible line to inspect the full length of the pipe. This camera allows for a detailed view of the inside of the pipe, allowing for the detection of any issues, such as blockages and damage to the pipe itself.

Exterior inspections involve using instruments to detect any changes in the exterior of the pipe, such as changes to the ground. This can help detect problems such as collapsed sections of pipe, which may have been caused by the shifting of soil or ground around the pipe.

Do I Need a Drain Line Inspection?

While regular sewer line inspections are recommended, there are certain circumstances where a drain line inspection is especially necessary. Under the following circumstances, it is important to contact a plumber and have your drain lines inspected:

  • If you are buying a property – Drain line inspections are an important part of a home buyer’s sole due diligence.
  • If you have experienced persistent or difficult-to-solve plumbing issues – Drain line inspections can help identify the source of the problem.
  • If your home is older – Drain lines installed in older homes may be more susceptible to deterioration or damage.
  • If your home has experienced flooding – Flooding can cause considerable damage to drain lines. It is important to have the lines checked for structural integrity before they are put back to use.
drain line camera inspection.

It is best to contact a local plumber experienced in this area who has the right equipment and expertise.

Ultimately, regular drain line inspections can help to identify any existing or potential issues that could lead to plumbing problems in your home. The quicker these issues are detected, the less damage and expense is likely to be incurred in repairing them. So, for any homeowner, having a drain line inspected regularly is an important aspect of keeping their home in top working condition.

If you’re a homeowner and you would like to have a drain line inspection carried out, it is best to contact a local plumber with expertise in this area. The plumber will have the equipment and expertise to ensure that the inspection is carried out accurately, and can make recommendations on any necessary repairs or replacements.

By having regular drain camera inspections and addressing any problems quickly, you can help to ensure that your home’s plumbing remains in a safe and functioning condition.

When a Sewer Camera Inspection Is Helpful in Chicago

sewer camera inspection in chicago.

Signs that You Need a Sewer Camera Inspection

Most of the time, if you have a plumbing issue in your home, you can be pretty certain that it’s a problem with the main sewer line. Knowing exactly where the issue lies requires an expert eye, and that’s where a sewer camera inspection can come in handy. It can help you determine where the problem is, identify what’s causing it, and then come up with a plan to fix it.

The first sign that you need a sewer camera inspection is if you’re dealing with slow drains. If water isn’t draining at its usual rate, it’s usually a sign that something isn’t right with your sewer pipes. Whether it’s a blockage or a crack, a sewer line camera inspection in Chicago can help you figure out what’s causing the problem so you can take steps to fix it.

Another common sign that you need a sewer video camera inspection is if you detect a foul smell in your home or around your property. If there’s a blockage in your main sewer line, it can cause a buildup of nasty debris and organic matter. A sewer scoping inspection can help you locate the blockage, allowing you to take the necessary steps to clear it.

What to Expect From a Sewer Camera Inspection

A sewer camera inspection is fairly straightforward. All it requires is a small camera attached to a flexible wire that is inserted through the most direct access point of the main sewer line. This camera is able to send live video feed straight back to the technician, allowing them to figure out what’s going on in your pipes and identify the source of the problem.

Once the inspection is complete, the inspector can provide a detailed report on what’s causing the issue. This report will include a map of the location of your main sewer line, details on any blockages or damage to your pipes, and an outline of the recommended solution.

a sewer line camera inspection being provided for a customer in chicago.

Having your sewer line inspected by a video camera will lead to a detailed understanding of the condition of your underground plumbing system.

The Benefits of a Sewer Camera Inspection in Chicago

A sewer camera inspection has a number of benefits. It’s much faster and cheaper than traditional excavation and repair methods, making it a great option for homeowners looking to save money. It’s also a non-destructive process, meaning that your garden or driveway won’t need to be dug up in order to repair the problem.

Another great benefit of a sewer camera inspection in Chicago is that it can prevent further damage to your plumbing system. By identifying the source of the issue, it can stop it from getting worse and save you from more costly repairs down the line.

What to Do After a Sewer Camera Inspection

After your sewer camera inspection, it’s important to follow the suggestions made by the inspector. Depending on the severity of the problem and where it’s located, this could involve calling a professional plumber for repair work or simply making small changes to the way you use your plumbing fixtures.

It’s also important to remember that prevention is key when it comes to your plumbing and sewer system. Follow good plumbing practices such as regularly flushing out your drains with hot water and avoiding the disposal of objects like food waste and cooking oil down your sink. You should also check for tree roots around your sewer pipes, as these can often cause blockages.

A sewer camera inspection can be a great tool for Chicago homeowners looking to troubleshoot their plumbing issues. It’s a quick and cost-effective way to figure out what’s going on in your pipes so you can take the necessary steps to repair them. Whether you’re dealing with slow drains or a nasty smell, a sewer inspection can help you get back on the right track.

Mysterious Leaks in your Plumbing? Time for a Drain Camera Inspection!

a drain camera inspection.

What is a Drain Camera Inspection?

Drain camera inspection is a plumbing tool for inspecting, locating and diagnosing problems within a drain system without the need for traditional digging and excavation. An important, yet often overlooked, part of home maintenance, a drain camera inspection can help a homeowner identify seemingly mysterious leaks and diagnose blocked drains, helping to prevent costly repairs or damage.

Benefits of a Drain Camera Inspection

Having a drain camera inspection performed gives homeowners several benefits. Firstly, it is a non-invasive method of determining the cause of a mysterious leak or drainage issue. By inspecting the drainage systems with a digital camera, technicians can accurately identify the problem and provide a viable solution.

Secondly, the process of drain camera inspection is non-destructive. High-resolution footage gathered in the inspection can detect any deficiencies that are found within the plumbing and sewer lines, allowing technicians to make the necessary repairs without having to dig up the affected area using heavy machinery.

Thirdly, a drain camera inspection is significantly less expensive than blindly investigating a mysterious leak. Homeowners no longer have to worry about being completely unaware of what the problem is and spend a large sum of money to dig in order to find out the cause of the leak.

Signs That You Need A Drain Camera Inspection

There are a number of signs that indicate homeowners may need to get a drain camera inspection. One of the most common indicators is if there is an unexplained leak in or around the home’s drainage system. In addition, strange noises coming from pipes or drains can also be a sign of a blockage and could benefit from being checked with a drain camera.

Other signs that may necessitate a drain camera inspection include waste water backups, slow draining sinks and toilets, strange odors emanating from drainage systems and an increased water bill. In any case, it is best to call a professional plumber to properly diagnose the issue.

a plumber performing a drain camera inspection for a customer.

What Happens During A Drain Camera Inspection?

The process for a drain camera inspection is surprisingly simple. A drainage camera is lowered down any pipes or drains that need to be inspected, and captures the footage with the help of a camera attached to the end of a cable. This allows the technician to examine the insides of the drainage system in real-time, making it easier to identify the source of a mysterious leak or drainage issue.

Once the source of the issue has been identified, the technician can advise the homeowner on the best course of action to take. This may involve non-intrusive methods or repair, or replacement of a section of pipe that has been damaged or blocked.

Maintaining Your Drains

Once the cause of a mysterious leak has been identified and the necessary repair works have been completed, homeowners should take a few steps to ensure that the drains and pipes remain in good condition. For example, avoid pouring grease, oil, coffee grounds or other solids down the sink, and avoid flushing non-biodegradable products down the toilet. Instead, homeowners should make sure to use strainer over the sink and shower drains and cover the toilet bowl flusher with a guard to catch potential clogs.

It is also important to be aware of any changes in plumbing or drainage systems, such as an increase in water bills or slow draining pipes. If these signs are detected, homeowners should not hesitate to contact a licensed plumber or arrange for service.


Drain camera inspections are an essential part of home maintenance and can be used to identify and diagnose mysterious leaks and drainage problems. Homeowners who are experiencing symptoms of an issue should not hesitate to call a professional to arrange an inspection. Furthermore, homeowners should also be aware of necessary steps they can take to ensure that their drains and pipes remain in top condition.