Category Archives: drain camera inspection

5 Reasons You Might Need Our Drain Camera Inspection Services in Wrigleyville

a drain camera inspection being performed in wrigleyville.

Are you experiencing issues with your drains? Is there a persistent clog that you can’t seem to get rid of? Or perhaps you’re concerned about the overall health and condition of your drainage system. Whatever the case may be, our drain camera inspection services in Wrigleyville are here to help. In this article, we will explore five reasons why you might need our professional assistance. From identifying hidden problems to preventing future issues, our drain camera inspections are a reliable solution for your drainage needs.

Reason 1: Uncover Hidden Problems

One of the major advantages of our drain camera inspection services is the ability to uncover hidden problems within your drainage system. While some issues may be visible on the surface, many others can go undetected without proper equipment and expertise. Our state-of-the-art drain cameras allow us to navigate through your pipes and identify blockages, leaks, and other potential issues that may be lurking beneath the surface. By catching these problems early on, we can prevent them from escalating into more significant and costly repairs in the future.

Reason 2: Eliminate Stubborn Clogs

If you’ve been struggling with a stubborn clog that just won’t budge, our drain camera inspection services can provide the solution you need. Traditional methods of drain cleaning, such as plunging or using chemical cleaners, may not always be effective in removing deep-seated clogs. With our drain cameras, we can accurately pinpoint the location and cause of the clog, allowing us to devise a targeted plan of action. Whether it’s a buildup of debris, tree roots invading your pipes, or another issue altogether, our team can effectively eliminate the clog and restore proper drainage to your system.

Reason 3: Ensure Optimal Drainage Performance

Over time, drains can become less efficient and start to exhibit signs of reduced performance. Slow drains, gurgling sounds, and unpleasant odors are all indicators that there may be an underlying problem with your drainage system. Our drain camera inspections can help identify the cause of these performance issues and provide the necessary solutions. By cleaning out any obstructions or repairing damaged areas, we can restore your drains to their optimal functionality, ensuring smooth and efficient drainage throughout your property.

Reason 4: Prevent Costly Repairs

By investing in regular drain camera inspections, you can potentially save yourself from costly repairs down the line. Catching and resolving problems early on can help prevent the need for extensive repairs or even pipe replacements. With our detailed inspection reports and expert recommendations, you can address minor issues before they escalate into major headaches. Making drain camera inspections a part of your routine maintenance can ultimately save you time, money, and the stress of dealing with unexpected drainage failures.

Reason 5: Get Peace of Mind

Finally, our drain camera inspection services provide you with peace of mind regarding the overall condition of your drainage system. When you know that your drains are in good health, you can have confidence in the functionality and reliability of your plumbing. Our thorough inspections and detailed reports give you a clear understanding of any existing issues and the recommended solutions. Whether you’re a homeowner or a business owner in Wrigleyville, having the assurance that your drains are being properly cared for is invaluable.

In conclusion, our drain camera inspection services in Wrigleyville offer numerous benefits for those experiencing drain-related issues. From uncovering hidden problems to preventing costly repairs, our professional team of plumbers in Wrigleyville is equipped with the expertise and technology to ensure the health and functionality of your drainage system. Don’t wait until a small problem becomes a major headache. Contact us today to schedule a drain camera inspection and experience the peace of mind that comes with knowing your drains are in the best possible hands.

In need of a sewer or drain camera inspection in the Wrigleyville area? Contact us below!

Mysterious Leaks in your Plumbing? Time for a Drain Camera Inspection!

a drain camera inspection.

What is a Drain Camera Inspection?

Drain camera inspection is a plumbing tool for inspecting, locating and diagnosing problems within a drain system without the need for traditional digging and excavation. An important, yet often overlooked, part of home maintenance, a drain camera inspection can help a homeowner identify seemingly mysterious leaks and diagnose blocked drains, helping to prevent costly repairs or damage.

Benefits of a Drain Camera Inspection

Having a drain camera inspection performed gives homeowners several benefits. Firstly, it is a non-invasive method of determining the cause of a mysterious leak or drainage issue. By inspecting the drainage systems with a live video feed, plumbers can accurately identify the problem and provide a viable solution.

Secondly, the process of drain camera inspection is non-destructive. High-resolution footage gathered in the inspection can detect any deficiencies that are found within the plumbing and sewer lines, allowing technicians to make the necessary repairs without having to dig up the affected area using heavy machinery.

Thirdly, a drain camera inspection is significantly less expensive than blindly investigating a mysterious leak. Homeowners no longer have to worry about being completely unaware of what the problem is and spend a large sum of money to dig in order to find out the cause of the leak.

Signs That You Need A Drain Camera Inspection

There are a number of signs that indicate homeowners may need to get a drain camera inspection. One of the most common indicators is if there is an unexplained leak in or around the home’s drainage system. In addition, strange noises coming from pipes or drains can also be a sign of a blockage and could benefit from being checked with a drain camera.

Other signs that may necessitate a drain camera inspection include sewage backups, slow draining sinks and toilets, strange odors emanating from drainage systems and an increased water bill. In any case, it is best to call a professional plumber to properly diagnose the issue.

a plumber performing a drain camera inspection for a customer.

What Happens During A Drain Camera Inspection?

The process for a drain camera inspection is surprisingly simple. A drainage camera is lowered down any pipes or drains that need to be inspected, and captures the footage with the help of a camera attached to the end of a cable. This allows the technician to examine the insides of the drainage system in real-time, making it easier to identify the source of a mysterious leak or drainage issue.

Once the source of the issue has been identified, the technician can advise the homeowner on the best course of action to take. This may involve non-intrusive methods or repair, or replacement of a section of pipe that has been damaged or blocked.

Maintaining Your Drains

Once the cause of a mysterious leak has been identified and the necessary repair works have been completed, homeowners should take a few steps to ensure that the drains and pipes remain in good condition. For example, avoid pouring grease, oil, coffee grounds or other solids down the sink, and avoid flushing non-biodegradable products down the toilet. Instead, homeowners should make sure to use strainer over the sink and shower drains and cover the toilet bowl flusher with a guard to catch potential clogs.

It is also important to be aware of any changes in plumbing or drainage systems, such as an increase in water bills or slow draining pipes. If these signs are detected, homeowners should not hesitate to contact a licensed plumber or arrange for service.


Drain camera inspections are an essential part of home maintenance and can be used to identify and diagnose mysterious leaks and drainage problems. Homeowners who are experiencing symptoms of an issue should not hesitate to call a professional plumber near you to arrange an inspection. Furthermore, homeowners should also be aware of necessary steps they can take to ensure that their drains and pipes remain in top condition.

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