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5 Most Common Plumbing Problems in Chicago

5 Most Common Plumbing Problems in Chicago

Every home needs water. We need water for cooking, cleaning, and personal sanitation. It would be impossible to live in a modern home without water running inside its structures. But to have access to that water, you need a system to deliver clean water to the house and take away the dirty water. That is what the plumbing system in your home does.

A home’s plumbing system consists of hundreds of feet of pipes with valves, connections, and other components. It is one of the most complicated and most used systems in the home. As a result, problems with the plumbing system are among the most common issues homeowners in Chicago encounter. 

Plumbing problems are one of Chicago homeowners’ biggest issues because:

  • They are hard to detect: The typical way homeowners discover an issue with their plumbing is when the water supply stops or water goes where it is not supposed to. But before the problem goes that far, it will show subtle signs that go undetected.

  • They cost a lot of money to fix: Plumbing issues often cost a lot of money to repair. That is not because of the cost of fixing the damaged components. Instead, it is due to the cost of repairing the damage the issue has done to the surrounding areas.

That is why plumbing problems are best discovered early and solved on time. Finding a problem before it causes damage to the structures of your home can save you hundreds of thousands of dollars, says Income Realty Corporation. To do this, you need to know the common plumbing problems you are likely to face in your Chicago home and what you can do to solve them.

Five most common plumbing problems in Chicago homes

These five problems top the list of plumbing issues occurring in Chicago homes.

Drain clogs

A drain clog is a common occurrence in the home, and it can happen in different parts of the plumbing system. Drains get clogged when an item or material obstructs drain pipes. That occurs in the kitchen sink or bathroom drain. Drain clogs can be minor issues requiring a few minutes to solve, or they can be leading problems that require special equipment and lots of time. You can clear most clogs by using a plunger, drain snake, or running the disposal unit. If these DIY solutions don’t work, it will be necessary to contact your local Chicago plumber.

Frozen pipes

Water has the odd behavior of expanding when it freezes. That can be a problem for your plumbing system. Frozen water inside pipes will not only cut off your water supply, but it can also cause the pipes to rupture. It takes only a few hours of below-freezing temperatures for pipes to freeze. The best way to keep pipes from freezing is to install PEX pipes in the home or take precautionary steps to keep water flowing through the pipes. If you find that the pipes in your home are frozen, the best solution is to call a plumber who specializes in repairing burst pipes.

Water leaks

Leaks are another major issue. This problem results from the highly mobile nature of water and its corrosive powers. Over time water will erode any material it is flowing. Water also carries particles and chemical substances that get deposited inside pipes. These two effects can result in pipes bursting or wearing out, causing leaks. Water leaks also happen when water pressure is too high or frozen pipes thaw out. Leaks are a crucial problem because they often occur inside the walls and damage your property. The best way to prevent leaks is to inspect the plumbing system regularly and install a leak-detection system.

Water heater issues

Water heater malfunctions are among the most annoying plumbing problems; think what it feels like to get cold water dumped on you when trying to take a warm shower in the morning. Water heater issues will also deny you access to warm water for washing dishes and clothes. Several issues can cause water heater malfunctions, leaks, water hardness issues, and faulty components. The best way to prevent issues with the water heater is to be aware of its life expectancy and know the telltale signs of problems with the equipment. Water heater issues should never be DIYed; always call your plumber for any kind of water heater repairs.

Sewer line problems

Sewer lines carry wastewater out of your home into the municipal sewers. Problems with the sewer line are not only frustrating and disgusting, but they are also potential health hazards. They will expose you to unsanitary materials that can harm your health. The most common sewer line problems you are likely to face are clogs and leaks. These are due to several issues: flushing prohibited items down the drains, old and worn pipes, or damage from tree roots. If you think there are issues with your sewer line, contact a professional plumber at once.

7 Summer Plumbing Tips


The plumbing in your home will typically get more use during the summer. People are at home more, the kids aren’t in school, house guests are more frequent, and there is an increase in water use. To keep the water in your home running properly, we’ve put together a list of 7 summer plumbing tips. It’s pretty easy to prevent most of the significant issues, and all it takes is a routine checkup. You can perform some of these tasks yourself, but we recommend getting professional plumbers to help you if you run into any serious problems.

Summer Plumbing Tips

1. Inspect your home for leaks

Water leaks can cause a lot of damage to your home if they are left untreated, which is why you should constantly be on the lookout for any leaks. An excellent way to do this is to turn off all the water in your home and see if the water meter is still running. Once everything is off, there should be no activity on the meter. Unfortunately, hidden water leaks can be hard to deal with. If you suspect that there is a leak in your home’s plumbing that you can’t find, you should hire Chicago Plumbing Experts to perform a water leak detection on your home.

Afterward, you can go from valve to valve and make sure they are all working and that you aren’t losing excess water due to dripping from faulty valves. Inspect the appliances in your home that use water and ensure they are all connected properly. An important summer plumbing tip is paying special attention to rubber hoses, like your washing machine. Rubber tends to deteriorate over time, and dry, warm weather can be incredibly taxing on hoses and rubber pipes.

If you are moving into a new home, you should be especially careful. First of all, you’ll have to deal with the stress of the move. Thankfully, local Chicago moving experts can assist you with moving in. After you have settled into your new home, you should do an inspection of the plumbing while it’s still summer. Your top priority should be finding any leaks. Remember that some condensation on the pipes is normal during the summer. This is due to the difference in the temperature of the cold water and the warm air. 

2. Inspect your sprinkler system

After long periods without use, you should inspect the hoses and valves in your sprinkler system. We suggest doing this before the summer heat sets in, and you need to water your plants regularly. Chicago has a water conservation plan with the goal of limiting excessive outdoor water use. If you want to help your community adopt sustainable practices, you should ensure that your sprinkler system is functioning properly this summer.


Make sure your lawn sprinklers are in good shape for the summer.

3.  Drain your water heater

Chicago often has pretty cold winters, and that’s the time when you need your home’s water heater the most. Unfortunately, that’s also the time when repairing it is the hardest. Summer is the perfect time to drain the water heater because if you turn off the heater during the winter, it can freeze while you are draining the water. Scale buildup will naturally happen over time, and you will occasionally need to drain and flush the water heater. It’s much easier to schedule a water heater repair during the summer since most people wait until the winter before realizing the water heater needs to be fixed.

4. Check the water pressure in your home

Summer is the time of year when people use more water for showering, washing the car, and watering the yard. Due to these factors, it’s vital to have good water pressure in your home. If the pressure is too high, it can cause a lot of stress to your faucets and appliances, which use water. Extremely high water pressure can also lead to pipes bursting.

On the other hand, low water pressure means that you will only have a slight trickle instead of getting a steady stream of water. Low water pressure can also indicate that you are facing other plumbing issues like scale buildup. This should be dealt with before your plumbing gets blocked.

5. Clean your garbage disposal unit

Don’t wait for the disposal to break down before you give it an inspection and clean it up. Even if your garbage disposal is still working, there may be small food buildups in the system. This kind of problem might be negligible during the winter, but once the temperatures rise, you will be in trouble.

Foul odors can come from your pipes and make living in your house unbearable. What’s worse is that small pieces of food which get stuck in your disposal unit can lead to your system getting completely backed up. Excess food also represents an attractive lure for insects and rodents. For these reasons, we suggest that you clean and repair your garbage disposal unit before it causes any significant issues. A persistent odor may indicate that the drains need to be cleaned professionally


People sometimes put large pieces of food down the garbage disposal or toilet.

6. Check how the toilet is flushing

Most people know that you shouldn’t flush just anything down the toilet. Yet somehow, it seems like folks get especially creative during the summer. This is probably due to the larger number of barbecues and house parties that happen when the weather is better. Although it may seem obvious, a good summer plumbing tip is to put up a sign near your toilet reminding guests of which items shouldn’t be flushed. If it does get backed up, you can hire bathroom plumbers to unclog your toilet. Keep in mind that prevention is better than the cure, and have a talk with your guests and kids. Ask them to put any larger items in the bin instead of down the toilet.

7. Install a water saving showerhead

Installing any water-saving features in your home can help you cut down on the utility bill. Most of the water in your home is spent on showering. Therefore, having a water-saving showerhead will help you reduce the amount of water you use. The new showerhead will pay for itself within a matter of months, and after that, it will make you money through savings.


Install a showerhead that is efficient and saves water.

In summary

These 7 summer plumbing tips can help prepare your house for the warmer months. Once you know that your plumbing is working well, you will be able to enjoy many lazy summer afternoons without having to worry about what could go wrong with the water in your home.