Tag Archives: hydro jetting service

Main Sewer Line Clog: How to Detect and Take Action

a man with a main sewer line clog.

Dealing with a clogged sewer line can be a messy and frustrating experience, but with the right knowledge and steps, you can quickly identify the issue and address it effectively. In this article, we will walk you through the signs of a main sewer line clog, the possible causes, and the actions you can take to resolve the problem. If you are a homeowner or a property manage, this guide will provide you with valuable information to tackle this issue head on.

Understanding the Main Sewer Line

Before we dive into the details of detecting and resolving a main sewer line clog, let’s first understand what the main sewer line is and its role in your plumbing system. The main sewer line is a large pipe that carries waste and wastewater from your home to the municipal sewer system or septic tank.

The main sewer line is typically buried underground and connects all the drains in your house, including toilets, sinks, showers, and other plumbing fixtures. It plays a crucial role in maintaining the functionality of your plumbing system by ensuring proper waste disposal.

Signs of a Main Sewer Line Clog

Recognizing the signs of a main sewer line clog early on can help you prevent further damage and avoid expensive repairs. Here are some common signs to look out for:

  • Multiple clogged drains: If you notice that several drains in your house are clogging simultaneously, it could be a sign of a main sewer line clog. Pay attention to toilets, sinks, bathtubs, and showers.
  • Gurgling sounds: Unusual gurgling sounds coming from your drains, especially when using other plumbing fixtures, may indicate a blockage in the main sewer line.
  • Sewage backups: One of the most obvious signs of a main sewer line clog is sewage backups. If you notice sewage overflowing from toilets or drains, it is crucial to take immediate action.
  • Foul odors: A persistent foul odor in your home, particularly near drains or the basement, could be a result of a clogged main sewer line. Sewage buildup leads to unpleasant smells that should not be ignored.
  • Slow drainage: If you notice water draining slowly from sinks, showers, or bathtubs, it could be an indication of a main sewer line clog. While this could also be caused by localized blockages, it is essential to investigate further.
a person pouring grease down a drain.

Flushing inappropriate items down the toilet or pouring grease and oil down the drains can lead to clogs in the main sewer line.

Possible Causes of a Main Sewer Line Clog

Understanding the potential causes of a main sewer line clog can help you prevent future occurrences and take appropriate action. Here are some common causes:

  • Tree roots: Tree roots are one of the leading causes of main sewer line clogs. Roots can penetrate and grow into sewer pipes, causing blockages and damage.
  • Collapsed or deteriorated pipes: Over time, sewer pipes can collapse or deteriorate due to age, shifting soil, freezing temperatures, or other factors. This can result in blockages and restrict the flow of wastewater.
  • Improper installation: If the main sewer line was not properly installed or has design flaws, it may be prone to clogs and backups.
  • Heavy rainfall or flooding: Excessive rainfall or flooding can overwhelm the sewer system, causing backups and clogs in the main sewer line.

Detecting a Main Sewer Line Clog

Once you have identified the signs and potential causes of a clog in your line, it is time to take action. While some clogs can be resolved with simple DIY methods, others may require professional assistance. Here are some steps to detect a main sewer line clog:

  • Inspect the drains: Start by inspecting all the drains in your house. If multiple drains are clogged, the issue may lie in the main sewer line.
  • Check the toilet: Flush the toilet and observe if the water level rises or drains slowly. This can be an indication of a clogged sewer line.
  • Listen for gurgling sounds: Run water in different fixtures and listen for gurgling sounds coming from the drains. This may suggest a blockage in the main sewer line.
  • Investigate sewage backups: If you experience sewage backups in your drains or toilets, it is crucial to address the issue promptly.
  • Contact a professional: If you are unable to detect the source of the clog or the problem persists, it is advisable to seek professional help from a licensed plumber. They have the expertise and tools to diagnose and resolve main sewer line clogs.
a sewer line being cleaned out by way of hydro-jetting.

Hydro jetting involves using a high-pressure water jet to clear out the blockage and clean the inside of the pipes.

Taking Action to Resolve a Main Sewer Line Clog

Depending on the severity of the clog and your level of expertise, there are several actions you can take to resolve a main sewer line clog:

1. DIY Methods

If the clog is minor and accessible, you can attempt the following DIY methods:

  • Plunging: Use a plunger to try and dislodge the clog. Make sure to create a tight seal and apply firm pressure.
  • Boiling water: Boil a large pot of water and carefully pour it down the drain to dissolve minor clogs.
  • Homemade drain cleaner: Create a mixture of baking soda and vinegar and pour it down the drain. Let it sit for some time before flushing with hot water.
  • Sewer snake or auger: Use a sewer snake or auger to manually remove the clog by inserting it into the drain and rotating it to break up or pull out the obstruction.

2. Chemical Drain Cleaners

Chemical drain cleaners can be an option for minor clogs, but they should be used with caution. These products contain strong chemicals that can be harmful to the environment and your pipes if not used properly. Follow the instructions on the label carefully and consider wearing protective gloves and eyewear.

3. Hydro Jetting

For more stubborn main sewer line clogs, hydro jetting is a highly effective solution. Hydro jetting involves using a high-pressure water jet to clear out the blockage and clean the inside of the pipes. This method should be performed by a professional plumber due to the specialized equipment and knowledge required.

4. Pipe Replacement or Repair

In severe cases where the main sewer line is damaged or collapsed, sewer line replacement or repair may be necessary. This typically requires excavation to access the affected pipe section and can be a complex and costly process. Speak with a professional plumber to evaluate the extent of the damage and determine the best course of action.

Preventing Future Main Sewer Line Clogs

While dealing with a clog in your main line can be inconvenient, there are steps you can take to prevent future occurrences. Here are some preventive measures:

  • Proper waste disposal: Avoid flushing non-biodegradable items, such as wipes, paper towels, or feminine hygiene products, down the toilet. Dispose of them properly in the trash.
  • Avoid pouring grease and oil down the drains: Grease and oil can solidify and cause clogs in the sewer line. Allow them to cool and dispose of them in the garbage.
  • Tree root maintenance: Regularly inspect and trim tree roots near your sewer lines to prevent them from infiltrating and causing blockages.
  • Regular plumbing inspections: Schedule routine inspections with a professional plumber to identify potential issues before they escalate.
  • Install a backwater valve: Consider installing a backwater valve, which prevents sewage from flowing back into your home during heavy rainfall or flooding.

A clog in your sewer main can be a stressful and inconvenient problem to deal with, but by recognizing the signs and taking appropriate action, you can minimize the impact and prevent further damage. Whether you choose to tackle the issue yourself or contact a professional plumber, it is essential to address the clog promptly to avoid costly repairs. Remember, regular maintenance and taking preventive measures can go a long way in preventing future main sewer line clogs. We hope this guide has provided you with valuable insights and solutions to effectively detect and resolve main sewer line clogs.

Understanding How Hydro Jetting Can Solve Stubborn Drain Clogs

blast away stubborn drain clogs with a high powered hydro jetting.

How Hydro Jetting Can Solve Stubborn Drain Clogs

Are you struggling with persistent and stubborn clogs in your drains? Whether it’s in your home or office, blocked drains can be a major hassle and inconvenience. But fear not, as there is a highly effective solution that can eradicate even the most stubborn blockages – hydro jetting.

Hydro jetting is a powerful technique used by professional plumbers to clear out clogs and obstructions in drains and sewer lines. It involves using a high-pressure stream of water to blast away debris, grease, and other build-up that may be causing the clog. This method is incredibly effective and can restore your drains to their optimal functionality in no time.

The Power of Hydro Jetting

Hydro jetting is a far superior method for clearing clogs compared to traditional methods such as snaking or using chemical drain cleaners. While these methods may provide temporary solutions, they often fail to completely eliminate the source of the problem, leading to recurring clogs.

So, what makes hydro jetting so powerful? Let’s take a closer look at some of its key benefits:

1. Thorough Cleaning

Unlike other methods that only clear a pathway through the clog, hydro jetting provides a comprehensive cleaning of your drain pipes. The high-pressure water stream scours the walls of the pipes, removing all the accumulated grime, scale, and debris. This not only clears the current clog but also prevents future blockages by creating a clean and smooth pipe interior.

2. Versatile for All Drain Types

Hydro jetting is a versatile technique that can be used on various types of drain systems, including residential, commercial, and industrial. It can effectively clear clogs in sinks, showers, bathtubs, toilets, floor drains, and even larger sewer lines. Whether it’s a small home drain or a large-scale industrial pipe, hydro jetting can get the job done.

3. Environmentally Friendly

One of the major advantages of hydro jetting is its eco-friendliness. Unlike chemical drain cleaners that contain harsh and harmful chemicals, hydro jetting relies solely on the force of water to clear the clogs. It is a safe and environmentally friendly method that poses no risk to your health or the ecosystem.

4. Cost-effective

While hydro jetting may seem like a more expensive method compared to traditional approaches, it actually proves to be cost-effective in the long run. By thoroughly clearing the pipes and preventing future blockages, hydro jetting allows you to avoid recurring plumbing issues that can lead to costly repairs or replacements.

plumbers use a sewer camera inspection to find stubborn clogs.

A professional plumber will first conduct a thorough inspection of the drain system using specialized cameras or visual inspection tools. This helps identify the location and severity of the clog, ensuring the hydro jetting process targets the right area.

The Process of Hydro Jetting

Now that you understand the benefits of hydro jetting, let’s explore how the process works:

1. Initial Inspection: A professional plumber will first conduct a thorough inspection of the drain system using specialized cameras or visual inspection tools. This helps identify the location and severity of the clog, ensuring the hydro jetting process targets the right area.

2. Setting Up: Once the inspection is complete, the plumber will prepare the equipment for hydro jetting. This involves connecting a flexible hose to a water tank and a high-pressure pump, which generates the force required for the jetting process.

3. Jetting Procedure: The plumber will insert the hydro jetting hose into the drain opening, aiming it towards the clog. As water is released through the nozzle at high pressure, it creates a powerful stream that dislodges and flushes out the clog. The plumber will maneuver the hose throughout the drain system to ensure all areas are thoroughly cleaned.

4. Post Inspection: Once the hydro jetting process is complete, the plumber will conduct a post-inspection to ensure the clog has been completely eliminated. This may involve another camera inspection to verify the effectiveness of the hydro jetting.

When to Consider Hydro Jetting

Hydro jetting is an incredibly effective method for clearing stubborn drain clogs. However, not all clogs require this level of intervention. Here are some situations where hydro jetting is recommended:

  • Recurring clogs that have not been fully resolved by other methods.
  • Slow draining water in sinks, showers, or bathtubs.
  • Foul odors emanating from drains.
  • Tree roots infiltrating your sewer lines.
  • Accumulation of grease, soap scum, or mineral deposits in the pipes.

If you experience any of the above issues, it’s best to contact a professional plumber who can assess the situation and determine whether hydro jetting is the right solution for you.

Hydro jetting is an incredibly powerful and effective method for solving stubborn drain clogs. Its high-pressure water stream can dislodge and flush away even the most stubborn blockages, restoring your drains to optimal functionality. With its thorough cleaning capabilities and versatile applicability, hydro jetting is a reliable solution for both residential and commercial drain systems.

Remember, when faced with persistent drain clogs, it’s important to seek professional help rather than relying on temporary fixes. A licensed plumber will have the expertise and specialized equipment to perform hydro jetting safely and effectively.

Don’t let stubborn clogs disrupt your daily routine. Embrace the power of hydro jetting and say goodbye to drain clogs once and for all!

Unleashing the Power of Hot Water Hydro Jetting for Your Kitchen Drainage

hot water hydro jetting for kitchen drainage issues.

The Benefits of Hot Water Hydro Jetting for Your Kitchen Drainage

Keeping your kitchen drainage system in good working condition is essential for a well-functioning kitchen. Clogged drains can lead to a variety of problems, including unpleasant odors, slow draining water, and even potential water damage. Fortunately, there is a powerful solution to effectively clean and clear your kitchen drainage system – hot water hydro jetting.

What is Hot Water Hydro Jetting?

Hot water hydro jetting is a highly effective technique used to clean and unclog drains. It involves the use of high-pressure water combined with hot water to eliminate stubborn blockages, grease buildup, and other debris from your kitchen drainage system. The process is environmentally friendly, as it does not require the use of harsh chemicals.

The Power of Hot Water Hydro Jetting

Hot water hydro jetting offers numerous benefits for your kitchen drainage system. Let’s take a closer look at some of the key advantages:

1. Complete Blockage Removal

Hot water hydro jetting is a powerful method for removing even the most stubborn blockages. The high-pressure water blasts away all types of debris including food particles, grease, soap scum, and mineral buildup.

2. Thorough Cleaning

Unlike other drain cleaning methods, hot water hydro jetting not only removes blockages but also thoroughly cleans the interior walls of your kitchen pipes. The high-pressure water effectively removes accumulated grease and grime, leaving your pipes clean and free-flowing.

3. Prevention of Future Clogs

Hot water hydro jetting not only removes existing blockages but also helps prevent future clogs. By thoroughly cleaning the pipes, it reduces the likelihood of debris buildup and allows for smoother water flow.

4. Environmentally Friendly

Hot water hydro jetting is an environmentally friendly option since it does not involve the use of harmful chemicals. The process uses only high-pressure water to clean and clear the drains.

5. Cost-Effective

Investing in hot water hydro jetting for your kitchen drainage system can save you money in the long run. By effectively removing blockages and preventing future clogs, you can avoid costly repairs and potential water damage.

6. Time-Saving

Hot water hydro jetting is a quick and efficient method for unclogging drains. With the power of high-pressure water, it can clear blockages in a fraction of the time compared to traditional drain cleaning methods.

hot water hydro jetting service for kitchen drains.

By effectively removing blockages and preventing future clogs, you can avoid costly repairs and potential water damage.

The Process of Hot Water Hydro Jetting

Hot water hydro jetting involves the following steps:

1. Inspection

Prior to performing hot water hydro jetting, a professional plumber will inspect your kitchen drainage system using special cameras to locate any blockages or damaged areas.

2. Preparation

The plumber will then prepare for the hydro jetting process by connecting a high-pressure hose with a specialized nozzle to your kitchen drain pipes.

3. Jetting Process

Once the preparations are complete, the plumber will activate the hydro jetting equipment. The highly pressurized water, along with the heat, will be directed into your drain pipes, effectively removing blockages and cleaning the interior walls.

4. Post-Jetting Inspection

After the hydro jetting process, the plumber will conduct a post-jetting inspection to ensure that all blockages have been properly cleared, and your kitchen drainage system is functioning optimally.

hot water hydro jet drain cleaning.

If you constantly experience clogged drains in your kitchen, hot water hydro jetting can provide a long-lasting solution by thoroughly clearing the blockages.

When to Consider Hot Water Hydro Jetting

Hot water hydro jetting is an ideal solution for various kitchen drainage issues. You should consider it in the following situations:

1. Frequent Drain Clogs

If you constantly experience clogged drains in your kitchen, hot water hydro jetting can provide a long-lasting solution by thoroughly clearing the blockages.

2. Slow Draining Water

When the water in your kitchen sink drains slowly, it often indicates a buildup of debris within the pipes. Hot water hydro jetting can effectively remove the blockages, allowing for faster and smoother drainage.

3. Unpleasant Odors

Foul odors emanating from your kitchen drains can be a sign of trapped food particles and grease buildup. Hot water hydro jetting can eliminate these odor-causing substances, leaving your kitchen smelling fresh.

4. Grease Accumulation

Kitchen drains are prone to grease buildup due to the frequent washing of greasy dishes and utensils. Hot water hydro jetting is highly effective in cutting through the grease and preventing accumulation.

Hiring a Professional

Although hot water hydro jetting is an effective drain cleaning method, it is best to hire a professional plumber for the job. They have the knowledge, experience, and specialized equipment required to safely and efficiently perform hot water hydro jetting.

When hiring a professional, consider the following:

1. Experience and Expertise

Choose a plumber who has extensive experience in hot water hydro jetting and is knowledgeable about kitchen drainage systems.

2. Reputation

Research and read reviews about the plumber to ensure they have a good reputation for delivering quality services.

3. License and Insurance

Verify that the plumber is licensed and insured to protect yourself from any liability in case of accidents or damages during the hydro jetting process.

To Wrap it Up

Hot water hydro jetting is a powerful and effective method for cleaning and clearing your kitchen drainage system. With its ability to remove stubborn blockages, thoroughly clean pipes, and prevent future clogs, hot water hydro jetting ensures your kitchen drains function optimally. Consider hiring a professional plumber to unleash the power of hot water hydro jetting and maintain a clean and healthy kitchen environment.

Maintaining a Smooth Plumbing System in Apartment Complexes: The Hydro Jetting Solution

hydro jetting solution for an apartment complex in chicago.

As a property manager or owner of an apartment complex, maintaining a smooth plumbing system is paramount to the satisfaction and well-being of your tenants. A properly functioning plumbing system ensures that water flow is consistent and uninterrupted, preventing inconvenience and potential damage to the property. One effective solution that has gained popularity in recent years is hydro jetting. In this article, we will explore the pro’s and con’s of hydro jetting and why it is an ideal solution for maintaining a smooth plumbing system in apartment complexes.

Understanding Hydro Jetting

Hydro jetting is a highly efficient method of cleaning and unclogging pipes that utilizes high-pressure water to remove debris, scale, and various obstructions. It involves the use of a specialized nozzle that releases water at pressures ranging from 1,500 to 4,000 pounds per square inch (PSI), effectively scouring the interior surfaces of the pipes and restoring them to their optimal condition.

The process involves inserting a flexible hose with the specialized nozzle into the plumbing system. Once in position, water is introduced at high pressure, propelling the nozzle forward through the pipe while breaking down any buildup or obstructions in its path. The debris is effectively removed and flushed out of the system, leaving the pipes clean and free-flowing.

The Benefits of Hydro Jetting

Hydro jetting offers several advantages over traditional methods of pipe cleaning. Let’s explore some of the key benefits:

Efficient and Thorough Cleaning

Unlike drain snaking or chemical cleaning methods, hydro jetting provides a comprehensive cleaning solution that effectively removes all types of blockages, including grease, mineral deposits, tree roots, and more. The high-pressure water effectively scours the interior surfaces of the pipes, leaving them clean and free from obstructions.

Preventative Maintenance

Regular hydro jetting helps prevent future plumbing issues by removing the buildup that can lead to blockages and clogs. By proactively maintaining the plumbing system, you can minimize the risk of costly and disruptive repairs down the line.

Environmentally Friendly

Hydro jetting utilizes only water and does not require the use of any harsh chemicals. It is a safe and environmentally friendly method of pipe cleaning, ensuring that no harmful substances are introduced into the plumbing system or the surrounding environment.


While hydro jetting may have a higher upfront cost compared to traditional methods, it offers long-term cost savings. By maintaining a smooth plumbing system and preventing major blockages, you can avoid the costs associated with emergency repairs and extensive sewer line replacements.

Improved Water Flow

One of the most noticeable benefits of hydro jetting is the immediate improvement in water flow. By removing obstructions and buildup, water can flow freely through the pipes, minimizing the risk of low water pressure and ensuring a consistent supply to all units within the apartment complex.

hydro jet plumbing.

Implementing Hydro Jetting in Apartment Complexes

Now that we understand the benefits of hydro jetting, let’s explore how it can be effectively implemented in apartment complexes:

Regular Maintenance Schedule

Develop a regular maintenance schedule for hydro jetting the plumbing system in your apartment complex. This ensures that the pipes are consistently cleaned and prevents the buildup of debris and obstructions.

Partner with Professional Plumbing Services

It is essential to partner with a reputable plumbing service that specializes in hydro jetting. Experienced professionals have the expertise and equipment necessary to perform the procedure safely and effectively.

Communication with Tenants

Inform your tenants of the benefits and necessity of hydro jetting for maintaining a smooth plumbing system. Encourage them to report any plumbing issues promptly to prevent further damage and schedule hydro jetting as required.

Combine Hydro Jetting with Other Plumbing Solutions

Hydro jetting can be combined with other plumbing solutions, such as video pipe inspections, to identify any underlying issues within the plumbing system. This proactive approach allows for targeted maintenance and prevents future problems.


Maintaining a smooth plumbing system in apartment complexes is crucial for the satisfaction and comfort of tenants. Hydro jetting offers an efficient, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly solution to ensure optimal water flow and prevent plumbing issues. By implementing a regular maintenance schedule and partnering with professionals, you can proactively maintain your apartment complex’s plumbing system and provide a hassle-free living experience for your tenants.

A Professional Perspective on the Safety of Hydro Jetting for Old Pipes

safety of hydro jetting on older pipes.

Hydro-jetting is currently one of the most-effective methods for clearing clogs from drainpipes. This process uses a high-pressure water blast to dislodge and wash away clogs inside a drainpipe. But is this method safe for cleaning old pipes?

In this post, we will explain how hydro-jetting works, what you should consider before you hydro-jet your old sewer lines and the alternatives to hydro-jetting.

How hydro-jetting works

Hydro-jetting is a non-invasive method for unblocking and cleaning pipes. The plumber does not have to dig a trench to access the pipe that is being cleaned. Instead of digging a hole in the ground, a powerful jet of water is shot into the pipe to remove all blockages inside it.

The hydro-jetting machine, also known as a ‘jetter,’ is made up of the following components:

  • A tank which holds the water to be used during the operation
  • A flexible steel hose that is mounted on a drum or comes in sections which can be joined to make them as long as desired
  • A range of stainless steel nozzles; the type of pipe and severity of the clog determines the proper nozzle to use
  • The mechanism for pressuring the water

To hydro-jet a line, the flexible steel hose is passed into the pipe with the nozzle attached to its end. The drainpipe is accessed through a cleanout or one of the drains in the home, explains the Peak Residential Management team. The drum is used to unroll and push the hose into the drainpipe while it is guided by the plumber’s hand.

a hydro jetting taking place in chicago.

While this is going on, a stream of water is shot into the drain via the hose and nozzle. The nozzle can direct the water forward, backwards, and against the pipe surface. It not only clears the clogs inside the pipes, the pipes are washed clean, as the debris inside them is carried away.

To do this, a hydro-jetting machine uses pressures of 1,500 to 5,000 psi (pounds per sq. inch). That is enough pressure to shear away any tree roots inside the pipes. For reference, when pressure-washing a brick wall, you are advised never to exceed 1,500 psi. 

That is why before hydro-jetting a drain line, it is essential to conduct a visual assessment of the line first. That is typically done via a sewer camera inspection. Through this inspection, the plumber can check the condition of the pipes and determine if they can withstand hydro-jetting.

Should you hydro-jet old pipes?

Older pipes are more likely to have cracks and weak spots in them. The pressure of the water used in hydro-jetting can compound the existing issues with such pipes. For this reason, hydro-jetting is not always safe for old pipes. If pipes are fragile, do not hydro-jet them.

Old sewer pipes can be made from a range of materials, and as these pipe materials age, they may start to change in the following ways:

  • Cast iron: Despite its durability, the big issue with cast iron is its vulnerability to rust. A rusty cast iron pipe will not only slow your drain, it will become fragile.
  • Copper: Due to oxidation, copper pipes form pinholes over time and become vulnerable to corrosion.
  • ABS: Although similar to PVC, ABS is a polymer. It will become brittle if it is constantly exposed to low temperatures.
  • PVC: With frequent exposure to low temperatures, PVC will become brittle. This process does not depend on age; it can happen to PVC pipes of any age.
  • Clay:  Clay pipes are particularly susceptible to root invasion. Tree roots can undermine the stability of the pipe.

Hydro-jetting old pipes will damage them if they are showing any of these signs. Before hydro-jetting a sewer line with old pipes, you should get a professional plumber to do a sewer camera inspection to determine if hydro-jetting is the best drain-cleaning option for you.

older pipes.

Alternatives to hydro-jetting

The best alternative to hydro-jetting is snaking. That is a way to manually push or pull clogs out of the drain. Although no drain-cleaning method is 100%-safe, drain snaking offers more control than hydro-jetting. A drain snake can be maneuvered such that it doesn’t touch the pipe walls.

Drain snaking is similar to hydro-jetting in some ways. When snaking a pipe, a long flexible tube (known as a ‘plumber’s snake’ or ‘drain snake’) is inserted into the drain. This tube contains a cable, the end of which is attached to a corkscrew auger that resembles a coiled spring or drill bit.

The tube is then hand-cranked to spin the corkscrew. A combination of twisting, pulling and pushing movements are used to snag any clog inside the drain and pull it out. Although it takes more time than hydro-jetting, snaking is decidedly the better option when working with fragile pipes.

In Conclusion

Is hydro-jetting acceptable for old pipes? It depends on the condition of the old pipes. Before hydro-jetting old pipes, do a camera sewer inspection to determine their ability to withstand high water pressure. Depending on the inspection result, you may use or reject hydro-jetting.

The Science Behind Hydro Jetting: All You Need to Know About the Process and Its Effectiveness

the science behind hydro jetting.

The science behind Hydro jetting, also known as water jetting, is a cleaning technique that uses high-pressure water to remove dirt, debris, and obstructions from pipes, drains, and other surfaces. The process is more effective than traditional cleaning methods, such as sewer line rodding, because it can reach deeper into the pipes and blast away even the most stubborn obstructions.

In this article, we will take a closer look at the science behind hydro jetting and its effectiveness in cleaning pipes and drains.

How Does Hydro Jetting Work?

Hydro jetting works by using high-pressure water to clean pipes and other surfaces. The water is forced through a small nozzle at a pressure of up to 3,500 pounds per square inch (psi), which is enough to blast away even the most stubborn obstructions.

The water pressure is created by a specialized pump, which is designed to deliver a high volume of water at a very high pressure. The pump is connected to a long hose, which is then inserted into the pipe or drain that needs to be cleaned.

Once the nozzle is inserted into the pipe, the water is turned on, and the nozzle is slowly moved through the pipe, blasting away any obstructions in its path. The water is powerful enough to break up tree roots, grease, and other debris that can cause clogs and other problems in pipes and drains.

Hydro jetting is more effective than traditional cleaning methods, such as rodding, because it can reach deeper into the pipes and blast away even the most stubborn obstructions. It is also environmentally friendly, as it does not use any harsh chemicals that can harm the environment.

When Is Hydro Jet Cleaning Needed?

Hydro jetting is typically used when other cleaning methods, such as drain snaking and sewer rodding, have failed to remove obstructions from pipes and drains. It is also used as a preventative measure to keep pipes and drains clean and free of obstructions.

Hydro jetting is commonly used in commercial and industrial settings to clean large pipes and drains, but it can also be used in residential settings to clean smaller pipes and drains. It is especially useful in older homes and buildings where pipes may be clogged with years of buildup.

a hydro jetting service.

The Effectiveness of Hydro Jetting

Hydro jetting is an extremely effective cleaning method that can remove even the most stubborn obstructions from pipes and drains. The high-pressure water is powerful enough to break up tree roots, grease, and other debris that can cause clogs and other problems.

Hydro jetting is also effective at removing scale buildup from pipes. Scale buildup is a common problem in older homes and buildings where the pipes are made of galvanized steel or copper. Over time, minerals in the water can build up on the inside of the pipes, causing the diameter of the pipe to become smaller. This can cause problems with water pressure and flow. Hydro jetting can remove the scale buildup and restore the diameter of the pipe.

Hydro jetting is also effective at removing grease buildup in commercial kitchens and restaurants. Grease buildup is a common problem in these settings, as grease from cooking and cleaning can build up in the drains and pipes over time. Hydro jetting can blast away the grease buildup and restore the flow of water.

Overall, hydro jetting is an extremely effective drain cleaning method that can remove even the most stubborn obstructions from pipes and drains. It is also environmentally friendly, as it does not use any harsh chemicals that can harm the environment.

The Benefits of Hydro Jet Drain Cleaning

There are many benefits of hydro jetting, including:

  • Efficiency: Hydro jetting is an efficient cleaning method that can quickly remove even the most stubborn obstructions from pipes and drains.
  • Effectiveness: Hydro jetting is an effective cleaning method that can remove scale buildup, grease buildup, and other obstructions from pipes and drains.
  • Preventative maintenance: Hydro jetting can be used as a preventative maintenance technique to keep pipes and drains clean and free of obstructions.

The Bottom Line

Hydro jetting is an extremely effective drain cleaning service that can remove even the most stubborn obstructions from pipes and drains. It is also environmentally friendly and can be used as a preventative maintenance technique to keep pipes and drains clean and free of obstructions.

If you are experiencing problems with clogged pipes or drains, hydro jetting may be the solution you need. Contact a plumber near you to learn more about hydro jetting and how it can benefit your home or business.

Understanding the Benefits of Hydro Jetting Technology in Plumbing

the benefits of hydro jetting technology.

The drainpipes and sewer lines in buildings serve one purpose; to transport the waste generated from the building’s plumbing into the city sewer lines. This wastewater comprises grey water from hand basins, appliances, showers and baths, and raw sewage from toilets. 

Most solid and semi-solid materials also enter the sewer lines along with the liquid content. This non-liquid content can cause problems if it settles inside the lines instead of flowing into the city sewers. When this happens, your drains may become slow or get clogged, warns Pillar Property Management.

A slow or clogged drain can be a minor or serious problem depending on where it happens. But regardless of the severity of the issue, the universal solution for solving slow or clogged drains is to clear out the drains. There are many ways to do this.

One of the most popular drain cleaning methods is drain rodding. However, this method has the severe limitation of only being able to clear the lines instead of cleaning them. In other words, the clog is out, but the material that caused it stays in the drainpipes.

The result is that even after clearing clogs from your sewer line, the danger of future clogs remains. That is not just a problem with drain rodding. Other drain cleaning methods have this limitation, except one. Hydro-Jetting is the only drain cleaning method that will not only clear your drains but also clean them.

a sewer drain in need of hydro jetting.

Hydro-jetting can be used in both residential and commercial sewer lines.

What is Hydro-Jetting?

Hydro-jetting uses a high-pressure hose with special nozzles to blast build-up and blockages out of sewer lines. Because the water pressure used in this process can get as high as 3,500 psi, it will easily shear away tree roots. The speed of the water also allows it to wash all debris out of the pipes.

To hydro-jet a sewer line, a professional plumber uses a jetter, water tank, hose, nozzle and pressurizing device. Different shapes and sizes of nozzles are deployed, depending on the kind of pipes being cleaned and how much build-up there is. What are the benefits of hydro-jetting for your plumbing?

Benefits of hydro-jetting your plumbing


Hydro-jetting can be used in both residential and commercial sewer lines. It is effective for cleaning all plumbing pipes; steel, cast iron, clay or PVC pipes, cement sewer lines and resin-based pipelines. The method also works for jobs of all sizes, from clogged sinks to sludge lodged deep inside the sewer line.


Hydro-jetting does not require trenching. To access the clogged sewer line, the plumber only needs a sewer cleanout where they can insert the hose. Hydro-jetting will save you the cost and inconvenience of digging a trench in your yard. Because you can clean your sewer line without tearing up your lawn, the disruptive impact of this method is minimal.


Hydro-jetting has zero negative impact on the environment, except that it uses a lot of water. This process will not leave behind any harmful chemical residues that can pollute the soil or nearby water bodies. That makes it the ideal drain-cleaning method for buildings located in ecologically-sensitive areas or people living close to water bodies.

Fast and sanitary

With hydro-jetting, you can have your sewer lines completely cleaned in a single day. Because it does not rely on trenching and will not leave excavated sewage on your lawn, hydro-jetting will not disrupt your lifestyle. Moreover, there is zero risk of you or anyone in your home/office coming into contact with the unsanitary contents in your sewer lines.

Will not damage your plumbing

One good reason to use hydro-jetting is this method can be adapted to the material and age of your sewer pipes. Even for homes with older pipe systems, hydro-jetting is completely safe. That is because the pressure of the water used in the operation can be adjusted to what is suitable for your sewer lines.

a hydro jetting taking place in chicago.

Hydro-jetting is probably the only drain-cleaning method that can be deployed as a preventive measure.

Clean pipes thoroughly

The volume and pressure of water used in hydro-jetting mean that water is travelling through the sewer line at sufficient speeds to flush out all debris. Moreover, pressurized water is ejected from the nozzle in different directions, ensuring all debris inside the pipe is dislodged. Hydro-jetting will remove corrosive residues that can damage a sewer line.

Prevents future clogs

Hydro-jetting is probably the only drain-cleaning method that can be deployed as a preventive measure. Other drain-cleaning methods are only useful for clearing clogs; they are reactive. But hydro-jetting your drains once a year will prevent slow drains and clogs. Used as a method of proactive drain care, hydro-jetting can save you a lot of money.

Hydro-jetting is affordable

Hydro-jetting is the most affordable way to maintain your sewer lines. That is because although the upfront cost of hydro-jetting is more than the cost of other drain-cleaning methods, hydro-jetting will prevent all the drain issues that can take money out of your pocket. The effects of hydro-jetting a sewer line are long-lasting; they let you eliminate the need for frequent repairs.

Why Hydro Jetting Could Be the Best Possible Solution for Your Backed Up Drain

hydro jetting for backed up drains.

Dealing with a backed up drain is a common issue for home owners; it can be both inconvenient and expensive if not addressed quickly. In some cases, conventional methods such as snakes and augers are not enough to resolve drainage blockages caused by grease, sludge and other debris. Hydro jetting, a cost-effective, non-invasive process of flushing water through a pipe to clear blockages, is a great option for homeowners dealing with clogged drains. In this article, we’ll take a look at why hydro jetting could be the best solution for your backed up drain.

What is Hydro Jetting?

Hydro jetting is a process that uses a high-pressure, water-propelled jet to dislodge and remove clogs, as well as other debris such as grease and sludge, from a pipe. The jetting device is inserted through an existing clean-out or access point, and the pressure of the water is adjustable depending on the type of obstruction. Hydro jetting is fast and efficient, and can often clear the toughest blockages in residential and commercial sewer line systems.

Advantages of Hydro Jetting

Hydro jetting has many advantages for homeowners dealing with clogged drains, such as:

  • Cost-Effective: Hydro jetting is a relatively affordable way to resolve drainage blockages, compared to other methods.
  • Non-Invasive: Hydro jetting uses pressurized water to flush out the pipe and does not require any digging or excavation.
  • Fast and Effective: Hydro jetting is quick, efficient and can be completed in a relatively short amount of time.
  • Long-Lasting: Hydro jetting can also remove build-up and sediment, ensuring that the drain lines remain clean and clear.

a hydro jetting drain cleaning being performed.

Disadvantages of Hydro Jetting

Hydro jetting also has some disadvantages that must be taken into consideration. For example, hydro jetting can be more expensive than traditional methods such as sewer line rodding service. Additionally, hydro jetting requires access to an existing clean-out or access point. Lastly, it should be noted that hydro jetting is not suitable for older pipes which may be in disrepair, as the pressurized water can cause further damage to the pipes.

Final Considerations

When it comes to dealing with a backed up drain, homeowners must be aware of all the available methods for resolving the issue. Hydro jetting can be a great solution for certain blockages, as it is cost-effective, non-invasive, fast and effective. However, it’s important to consider the disadvantages as well and be mindful of what your particular situation calls for. If you have a backed up drain, it’s best to contact a professional plumber who can assess the situation and provide the best possible solution. Hydro jetting, when done correctly, can be a great way to restore your drain and keep everything flowing smoothly.

Hydro Jetting in Chicago: How’s It’s Done and Why It’s Important

hydro jetting in chicago.

Drain Cleaning Techniques

Drain cleaning is essential to keeping your plumbing system, both at home and in businesses, functioning optimally. There are several techniques used to accomplish this goal, ranging from augers, plungers, and chemical cleaners all the way to the more advanced method known as hydro jetting. Understanding the different drain cleaning techniques available and selecting the most appropriate for your situation is key to getting the job done quickly and effectively.

One of the most common techniques for unclogging drains is known as sewer rodding. A rodding machine is essentially a flexible metal rod with a corkscrew-like tip that is inserted into the pipes and is used to physically break up blockages. Rodding machines are generally quite effective at unclogging minor blockages, and often even the most stubborn of clogs can be remedied.

Another technique commonly used is a plunger. A plunger is used to create a vacuum within the drain pipe and then create a movement within the blockage, which can often help to dislodge it. This solution is often appropriate for minor clogs, such as hair or grease, and can often be more effective than an rodding machine as the plunging action can help to create a movement in the blockage to help it break up.

Chemical cleaners are also sometimes used to help unblock drains. These chemicals, usually caustic in composition, are generally applied in liquid form or poured directly into the drain line. They are designed to eat away at organic material, such as soap scum, which can often be the cause of persistent clogs. These cleaners can be effective at unblocking many drain lines, however they should be used with caution as they can be very damaging to both the drain pipes and the environment.

hydro jetting service in chicago.

Hydro jetting is a very powerful tool and can be used on all different sizes of pipes, from small household drains to large commercial sewer lines.

Hydro Jetting Services in Chicago

Hydro jetting is a more advanced drain cleaning technique that is suitable for tougher clogs that cannot be addressed with the less powerful solutions mentioned above. This technique involves using high-pressured streams of water to literally blast away any debris or blockages within the drain pipe, restoring it to its full efficiency. Hydro jetting is a very powerful tool and can be used on all different sizes of pipes, from small household drains to large commercial sewer lines.

Hydro jetting is a particularly useful technique in dealing with clogs in Chicago due to the age of some of the city’s infrastructure. Many of the city’s pipes were laid generations ago, and over time they become increasingly more prone to becoming clogged up with a build-up of sediment, roots, and other debris. This can cause serious disruption to the drainage system, however hydro-jetting in Chicago can be used to quickly and effectively restore the pipes to an optimal state.

The advantages of hydro jetting over other techniques are numerous. It is a much more efficient and thorough method of cleaning than augers or plungers, and the jet of water is powerful enough to quickly break up even the most stubborn of clogs. Additionally, hydro-jetting in Chicago is safer than chemical cleaners, as it does not risk damaging the pipes or creating any dangerous runoff into the environment.

chicago hydro jetting.

You should always look for a reputable, professional company to carry out the service, as they will have the knowledge and experience needed to carry out the job correctly and ensure that the system is working properly once again.

Chicago Drain Cleaning Services

Chicago drain cleaning companies are available to help ensure that your plumbing system is working properly and that any blockages are addressed quickly and effectively. Professional hydro jetting in Chicago is an excellent solution for persistent clogs that cannot be addressed with any of the techniques mentioned above. You should always look for a reputable, professional company to carry out the service, as they will have the knowledge and experience needed to carry out the job correctly and ensure that the system is working properly once again.

Choosing a professional company to carry out hydro-jetting in Chicago is the most effective way to ensure that blockages are thoroughly addressed, leaving you with a functioning plumbing system that is clog-free and efficient. With the right company, you can be confident that your drains are clean and in perfect working order, allowing you to get on with your life and avoid any further disruption or inconvenience.

In need of drain cleaning services in Chicago? Interested in our hydro-jetting services? Contact us below!

Hydro Jetting: The Best Modern Day Drain Cleaning Solution

a hydro jetting being performed on a sewer line

No, hydro jetting isn’t something new in the world of extreme sports. However, it’s not like we’re saying it isn’t exciting. It’s just that today we’ll be talking about how to deal with plumbing issues. More precisely, we’ll consider probably the best modern-day drain-cleaning solution out there called, well, hydro jetting. We will show you all the pros of hiring this kind of service to effectively clean your drain. Stick around for some useful information, plus tips!

What is hydro jetting?

Before we talk about the benefits of hydro jetting (or hydro jet drain cleaning), let’s define it first. Hydro jetting is a very effective plumbing technique that utilizes highly pressurized water to amplify clog removal. It will make your sewer line as clean as possible. You might assume that only commercial buildings enjoy this type of service. That couldn’t be further from the truth. Many residential homeowners opt for hydro jetting, too.

Experts note that high-pressure drain cleaners are, in most cases, less costly in the long run than their short-term, cheaper counterparts. The latter won’t help you eliminate the problem efficiently, and you will soon have to call your local plumbers again. That being said, it’s best you play it smart. But let’s try not to get ahead of ourselves here. We will let you reach your own conclusion once you’re done reading the article.

hydro jetting service in chicago

Deal with your sewer system issues by hiring hydro jetting services.

How does hydro jetting work?

Here we will try to explain how the whole method works. The system is made out of a house, a nozzle, and a machine that generates the water pressure. You will be happy to know that hydro jetting, as the name suggests, is a method that only utilizes water. There are no chemicals involved in the process.


Before the whole ordeal begins, your plumbing and sewer repair professional will have to conduct a CCTV video inspection. It is a safety measure that will guarantee your pipe is in good condition—tell us the folks over at Zippy Shell of Greater Philadelphia. Why is this necessary? In case your pipes are old and frail, they might break or damage under high pressure. Also, the plumbers you’ll hire will need to figure out if your drainage pipe has collapsed (instead of simply being clogged). If it collapses, hydro jetting won’t handle the issue – you will need to replace it with a new one.

The work

Here is the main part: the plumbing professionals you have hired will have to access the pipe using something called “a cleanout.” It’s the part of your pipe that has a cap on it. It’s there to provide easy access to the pipe. Therefore, your contractors will insert the nozzle and hose into the pipe via the so-called cleanout. Whenever they stumble upon something that prevents them from going further, they’ll simply use the jetting system to spray pressurized water into the obstruction, washing it away. A professional hydro jetting plumber will know the right amount of pressure that is needed to dissolve obstructions. Without doing any harm to the pipe, that is. That is, among other things, why hydro jetting is not something you want to try in a DIY manner.

A plumbing professional inspects the sewer system.

Most plumbing issues shouldn’t be handled in a DIY manner.

Hydro jetting vs. Rodding (or other more traditional methods)

There’s another popular way of breaking up clogs. It’s called rodding and represents a method where pros use a so-called plumber’s snake (sometimes called a drain snake) to deal with clogs. Here we’ll try to explain why we think (and it’s not just us) hydro jetting’s better!

It’s cheaper (in the long run)

Of course, snaking might be cheaper “in the short run.” However, once you hydro-jet your pipes, you probably will not need plumbing services for a good period of time. Needless to say, the same can’t be said after snaking.

It is also non-invasive

That’s right! Once the clog appears inside your sewer system, pros who use more traditional drain cleaning solutions often have to dig in order to access the piping. Not only can that be a bit messy, but it also takes too much time to happen.

Hydro jetting is more hygienic

By using the aforementioned traditional methods (such as a sewer rodding service), you are risking your sewage system coming in contact with the inside of your home. On the other side, hydro jetting is a quicker, mess-free process. It will completely eliminate the risk of your home coming into contact with contaminants.

And did we mention that it is totally safe?

There are absolutely no chemicals used during the hydro jetting process that can harm your health. The whole thing revolves around pressurized water and nothing more (or less).

Letters merged to form SAFE

Hydro jetting is the safest drain cleaning method as it only utilizes water.

Lastly, it is eco-friendly

As we have mentioned, since no chemicals are used during the hydro jetting process (when you compare it to other, more traditional methods), it will not harm the environment in this way or another. Even folks that have homes near rivers and lakes can utilize this solution without thinking they’re doing some damage to the local ecosystem.

How to know when to hire hydro jetting services?

Here we will show you the so-called telltale signs that your sewer line requires the method known as hydro jetting:

  • The system backs up on a regular basis
  • There’s a smell coming from your bathroom or kitchen sink drain
  • You’re hearing noises or gurgling in the pipes
  • You always end up with clogs, no matter how careful you are with the stuff you push down your drains
  • Your drains run slowly 

If you’re having any doubts about whether you require hydro jetting services, simply reach out to professionals and ask for a sewer camera inspection. Even though you will have to pay for the service, the price is still nothing compared to the cost of replacing your sewer line.

Closing thoughts on the subject

Okay, folks, that is about all that we’ve prepared for today on the subject of hydro jetting, regarded by many as the best modern-day drain-cleaning solution. Hopefully, we’ve been convincing enough to show you the way things really stand!