Tag Archives: drain cleaning services

Main Sewer Line Clog: How to Detect and Take Action

a man with a main sewer line clog.

Dealing with a clogged sewer line can be a messy and frustrating experience, but with the right knowledge and steps, you can quickly identify the issue and address it effectively. In this article, we will walk you through the signs of a main sewer line clog, the possible causes, and the actions you can take to resolve the problem. If you are a homeowner or a property manage, this guide will provide you with valuable information to tackle this issue head on.

Understanding the Main Sewer Line

Before we dive into the details of detecting and resolving a main sewer line clog, let’s first understand what the main sewer line is and its role in your plumbing system. The main sewer line is a large pipe that carries waste and wastewater from your home to the municipal sewer system or septic tank.

The main sewer line is typically buried underground and connects all the drains in your house, including toilets, sinks, showers, and other plumbing fixtures. It plays a crucial role in maintaining the functionality of your plumbing system by ensuring proper waste disposal.

Signs of a Main Sewer Line Clog

Recognizing the signs of a main sewer line clog early on can help you prevent further damage and avoid expensive repairs. Here are some common signs to look out for:

  • Multiple clogged drains: If you notice that several drains in your house are clogging simultaneously, it could be a sign of a main sewer line clog. Pay attention to toilets, sinks, bathtubs, and showers.
  • Gurgling sounds: Unusual gurgling sounds coming from your drains, especially when using other plumbing fixtures, may indicate a blockage in the main sewer line.
  • Sewage backups: One of the most obvious signs of a main sewer line clog is sewage backups. If you notice sewage overflowing from toilets or drains, it is crucial to take immediate action.
  • Foul odors: A persistent foul odor in your home, particularly near drains or the basement, could be a result of a clogged main sewer line. Sewage buildup leads to unpleasant smells that should not be ignored.
  • Slow drainage: If you notice water draining slowly from sinks, showers, or bathtubs, it could be an indication of a main sewer line clog. While this could also be caused by localized blockages, it is essential to investigate further.
a person pouring grease down a drain.

Flushing inappropriate items down the toilet or pouring grease and oil down the drains can lead to clogs in the main sewer line.

Possible Causes of a Main Sewer Line Clog

Understanding the potential causes of a main sewer line clog can help you prevent future occurrences and take appropriate action. Here are some common causes:

  • Tree roots: Tree roots are one of the leading causes of main sewer line clogs. Roots can penetrate and grow into sewer pipes, causing blockages and damage.
  • Collapsed or deteriorated pipes: Over time, sewer pipes can collapse or deteriorate due to age, shifting soil, freezing temperatures, or other factors. This can result in blockages and restrict the flow of wastewater.
  • Improper installation: If the main sewer line was not properly installed or has design flaws, it may be prone to clogs and backups.
  • Heavy rainfall or flooding: Excessive rainfall or flooding can overwhelm the sewer system, causing backups and clogs in the main sewer line.

Detecting a Main Sewer Line Clog

Once you have identified the signs and potential causes of a clog in your line, it is time to take action. While some clogs can be resolved with simple DIY methods, others may require professional assistance. Here are some steps to detect a main sewer line clog:

  • Inspect the drains: Start by inspecting all the drains in your house. If multiple drains are clogged, the issue may lie in the main sewer line.
  • Check the toilet: Flush the toilet and observe if the water level rises or drains slowly. This can be an indication of a clogged sewer line.
  • Listen for gurgling sounds: Run water in different fixtures and listen for gurgling sounds coming from the drains. This may suggest a blockage in the main sewer line.
  • Investigate sewage backups: If you experience sewage backups in your drains or toilets, it is crucial to address the issue promptly.
  • Contact a professional: If you are unable to detect the source of the clog or the problem persists, it is advisable to seek professional help from a licensed plumber. They have the expertise and tools to diagnose and resolve main sewer line clogs.
a sewer line being cleaned out by way of hydro-jetting.

Hydro jetting involves using a high-pressure water jet to clear out the blockage and clean the inside of the pipes.

Taking Action to Resolve a Main Sewer Line Clog

Depending on the severity of the clog and your level of expertise, there are several actions you can take to resolve a main sewer line clog:

1. DIY Methods

If the clog is minor and accessible, you can attempt the following DIY methods:

  • Plunging: Use a plunger to try and dislodge the clog. Make sure to create a tight seal and apply firm pressure.
  • Boiling water: Boil a large pot of water and carefully pour it down the drain to dissolve minor clogs.
  • Homemade drain cleaner: Create a mixture of baking soda and vinegar and pour it down the drain. Let it sit for some time before flushing with hot water.
  • Sewer snake or auger: Use a sewer snake or auger to manually remove the clog by inserting it into the drain and rotating it to break up or pull out the obstruction.

2. Chemical Drain Cleaners

Chemical drain cleaners can be an option for minor clogs, but they should be used with caution. These products contain strong chemicals that can be harmful to the environment and your pipes if not used properly. Follow the instructions on the label carefully and consider wearing protective gloves and eyewear.

3. Hydro Jetting

For more stubborn main sewer line clogs, hydro jetting is a highly effective solution. Hydro jetting involves using a high-pressure water jet to clear out the blockage and clean the inside of the pipes. This method should be performed by a professional plumber due to the specialized equipment and knowledge required.

4. Pipe Replacement or Repair

In severe cases where the main sewer line is damaged or collapsed, sewer line replacement or repair may be necessary. This typically requires excavation to access the affected pipe section and can be a complex and costly process. Speak with a professional plumber to evaluate the extent of the damage and determine the best course of action.

Preventing Future Main Sewer Line Clogs

While dealing with a clog in your main line can be inconvenient, there are steps you can take to prevent future occurrences. Here are some preventive measures:

  • Proper waste disposal: Avoid flushing non-biodegradable items, such as wipes, paper towels, or feminine hygiene products, down the toilet. Dispose of them properly in the trash.
  • Avoid pouring grease and oil down the drains: Grease and oil can solidify and cause clogs in the sewer line. Allow them to cool and dispose of them in the garbage.
  • Tree root maintenance: Regularly inspect and trim tree roots near your sewer lines to prevent them from infiltrating and causing blockages.
  • Regular plumbing inspections: Schedule routine inspections with a professional plumber to identify potential issues before they escalate.
  • Install a backwater valve: Consider installing a backwater valve, which prevents sewage from flowing back into your home during heavy rainfall or flooding.

A clog in your sewer main can be a stressful and inconvenient problem to deal with, but by recognizing the signs and taking appropriate action, you can minimize the impact and prevent further damage. Whether you choose to tackle the issue yourself or contact a professional plumber, it is essential to address the clog promptly to avoid costly repairs. Remember, regular maintenance and taking preventive measures can go a long way in preventing future main sewer line clogs. We hope this guide has provided you with valuable insights and solutions to effectively detect and resolve main sewer line clogs.

The Advantages of Regular Drain Cleaning for Bars and Restaurants in Chicago

drain cleaning for bars and restaurants in chicago.

Drain cleaning is an essential maintenance task that can affect the operations and performance of any business. But in most business premises, drain cleaning is overlooked because it doesn’t seem to link to the bottom line directly.

But if you run a bar or restaurant in Chicago city, the condition of the drainage systems in your building can have grave implications for your business. Poorly managed drain systems create unsanitary conditions that can drive away customers, according to Librett Real Management team.

In addition to the environmental problems posed by clogged drains, they expose your staff to a higher risk of illness. There is also a risk of business closure if city health officials conclude that your drainage system constitutes a health hazard.

But you can avert these problems with regular cleaning of the drains. Routine cleaning of the drains in your premises will help your business, employees, customers, the environment and the entire city of Chicago in the following eight ways:

8 benefits of drain cleaning for bars and restaurants in Chicago

Compliance with environmental regulations

Health and sanitary requirements are usually tougher for bars and restaurants than for most businesses. That is because, unlike businesses where food and drinks are not served, customers of bars and restaurants have a higher exposure to food poisoning, waterborne diseases and other health issues. As a result, restaurants and bars are expected to maintain high standards of cleanliness. Failing to live up to these expectations can result in closure or loss of business.

Prevent clogs and blockages

Drainage systems in bars and restaurants are highly susceptible to clogs and blockages because owners do not have direct control over what their patrons flush into the toilets. Additionally, commercial kitchens produce a lot of used-up grease that often ends up inside the drainage system, where it can become a problem. Regular cleaning of the drainage system helps to prevent clogs and sewer backups due to grease buildup.

Prevent foul odors

Unpleasant odors in your bar or restaurant will ruin its ambience and destroy all the work you have to do to gain customers. Once a bar or restaurant loses its reputation, it can be very hard, if not impossible, to rebuild it. Thus, it is essential to remove any buildup of organic matter inside your drains that may cause bad odors on the premises. The only way to do this is to have your drains cleaned regularly.

Help maintain public health and safety

As a restaurant or bar, your customers trust you to make decisions that will protect their health and well-being. They expect that your premises should not be a breeding ground for bacteria and other harmful microorganisms. The extent to which you meet customers’ expectations in this regard is the extent to which they will rate and promote your business. Regular drain cleaning is an investment in your customers and business.

Prevent flooding and water damage

Heavy rainstorms and flooding are common occurrences in Chicago. To a large degree, your business’s ability to get through the year without a flooding incident depends on the condition of your drainage systems. Well-maintained drainage systems that handle water effectively will minimize your exposure to flooding and water damage risk. On the other hand, drain pipes that are clogged with debris significantly increase the risk of sewer backups and flooding in your building.

Avoid pest invasion of premises

Bars and restaurants offer a perfect breeding ground for pests because of the volume of food waste they generate. In most bars and restaurants, pest extermination efforts are focused on prompt waste collection and cleaning the premises. But the building’s drain lines are where so much of the vermin that invade the premises hide. Regular drain cleaning helps prevent pest infestation in your restaurant and bar.

Protect your plumbing system

Regular drain cleaning helps you solve budding issues in your drainage system before they become emergencies that disrupt business operations and take money out of your pocket. Drainage systems that suffer from extensive buildup and frequent clogs are exposed to stresses that cause them to age prematurely. By cleaning your drains regularly, you prolong their lifespan and avoid major problems that cost a lot of money to fix.

Make and save money

Regular drain cleaning helps you make and save money. The money spent on regular drain cleaning is not a cost but an investment in the reputation and future of your business. You will recoup that investment in the form of positive reviews by customers, a more efficient drainage system and overall lower maintenance costs.

To conclude, reputation is everything for a bar or restaurant, and the cleanliness of the premises is a huge part of that. Any plan for improving the reputation of your restaurant or bar that does not include regular drain cleaning is incomplete because it will not achieve its objectives fully.

Are you interested in learning how to we can provide an effective drain cleaning maintenance program for your bar or restaurant? Contact us below!

How to Safely Unclog Your Drain without Risking Pipe Damage

unclog your drain with these effective tips.

Clogged drains are a common problem in homes; they happen following the day-to-day use of your plumbing system. Ordinarily, Safe House Management company notes that clogs in your drain lines should not be a cause of concern since most drain clogs are avoidable and easy to solve.

Yet, at the same time, drain clogs can cause massive damage to your plumbing and building. Fixing them can also take a huge toll on your finances. But a clogged drain will only cause you big problems if you make the following three mistakes in your home:

  • Improper maintenance of the drainage system.
  • There are longstanding drainage issues that have been ignored.
  • Choose the wrong solution for your clogged drains.

If drain lines are not maintained to make it easy to spot and solve problems quickly, the system will be more vulnerable to severe clogs. Minor drain issues will have more time to grow into major plumbing emergencies.

As a result, your home’s drain issues will not only cost more money to fix, but the risk of pipe damage will be higher. This problem can get worse if you choose the wrong drain cleaning solutions. What are ways to safely clear a clogged drain line in your home?

DIY methods to unclog your home’s drain safely

Use a plunger

A plunger is a simple tool that all homeowners should learn how to use. Plungers use suction force to suck debris out of a blocked drain. Place the plunger over the drain opening in a way that ensures a tight seal between the two surfaces.

The handle is then pumped up and down with quick movements. The vacuum created by this action allows the debris inside the pipe to be pulled out. There are two kinds of plungers – sink and toilet plungers. Never interchange them.

Use a handheld drain snake

This is a handheld device which can be manual or automatic. The snake is inserted into the drain opening until it reaches the location of the clog to clear the affected drain. Twist it gently to push through the blockage or snag the debris.

When pulled from the drain, the wire will pull the attached debris with it. You may repeat this process several times to clear the pipe completely. Manual drain snakes and plungers are only effective if the clog is close to the drain opening.

Use baking soda, vinegar and hot water

To unclog a blocked drain with vinegar and baking soda, pour a half cup of vinegar into the drain, followed by a cup of vinegar. Cover the drain opening and let the mixture fizz for 30 minutes. Flush the drain with hot water.

You can do this with hot water alone. Slowly pour hot water into the drain. Give it time to work its way through the pipes. Repeat this process until the grease and debris inside the pipes melt away. Do not pour boiling water into PVC pipes.

Use borax

Use this natural drain cleaner instead of chemical drain cleaners that can damage your pipes. To clear a clogged drain with this method, pour a solution of one part borax to four parts boiling water down the drain and let it sit for 15 minutes. Flush with hot water.

To unclog a toilet, scoop out as much water from the toilet as you can. Pour a half cup of borax powder into the toilet and let it sit for 15 minutes. Follow this with boiling water. You may need to do this a couple of times to get the desired result.

a plumber performing a hydro jetting service to unclog drains.

Hydro jetting uses high-pressure water to blast away the clogs inside the drain line.

Professional drain cleaning methods that will not damage your pipes

The above methods only work for minor drain clogs. For chronic drain clogs or clogs that are deep inside the drainage system, you need a more powerful method. The recommended solutions for these drain clogs are plumber’s snake and hydro-jetting.

Plumber’s snake

This is a motorized version of the traditional drain snake. Also known as an auger, drain snake, or plumbing snake, plumber’s snakes are several times larger than handheld drain snakes and can remove difficult clogs like sludge and tree roots.


This uses high-pressure water to blast away the clogs inside the drain line. Like a plumber’s snake, hydro jetting will remove sludge and tree roots. But it has the added advantage of washing the debris out of your pipes.

Finally, note that you will not get the best results from any of the above drain cleaning methods if you don’t have an effective drain maintenance strategy. Ideally, this should be a program of preventive maintenance. Preventive maintenance is the best way to care for drains.

That entails a plan for inspecting and cleaning the pipes periodically, whether there are problems or not. That will let you catch problems in their early stages or even eliminate drain clogs. Would you like to know more about preventive drain maintenance for your home?

Understanding How Hydro Jetting Can Solve Stubborn Drain Clogs

blast away stubborn drain clogs with a high powered hydro jetting.

How Hydro Jetting Can Solve Stubborn Drain Clogs

Are you struggling with persistent and stubborn clogs in your drains? Whether it’s in your home or office, blocked drains can be a major hassle and inconvenience. But fear not, as there is a highly effective solution that can eradicate even the most stubborn blockages – hydro jetting.

Hydro jetting is a powerful technique used by professional plumbers to clear out clogs and obstructions in drains and sewer lines. It involves using a high-pressure stream of water to blast away debris, grease, and other build-up that may be causing the clog. This method is incredibly effective and can restore your drains to their optimal functionality in no time.

The Power of Hydro Jetting

Hydro jetting is a far superior method for clearing clogs compared to traditional methods such as snaking or using chemical drain cleaners. While these methods may provide temporary solutions, they often fail to completely eliminate the source of the problem, leading to recurring clogs.

So, what makes hydro jetting so powerful? Let’s take a closer look at some of its key benefits:

1. Thorough Cleaning

Unlike other methods that only clear a pathway through the clog, hydro jetting provides a comprehensive cleaning of your drain pipes. The high-pressure water stream scours the walls of the pipes, removing all the accumulated grime, scale, and debris. This not only clears the current clog but also prevents future blockages by creating a clean and smooth pipe interior.

2. Versatile for All Drain Types

Hydro jetting is a versatile technique that can be used on various types of drain systems, including residential, commercial, and industrial. It can effectively clear clogs in sinks, showers, bathtubs, toilets, floor drains, and even larger sewer lines. Whether it’s a small home drain or a large-scale industrial pipe, hydro jetting can get the job done.

3. Environmentally Friendly

One of the major advantages of hydro jetting is its eco-friendliness. Unlike chemical drain cleaners that contain harsh and harmful chemicals, hydro jetting relies solely on the force of water to clear the clogs. It is a safe and environmentally friendly method that poses no risk to your health or the ecosystem.

4. Cost-effective

While hydro jetting may seem like a more expensive method compared to traditional approaches, it actually proves to be cost-effective in the long run. By thoroughly clearing the pipes and preventing future blockages, hydro jetting allows you to avoid recurring plumbing issues that can lead to costly repairs or replacements.

plumbers use a sewer camera inspection to find stubborn clogs.

A professional plumber will first conduct a thorough inspection of the drain system using specialized cameras or visual inspection tools. This helps identify the location and severity of the clog, ensuring the hydro jetting process targets the right area.

The Process of Hydro Jetting

Now that you understand the benefits of hydro jetting, let’s explore how the process works:

1. Initial Inspection: A professional plumber will first conduct a thorough inspection of the drain system using specialized cameras or visual inspection tools. This helps identify the location and severity of the clog, ensuring the hydro jetting process targets the right area.

2. Setting Up: Once the inspection is complete, the plumber will prepare the equipment for hydro jetting. This involves connecting a flexible hose to a water tank and a high-pressure pump, which generates the force required for the jetting process.

3. Jetting Procedure: The plumber will insert the hydro jetting hose into the drain opening, aiming it towards the clog. As water is released through the nozzle at high pressure, it creates a powerful stream that dislodges and flushes out the clog. The plumber will maneuver the hose throughout the drain system to ensure all areas are thoroughly cleaned.

4. Post Inspection: Once the hydro jetting process is complete, the plumber will conduct a post-inspection to ensure the clog has been completely eliminated. This may involve another camera inspection to verify the effectiveness of the hydro jetting.

When to Consider Hydro Jetting

Hydro jetting is an incredibly effective method for clearing stubborn drain clogs. However, not all clogs require this level of intervention. Here are some situations where hydro jetting is recommended:

  • Recurring clogs that have not been fully resolved by other methods.
  • Slow draining water in sinks, showers, or bathtubs.
  • Foul odors emanating from drains.
  • Tree roots infiltrating your sewer lines.
  • Accumulation of grease, soap scum, or mineral deposits in the pipes.

If you experience any of the above issues, it’s best to contact a professional plumber who can assess the situation and determine whether hydro jetting is the right solution for you.

Hydro jetting is an incredibly powerful and effective method for solving stubborn drain clogs. Its high-pressure water stream can dislodge and flush away even the most stubborn blockages, restoring your drains to optimal functionality. With its thorough cleaning capabilities and versatile applicability, hydro jetting is a reliable solution for both residential and commercial drain systems.

Remember, when faced with persistent drain clogs, it’s important to seek professional help rather than relying on temporary fixes. A licensed plumber will have the expertise and specialized equipment to perform hydro jetting safely and effectively.

Don’t let stubborn clogs disrupt your daily routine. Embrace the power of hydro jetting and say goodbye to drain clogs once and for all!

The Importance of Regular Drain Cleaning for Every Homeowner

regular drain cleaning is beneficial for your drains.

How often should you clean the drainpipes in your home?

There are two ways homeowners can answer this question:

  • Homeowners can clean their drainpipes whenever one of the drains in the home becomes clogged.
  • Homeowners can have a schedule for cleaning their drains regularly.

Which of these two options is better?

To answer the question, you must know why your drains need cleaning in the first place, advises Specialized Houston Property Management. Simply put, drains need cleaning because of the debris collecting inside them. But where does this debris come from, and why does it build up inside the system?

Why do drains get clogged?

Drains become clogged when some of the waste that enters them is left behind inside the pipes. That is because wastewater often contains a lot of semi-solid and solid materials. This non-liquid content – such as human waste, soap scum or food particles – can stick inside the pipes.

It mostly happens when the semi-solid/solid waste is too much for the water inside the pipes to move. Or there may be insufficient water inside the pipes. But whatever the case, the effect is that water flows out of pipes while the non-liquid materials are left behind.

At first, only small amounts of materials are deposited inside the pipe. But as the process repeats and more debris is deposited in the pipe, the buildup rate gradually increases. That will continue until the point is reached where even water cannot flow through the pipe freely.

When this happens, you experience it as a clog in your home’s drains.

This natural process does not happen suddenly; it is gradual. Furthermore, it does not have to result in a clogged drain. The process only causes a clogged drain when homeowners are unaware of what is happening inside their drains.

How to clean your home’s drains

The majority of homeowners wait until the tail-end of the above process to clean their drains. They wait until a clog has already formed in the drains. There are many reasons why this plan is not the best one for your pocket or the function and longevity of your drains.

Clogs in your home’s drainage system subject the pipes to unnecessary stresses. Also, the trapped debris in the pipe contains toxins that can weaken pipe materials and compromise the structural integrity of your entire drainage system.

Additionally, it is economically inappropriate to wait until clogs form before attempting to clear them. There is an increased risk of damage to the pipes. In addition to the higher cost of clearing the clog, you may have to pay to repair your damaged pipes.

A routine cleaning program is a better plan for dealing with drain clogs. Why is that?

Regular drain cleaning and why it is important

Regular drain cleaning is a process of ongoing maintenance of your home’s drains. Instead of waiting until there is a problem before you clean your drains, you clean them regularly to prevent issues in the drainage system.

This process is proactive rather than reactive.

In other words, you are steps ahead of the problems in your drains and constantly taking measures to prevent them from worsening. This drain cleaning program actively looks for problems to solve them quickly and affordably.

a sewer camera inspection being performed on a drain line.

Usually, the entire drainage system of the home is inspected using a sewer camera inspection.

What is involved in a program of regular drain cleaning?

Typically, the entire process is done once a year and involves two essential steps:

  • Professional inspection of the drain: Usually, the entire drainage system of the home is inspected using a sewer camera inspection
  • Professional drain-cleaning service: The drain is cleaned by snaking or hydro-jetting the pipes. The two cleaning methods can also be deployed.

Benefits of regular drain cleaning

Prevent clogs and blockages

Instead of constantly striving to remove clogs from your pipes, regular cleaning helps prevent them. You will be treating the root cause of the problems and not just the symptoms.

Eliminate bad odors from your home

Clogged drains are a major source of bad odors. Regular cleaning will help remove the bacteria and decayed materials that cause bad odors.

Improve the efficiency of your drainage

Improved water flow, one of the natural outcomes of regular drain cleaning, helps to maximize the efficiency of your drainage system.

Extend the service life of your plumbing

Efficient drainage systems with proper water flow are less likely to have problems and more likely to exceed their projected lifespan.

You save money in the short- and long-term

Regular drain cleaning helps to lower the overall cost of maintaining your drainage systems. You also save money in the long run since you will avoid premature plumbing replacement.

To sum up: how often should you clean your home’s drains? Cleaning the drains should be done regularly. That is the only way to effectively combat the never-ending processes that cause clogs and blockages inside your drains. Any other method will be inefficient and costly.

Why Sewer Line Maintenance Should Be on Your List of New Year Resolutions

a plumber providing a customer with sewer line maintenance.

The Importance of Sewer Line Maintenance

As the New Year approaches, many of us start thinking about resolutions and setting goals for the upcoming year. While most people focus on personal health, career aspirations, or personal development, it is important to remember to include household and property maintenance in our list of resolutions. One area that is often overlooked but is crucial for the well-being of our homes is sewer line maintenance. In this article, we will explore why sewer line maintenance should be on your list of New Year resolutions.

Preventing Costly Repairs

One of the main reasons why sewer line maintenance should be a priority is because it helps prevent costly repairs down the line. Sewer line issues can be expensive to fix, often requiring excavation and replacement of damaged pipes. Regular maintenance, such as inspections and cleaning, can help identify any potential issues early on and take preventive measures before they escalate into major problems.

Preserving Property Value

Another significant reason to include sewer line maintenance in your New Year resolutions is the preservation of property value. A well-maintained sewer system not only ensures the functionality of your home’s plumbing but also contributes to the overall value of your property. If you plan on selling your home in the future, a properly maintained sewer line can be an attractive selling point that increases the marketability and value of your property.

Promoting Health and Hygiene

Proper sewer line maintenance is not only essential for the functionality and value of your property but also for the health and hygiene of you and your family. A malfunctioning sewer line can lead to sewage backups, foul odors, and potential health hazards. By prioritizing sewer line maintenance, you can ensure the cleanliness and well-being of your home environment.

sewer camera inspection service in chicago il.

Through inspections and diagnostics, professionals can detect issues such as tree root intrusion, pipe corrosion, cracks, and blockages.

Identifying Early Warning Signs

Regular sewer line maintenance allows for the early identification of warning signs that may indicate potential issues. Through inspections and diagnostics, professionals can detect issues such as tree root intrusion, pipe corrosion, cracks, and blockages. By catching these warning signs early, you can take prompt action to address the problem before it worsens and leads to extensive damage.

Preventing Environmental Contamination

Aside from the impact on your property and health, a neglected sewer line can also lead to environmental contamination. Sewage leaks can pollute the soil and water sources, posing a significant risk to the surrounding ecosystem. By incorporating sewer line maintenance into your New Year resolutions, you are helping to protect the environment and minimize the potential for contamination.

Choosing the Right Professionals

When it comes to sewer line maintenance, it is crucial to choose the right professionals who have the expertise and experience in handling such tasks. Look for licensed and insured plumbers or sewer specialists who can provide comprehensive services, including inspections, maintenance, repairs, and replacements. Seeking recommendations from trusted sources or reading customer reviews can help you find reliable professionals who can efficiently take care of your sewer line.

a sewer line cleaning process in chicago called hydro-jetting.

Using techniques such as hydro jetting, can remove debris, scale buildup, and tree roots that can potentially cause blockages and damage.

The Role of Preventive Maintenance

Preventive maintenance plays a significant role in the longevity and performance of your sewer line. Regular cleaning, using techniques such as hydro jetting, can remove debris, scale buildup, and tree roots that can potentially cause blockages and damage. Inspections, whether through video cameras or other diagnostic tools, can detect any hidden issues and ensure the integrity of the sewer system.

Building a Maintenance Schedule

To ensure consistent sewer maintenance, it is beneficial to create a maintenance schedule. This schedule can include regular inspections, cleaning, and necessary repairs or replacements. By adhering to a maintenance schedule, you can stay on top of any potential issues and take proactive measures to prevent major problems from occurring.

Wrapping it Up

As you plan your New Year resolutions, it is important to consider the often overlooked aspect of sewer line maintenance. By prioritizing the care and maintenance of your sewer line, you can prevent costly repairs, preserve property value, promote health and hygiene, identify early warning signs, prevent environmental contamination, and ensure the longevity and performance of your sewer system. With the help of professionals and a well-established maintenance schedule, you can start the New Year off right by prioritizing sewer line maintenance and enjoying the peace of mind that comes with a well-maintained home.

Drain Clogs: How to Know When You Need a Professional Plumber

clogged drains in need of cleaning.

If a drain in your home is acting up due to clogs inside the pipe, what is the best way to deal with the problem? Should you troubleshoot the drain and try clearing the clog using DIY methods? Or is it better to get a professional plumber to help you solve the problem?

The right step for removing a drain clog depends on the nature and severity of the problem. Drain clogs are a common and almost inevitable occurrence in the home. And as Lone Eagle Management say knowing the right way to solve them is vital; the proper drain-cleaning method will save you a lot of money.

Most times, issues in your home’s drains are from minor problems in the plumbing. Many of these small issues can be resolved quickly and cheaply using a variety of home remedies. That is why having a few DIY drain-cleaning remedies in your home is essential.

But drain clogs can also result in bigger issues inside the plumbing. These issues cannot be solved with DIY methods; DIY methods may even make them worse. For such drain issues, you need advanced knowledge and professional plumbing tools.

Fixing drain problems costs a lot of money because homeowners don’t know when to hire a professional to look at their drains. They keep using ineffective DIY methods to try and clear the clogs, allowing the problem to degenerate into costly repairs.

What are the signs that a drain clog in your home needs the attention of an expert plumber?

Signs that you need a professional plumber in your home

These five signs are indicative of problems deep inside your drainpipes. DIY solutions and store-bought drain cleaners will not solve these problems. To fix them, you need an experienced plumber.

Several slow drains in the home

When you have a slow-draining fixture in the home, you can fix it by focusing on the single malfunctioning drain. This approach works if the clog is close to the drain opening. But in a situation where the clog is deep inside the drainpipe, focusing on a single slow drain inside the home will not solve the problem. A deep clog inside your plumbing will often cause several drains to be slow together. The way to solve this problem is to have the drain cleaned professionally.

Gurgling noises from your drains

Gurgling sounds from your drains can happen alongside slow drains or on their own. Drains only gurgle when they have trapped air inside the pipes. Air should be able to flow through your drainpipes. But if there is a clog inside the pipe, air will be trapped inside. Whenever water is flushed into the drain, it pushes against that air, compressing it. Eventually, the air will find a way out by forcing itself through the water rushing into the drain. The movement of air through the water is what creates the gurgling sound.

Fouls smells from your drains

This problem can happen simultaneously with gurgling sounds from the drains. When drains function as they should, they keep sewer gases out of the house. Sewage smells will only enter your home when sewer gases escape from the home’s drains into the home. This problem is caused by blockages or leaks in your sewer line. The foul odors may be present across the entire home, in one section of the home, or outside only. You should have your drains camera inspected by a professional plumber if there are sewer odors in your home.

Increase in the number of pests and vermin

Pests are only drawn to places where they can find food and water. If you notice increased pests inside your home or around your yard, you could have a broken drainpipe. A blocked drain line may also have rotting food inside it. That will lead to an increase in the number of fruit flies in your kitchen. A leaky sewer line may also serve as a rich food source for flies and roaches. If this happens, the natural enemies of these pests can also be drawn to your property.

DIY techniques don’t work

Sometimes DIY methods that have worked in the past will suddenly stop working. When this happens, it means that the DIY method did not solve the problem; it only provided temporary relief. It has given the problem time to get worse. That is why the DIY solution no longer works. To fix the drain problem, you need a professional plumber. You also need a professional plumber if you use a lot of chemical drain cleaners in your home. That’s because chemical drain cleaners harm your plumbing.

Get a professional plumber if you observe any of these five signs in your home. Also, even if you don’t see these signs in your home, you may still need a professional plumber if your drains have not been inspected in a long time.

Do My Drains Need to Be Professionally Cleaned?

clogged drain that needs professional drain cleaning.

Signs That Your Drains Need to Be Professionally Cleaned

Drains are an essential part of any plumbing system, allowing wastewater to flow out of your home and preventing potential problems like clogs and backups. However, over time, drains can become clogged with debris, grease, and other substances, leading to a range of issues. While some minor drain clogs can be easily resolved with DIY methods, there are instances where it is necessary to call in a professional drain cleaning service. In this article, we will explore the signs that indicate your drains need professional cleaning and why it is important to address these issues promptly.

The Importance of Regular Drain Cleaning

Before discussing the signs that indicate professional drain cleaning is needed, it is important to understand the significance of regular drain cleaning. Many homeowners overlook drain maintenance until they face a major issue, but taking a proactive approach can prevent costly repairs and inconveniences.

Regular drain cleaning helps in:

  • Preventing clogs: Accumulation of debris, grease, hair, soap scum, and other materials can lead to stubborn clogs in your drains. Professional cleaning removes these buildup, reducing the chances of clogs occurring.
  • Improving water flow: Over time, debris and mineral deposits can restrict the flow of water in your drains. Regular cleaning ensures unrestricted water flow, preventing slow draining or standing water issues.
  • Eliminating foul odors: The accumulation of organic matter inside drains can result in unpleasant odors emanating from your plumbing system. Professional drain cleaning helps to eliminate these odors and keep your home smelling fresh.
  • Prolonging drain lifespan: When drains are regularly cleaned, they are less likely to experience major blockages or damages. This can extend the lifespan of your drains, reducing the need for costly replacements.
a sewer line rooter service happening in chicago.

If you notice that your sinks, showers, or tubs are draining slower than usual, it could be a telltale sign of a clogged drain.

Signs Your Drains Need Professional Cleaning

While regular drain maintenance is important, there are specific signs that indicate it is time to call in the professionals to provide a thorough cleaning. These signs include:

1. Slow Draining

If you notice that your sinks, showers, or tubs are draining slower than usual, it could be a telltale sign of a clogged drain. Slow draining indicates that debris or buildup is obstructing the water flow, and it is time to have your drains professionally cleaned.

2. Recurring Clogs

Experiencing frequent clogs in your drains, even after attempting DIY methods to clear them, is a strong indication that there is a deeper problem. Professional drain cleaning can effectively remove stubborn clogs that DIY solutions may not be able to address.

3. Foul Odors

If you detect foul smells coming from your drains, it is likely due to organic matter that has accumulated over time. This buildup can cause bacteria growth and emit unpleasant odors. Professional drain cleaning can remove the source of the odor and leave your drains smelling fresh.

4. Water Backups

One of the most obvious signs that your drains need professional attention is water backups. If water is coming up through your sinks, tubs, or toilets, it indicates a severe blockage further down the drain pipe. Professional plumbers have specialized equipment to locate and remove the blockage, restoring proper drainage.

5. Multiple Clogged Drains

If you have multiple drains in your home that are experiencing slow drainage or clogs simultaneously, it is likely a sign of a larger issue in your main drain line or sewer system. In such cases, professional drain cleaning is essential to address the underlying problem.

a professional plumber in chicago cleaning out a drain.

Professional plumbers not only clean your drains but also have the expertise to identify underlying problems within your plumbing system.

The Benefits of Professional Drain Cleaning

Now that we have discussed the signs that indicate professional drain cleaning is necessary, let’s explore the benefits of hiring a professional for the job:

1. Effective and Thorough Cleaning

Professional drain cleaning services utilize specialized equipment and techniques to ensure a thorough cleaning of your drains. They have the knowledge and experience to remove even the most stubborn clogs and buildup, ensuring optimal drainage and preventing future issues.

2. Preventative Maintenance

By regularly scheduling professional cleaning, you can prevent major clogs and backups from occurring. Professional plumbers can identify and address potential issues before they become severe, saving you from costly repairs in the long run.

3. Safety and Hygiene

When drain blockages occur, they can result in unsanitary conditions and potential health hazards. Professional drain cleaning helps to maintain a hygienic environment in your home, eliminating bacteria, odors, and the risk of sewage backups.

4. Expert Diagnosis of Underlying Issues

Professional plumbers not only clean your drains but also have the expertise to identify underlying problems within your plumbing system. This includes issues like tree root intrusion, cracked pipes, or improper installation. Timely detection of these issues can prevent further damage and ensure proper functioning of your drains.

In Summary

Regular drain cleaning is essential to maintain the efficiency and longevity of your plumbing system. Signs such as slow draining, recurring clogs, foul odors, water backups, and multiple clogged drains indicate that it is time to seek professional drain cleaning services. By hiring professionals, you can benefit from their expertise, ensure thorough cleaning, prevent future problems, and maintain a safe and hygienic environment in your home. Don’t wait until you encounter a major plumbing issue – take proactive measures to keep your drains clean and functional.

Commercial Drain Cleaning: The Impact Of Chemicals On Business Sewage Systems

a plumber performing a commercial drain cleaning.

In commercial settings, proper drainage and regular maintenance of sewage systems are crucial for the smooth operation of businesses. Clogged drains or sewer backups can cause significant disruptions, leading to costly repairs, health hazards, and even potential closure of the business.

The Importance of Commercial Drain Cleaning

Commercial drain cleaning involves the removal of accumulated debris, grease, and other substances from the pipes and drains of business sewage systems. It is essential for preventing blockages and maintaining efficient flow, preventing leaks and overflow that could damage property.

Regular drain cleaning should be part of every business’s maintenance routine, as neglecting this aspect could result in severe consequences.

The Common Practice: Chemical Drain Cleaners

Chemical drain cleaners are widely used in commercial settings to remove clogs and restore water flow. These products typically contain powerful chemicals such as caustic soda (sodium hydroxide) or sulfuric acid. They work by dissolving or breaking down the blockage to allow water to pass through.

The convenience and apparent effectiveness of chemical drain cleaners have made them a popular choice for many businesses seeking quick solutions to drainage issues. However, the use of these chemicals has several drawbacks and potential impacts on the sewage system.

Potential Negative Effects of Chemical Drain Cleaners

1. Corrosion:

Chemical drain cleaners can corrode pipes and sewage system components, especially if used frequently or in large quantities. The strong chemicals can erode the pipes’ inner lining, leading to leaks, cracks, or even complete system failure.

2. Environmental Impact:

The chemicals in drain cleaners are often harmful to the environment. When flushed into the sewage system, they can contaminate water sources and harm aquatic life. Additionally, some chemical residues can persist in the system and cause further damage over time.

3. Health Risks:

Chemical drain cleaners pose significant health risks to those who handle them, particularly if proper protective equipment and precautions are not taken. Ingesting or inhaling these chemicals can result in burns, respiratory problems, and other serious health issues.

4. Temporary Solutions:

Chemical drain cleaners typically provide temporary solutions to clogged drains. They may clear the immediate blockage, but often fail to address the underlying cause. This can lead to recurrent clogs and dependency on chemical cleaners, further exacerbating the potential negative impacts on the sewage system.

Alternatives for Safe Commercial Drain Cleaning

Given the potential risks associated with chemical drain cleaners, businesses should consider alternative methods for safe and effective drain cleaning:

1. Professional Drain Cleaning Services:

Hiring professionals who specialize in commercial drain cleaning can ensure that the job is done safely and effectively. These experts utilize specialized equipment and techniques to remove blockages without resorting to chemicals. They can also identify and address underlying issues to prevent future clogs.

2. Mechanical Drain Cleaning:

Mechanical drain cleaning methods, such as snaking or hydro jetting, involve using specialized tools to physically remove blockages from the pipes. These methods are effective and environmentally friendly, as they do not rely on harmful chemicals.

3. Regular Maintenance:

Implementing a regular maintenance schedule for drains and sewage systems can help avoid major blockages and reduce the need for aggressive chemical treatments. Simple practices like periodic pipe inspections, using drain guards, and disposing of waste properly can go a long way in preventing clogs.

4. Eco-Friendly Drain Cleaners:

If chemical drain cleaners are necessary, choose environmentally friendly options that do not contain harsh chemicals. There are now safer and biodegradable drain cleaners available on the market that can be used as a last resort.


While chemical drain cleaners may seem like a convenient solution, their negative impacts on the sewage system, environment, and human health make them less desirable in commercial settings. Relying on professional drain cleaning services, implementing regular maintenance practices, and exploring eco-friendly alternatives can ensure safe and effective drain cleaning for businesses. By prioritizing the long-term health of sewage systems, businesses can avoid costly sewer line repairs, minimize disruptions, and contribute to a more sustainable environment.

Count On Our Drain Plumbers To Get Affordable Drain Clearing Services in Chicago

a clogged drain.

When it comes to plumbing issues, a clogged drain is one of the most common and frustrating problems that homeowners in Chicago face. Whether it is a slow draining sink or a completely blocked toilet, a clogged drain can disrupt your daily routine and cause inconvenience. If you are in need of reliable and affordable drain clearing services in Chicago, you can count on our team of experienced drain plumbers to provide you with quick and effective solutions.

At Chicago Plumbing Experts, we understand the importance of a properly functioning drain system in your home. Our team of dedicated drain cleaning plumbers is committed to delivering high-quality services that not only address the immediate issue but also help prevent future problems. We take pride in our work and strive to provide the best possible experience for our customers.

Why Choose Our Drain Cleaning Plumbers?

There are several reasons why you can confidently choose our drain plumbers for your drain clearing needs:

Experience: Our team of drain cleaning plumbers has years of experience in dealing with a wide range of drain issues. They are equipped with the knowledge and skills to quickly identify the source of the problem and provide effective solutions. No matter how big or small the clog, our plumbers have the expertise to handle it.

Advanced Tools and Techniques: We understand that outdated tools and techniques can only offer temporary solutions. That’s why we invest in state-of-the-art equipment and stay up-to-date with the latest advancements in the industry. This allows us to provide comprehensive drain clearing services that are not only efficient but also long-lasting.

Affordable Pricing: We believe that everyone should have access to reliable plumbing services without breaking the bank. Our drain clearing services are competitively priced, ensuring that you get the best value for your money. We also provide upfront pricing with no hidden costs or surprises, so you can trust us to be transparent about our charges.

Fast and Reliable Response: We understand that drain emergencies can occur at any time, often causing great inconvenience. That’s why we offer 24/7 emergency plumbing services to ensure that our customers’ needs are met promptly. Our team of drain plumbers is dedicated to providing fast and reliable responses, minimizing the disruption caused by a clogged drain.

a plumber performing a drain cleaning for a customer.

Our Drain Clearing Services

Our comprehensive drain clearing services cover a wide range of issues that can affect your drain system. Whether it’s a kitchen sink, bathroom drain, or sewer line, our plumbers have the expertise to handle it all. Here are some of the services we offer:

Hydro Jetting: This highly effective technique uses high-pressure water to clear stubborn clogs and remove buildup from the inside of the pipes. Hydro jetting is not only effective in clearing existing clogs but also helps prevent future blockages.

Drain Snaking: Drain snaking involves using a flexible tool called a drain snake to break up and remove clogs. Our plumbers are skilled in using drain snakes to clear blockages safely and efficiently, ensuring the smooth flow of water through your drains.

Video Camera Inspection: Sometimes, the cause of a drain problem is not immediately visible. In such cases, we use sewer video camera inspection to visually inspect the inside of the pipes for any signs of damage, blockages, or leaks. This allows us to accurately identify the problem and provide targeted solutions.

Contact Us for Affordable Drain Clearing Services in Chicago

If you are experiencing a clogged drain or any other drain-related issue, don’t wait for it to escalate further. Contact our team of drain cleaning plumbers at 708-866-1029 for fast and affordable drain clearing services in Chicago. We are committed to resolving your drain problems efficiently and restoring the proper functioning of your drain system. Count on our experienced plumbers to deliver reliable solutions that meet your needs and exceed your expectations. Don’t let a clogged drain disrupt your daily routine – get in touch with us today!