Category Archives: overhead sewer conversion

The Benefits of Investing in Overhead Sewer Conversion for Older Homes

an older home that can benefit from an overhead sewer conversion.

As homes age, the need for upgrades and repairs becomes inevitable. One critical aspect that often requires attention is the sewer system. Many older homes still rely on outdated and inefficient underground sewer systems, which can lead to significant problems such as backups, leaks, and even flooding. In recent years, overhead sewer conversion has emerged as a preferred solution for addressing these issues. This article explores the benefits of investing in an overhead sewer conversion for older homes, highlighting the advantages it offers in terms of cost savings, improved functionality, and peace of mind.

1. Enhanced Flood Prevention

Older homes with traditional underground sewer systems are highly susceptible to sewer backups during heavy rainfall or flooding events. These backups can cause extensive damage to the property and disrupt daily routines. By converting to an overhead sewer system, homeowners can significantly reduce the risk of flooding inside their homes. Overhead sewer systems utilize gravity-fed pipes that allow wastewater to flow freely from the home to the main sewer line, minimizing the chances of backups and subsequent flooding.

2. Minimized Basement Flooding

In homes with basements, outdated sewer systems can pose a particularly problematic situation. During heavy rains, sewer backups can lead to water seepage and flooding in the basement, resulting in expensive property damage and the potential loss of valuable items stored there. Overhead sewer conversion offers a reliable solution by eliminating the vulnerability of traditional drains located below the basement floor. With an overhead sewer system, the risk of basement flooding is significantly reduced, protecting the property and providing valuable peace of mind.

3. Improved Sewer Functionality

Over time, underground sewer systems in older homes can deteriorate, leading to reduced functionality and increased maintenance requirements. Common issues include collapsed pipes, root intrusion, and blockages, which can cause sewage backups and create unpleasant odors. By investing in overhead sewer conversion, homeowners can enjoy an upgraded sewer system that offers improved functionality and durability. Overhead sewer systems are designed with easily accessible cleanout points, making maintenance and repairs more straightforward. This enhanced functionality leads to fewer plumbing problems and the need for less frequent and costly repairs.

4. Long-Term Cost Savings

While overhead sewer conversion may require an upfront investment, it offers significant long-term cost savings for homeowners. With an overhead sewer system, the risk of property damage due to sewer backups is reduced, eliminating the need for expensive repairs and cleanup costs associated with flooding incidents. Additionally, the improved functionality of the overhead sewer system minimizes the chances of clogs and blockages, reducing the need for professional drain cleaning services. Over time, these cost savings can outweigh the initial investment, making overhead sewer conversion a financially prudent choice for older homeowners.

5. Increased Property Value

Investing in an overhead sewer conversion can also enhance the value of an older home. Potential buyers are often concerned about the condition of the sewer system when considering a property. By proactively upgrading to an overhead sewer system, homeowners can provide reassurance and peace of mind to potential buyers. The presence of a modern and reliable sewer system can significantly increase the desirability and market value of an older home, making it a wise investment for homeowners planning to sell their property in the future.

6. Eco-Friendly Solution

Overhead sewer conversion aligns with sustainable practices and environmental consciousness. Traditional underground sewer systems sometimes experience leaks or discharges, potentially contaminating soil and water sources. By opting for an overhead sewer system, homeowners can reduce the risk of environmental pollution caused by sewer backups or leaks. Additionally, some overhead sewer systems may incorporate environmentally friendly features such as backwater valves, which prevent sewage from flowing back into the home during a sewer line backup. These eco-friendly aspects make overhead sewer conversion an environmentally responsible choice.

an overhead sewer system installation in chicago.

In Conclusion

Investing in overhead sewer conversion for older homes offers numerous benefits. By upgrading to an overhead sewer system, homeowners can significantly reduce the risk of home flooding, eliminate basement flooding, improve sewer functionality, and minimize long-term maintenance expenses. Furthermore, the investment leads to increased property value and promotes environmental sustainability. As such, homeowners with older properties should consider the advantages of overhead sewer conversion and consult with professionals to determine the best solution for their specific needs. By taking this proactive step, homeowners can enjoy the peace of mind and numerous benefits that overhead sewer conversion provides.

Overhead Sewer Services in Chicago

an overhead sewer system installation in chicago.

As a homeowner in Chicago, you may be familiar with the traditional in-ground sewage systems. However, for many low-lying or hilly areas, the traditional approach isn’t an option. This is where overhead sewer services come in. Overhead sewer services provide a way for homes to connect to the municipal sewage system while maintaining the integrity of the soil and the slope of the land. This guide will provide an overview of overhead sewer systems and what they mean for homeowners in Chicago.

How Overhead Sewer Systems Work

Overhead sewer services involve the installation of a pipe and pump system that is connected to the city’s existing sewage system. The purpose of the system is to collect sewage from the house, raise it to an appropriate height, and then send it into the city’s sewage system.

The system works by using an overhead valve that is connected to a wellpoint. The wellpoint is connected to a valve that is controlled by the homeowner. The valve is opened to allow the sewage to flow from the house and to be pumped to the desired height. Once at the desired height, the sewage is released into the city’s sewage system.

Advantages of Overhead Sewer Systems

Overhead sewer systems provide many benefits for homeowners in Chicago.

First, these services allow homeowners to avoid the complicated process of having to install an entire new sewer system. Instead, homeowners can simply connect to the existing sewage system while avoiding the need for sewer line repair service.

Second, these services provide homeowners with greater flexibility when designing and constructing their landscapes. Since the lines run above ground, there is no need for them to cut through the ground or force people to plan around them.

Finally, these services provide greater peace of mind for homeowners. With the overhead system in place, homeowners can rest assured that any potential problems with their underground sewage system will remain safe and clean.

You Need a Professional Installation Service for Your Overhead Sewer System

Although overhead sewer services provide a number of benefits to homeowners in Chicago, they should not be attempted as a DIY project. These systems require professional installation in order to ensure that the system meets all of the city’s requirements and that it is properly installed and maintained.

Proper maintenance of an overhead sewer system is essential to its functioning. For instance, if the system is not properly maintained, it can become clogged with debris and lead to backups. The system should be inspected regularly by a licensed plumber who can catch any small issues before they become big ones.


Overhead sewer services are a valuable tool for homeowners in Chicago. They provide a way to connect to the city’s existing sewage system while avoiding costly and time-consuming excavation repairs. In addition, the system provides flexibility when it comes to designing and constructing landscapes. However, the system should only be installed by a professional in order to ensure that it is properly maintained.

If you are a homeowner in Chicago and are looking for a solution to your sewage needs, consider looking into an overhead sewer system. With the Chicago Plumbing Experts on your side, you can be rest assured that your system will be properly installed and maintained.

Questions or concerns about having an overhead sewer system installed in your home? We are here to help. Call us at 773-599-9181 or fill out the form below.


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