Top Reasons to Call for Emergency Plumbing Service

Top Reasons to Call for Emergency Plumbing ServiceDIY solutions for all kinds of home maintenance issues are all the rave right now. Whether as a way to save money or because they don’t want to be so dependent on experts, people relish the fact that they can solve many of their home maintenance problems themselves. The availability of hundreds of hours of YouTube videos plus easy-to-use tools are turning many homeowners into ardent DIYers.

But there is still a difference between being a passionate DIYer and being an expert. As long as you know where your abilities as a DIYer end and the knowledge of an expert begins, you should be safe. 

Using DIY solutions when you should call an expert is the reason for many costly but avoidable repairs. And in no area of home maintenance is this more common than when dealing with the home’s plumbing.

Unlike the electrical systems of the home, says Archer Management Group, people feel relatively safe working with the plumbing in their homes. With electrical problems, a nasty electric shock, house fires, or even death are the possibilities. The worst thing that can happen when DIY-ing a plumbing issue is the home gets flooded. As a result, you will find more homeowners attempting to fix their plumbing issues by themselves.

But it is important to know which plumbing issues are within your abilities as an amateur and those that require the attention of a professional plumber. To save you the stress and unnecessary damage that can follow when you use a DIY approach when expert knowledge is required, here are the plumbing emergencies where you definitely should call an expert.

burst-pipe-repair-near-mePlumbing issues that you can handle

These are the plumbing problems that can be handled by you or any person in your home without any adverse outcomes.

  • Clogged drains: Clogged drains are such a common occurrence in the home that it makes absolutely no sense to call a plumber every time the bathwater refuses to drain or the kitchen sink drain is blocked.
  • Re-caulking the bathroom: As vital as the caulking in the bathtub and shower is, this is not something you need expert help to replace. Re-caulking the different areas of the bathroom is not difficult at all.
  • Fixing a leaking faucet or replacing a faucet: For these kinds of jobs, you only need a few tools and a ton of patience. The risk of injury or something going badly wrong with the plumbing is minimal.
  • Replacing the faucet aerator: The faucet aerator prevents splashing and also filters debris out of your water. Replacing this small device is so easy you can do it without any tools.

Plumbing emergencies that require expert attention

If you experience any of these following plumbing issues, do not attempt to fix the problem yourself. Instead, call an emergency plumber. Even if you think you know what is causing the problem and how to fix it, there may be underlying issues you are not aware of. Failing to deal with the root cause of the problem will only give it time to worsen and make it costlier to fix.

An overflowing toilet

An overflowing toilet is one of the most disgusting plumbing emergencies to have in your home. Toilets overflow when the drain is blocked but, in this case, the blockage is severe enough that the water in the bowl actually overflows. 

Toilet water is rich in disease-causing germs. Dealing with the blockage and stopping the flooding is paramount. For this, you need a professional plumber.

Frequent drain clogs

If you find that your drain is constantly getting clogged and the usual DIY methods only solve the problem temporarily, you have a plumbing emergency. In all probability, there is sludge buildup or some other kind of blockage in the pipes. If you don’t deal with the problem immediately, it can result in flooding or even a sewer backup.

Frozen or burst pipes

Frozen pipes are a huge possibility and a major inconvenience if you live in an area with sub-zero winter temperatures. Attempting to thaw out a frozen pipe by applying heat can cause further damage. If pipes get frozen, you should get a professional plumber to fix the issue. This also applies if a pipe in your home bursts suddenly.

Malfunctioning water heater

Excessively hot or inadequate hot water from a water heater, strange noises from the appliance, water boiling inside the water heater, colored water from the device and leaks, are common water heater issues. 

A water heater repair emergency is not something you want to tackle yourself. If the water heater in your home is not working at all or working improperly, call a professional plumber.

Natural gas leak in the home

If you smell natural gas in your home, do not hesitate to contact your plumber. Natural gas leaks can come from your stove or other sources inside or outside the home. These problems are within the domain of a plumber. Before you call the plumber turn off the valve and open the window, but whatever you do, don’t try to fix the problem yourself.

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