Tag Archives: remodeling a kitchen

Remodeling Your Home to Align With Your Health Goals

Your home is supposed to be your safe haven. But it isn’t always. Everything from clutter to nonfunctional appliances and an old HVAC unit may be hindering your health. If you’re ready to make changes to your lifestyle that promote better health, start with your home.

Healthy Living


When we think about healthy living, often the first thing that comes to mind is how we eat. If your kitchen does not promote an environment where you can easily store and prepare healthy meals, then your best first remodeling endeavor should start in this room. Kitchen remodeling can cost thousands of dollars, but there are many contractors that offer deals and different types of credits for their services. You can find out who’s available and has the best reviews by turning to Angi and typing “home remodeling near me” in the search bar. (See the Architypes blog for inspiration on practical kitchen designs)

Your new kitchen should have plenty of space for storage, functional (and ideally energy-efficient) appliances, and a dishwasher that helps clean and sanitize plates, forks, and glasses. Professional kitchen plumbers can work with your remodeling company to ensure that your new kitchen is done right and that your garbage disposal, kitchen sink, faucets, drains, and dishwasher are ready to go when you are.

Outside of the kitchen, your next major remodel or upgrade might be your HVAC unit. Your home’s HVAC circulates air and all of the particles swirling around in it. Make sure that your system is running at peak and that you have changed out your filters within the last three months.


Other healthy living remodeling projects you can do yourself include:

  • Adding smoke and radar detectors

  • Change your refrigerator’s water filter

  • Add floor mats to reduce dirt from being tracked into your home

  • Create a space to exercise in the garage or spare bedroom

Emotional Wellness

Promoting physical health is not your only consideration when remodeling your home. You also want to think about how your house lends well to or takes away from your emotional wellness. Look for ways to remodel to help you relax and enjoy your surroundings.

One idea: add shelves to your living area to create a home library. Big Think contributor Robby Berman explains that homes with at least 80 books have children with greater literacy and numeracy, which may help alleviate stress caused by school and homework. If you don’t have the room for a full library, consider adding a reading nook to each child’s bedroom.

Another quick revamp to your home to eliminate anxiety is to clean and declutter. Clutter not only causes stress but having too many things packed into a small space will increase dust as well as the possibility of roaches and rodents. Get rid of anything you haven’t used in the last 12 months and look for creative ways to hide off-season clothes, toys, and other items you don’t use daily.

Other suggestions to promote emotional wellness within your own home include:

  • Create a brighter home with lighter paint colors
  • Open the windows

  • Sleep on the right kind of bed, which depends on whether you sleep on your back, sides, or stomach

  • Soundproof your bedroom

  • Give the kids a dedicated play area

Historically, we spend around half of our waking hours at home. That’s jumped up by a full 12% since the start of the pandemic. Make your house a space that helps you achieve your wellness goals. Large projects, such as a kitchen remodel, all the way down to small tasks, like painting, will all improve your environment. You don’t have to start big, but you do have to start if you want to enjoy your home more in 2024 and beyond.