Category Archives: water line repair

What to Consider When Choosing Between Repairing and Replacing Water Lines in Chicago

a water line that needs repair in chicago.

Water line replacement and repairs are among the most complex and costly plumbing projects you can undertake in your Chicago home. When repairing or replacing your water line, Penny Realty Management warns that if the job is not done right, it can leave you with even bigger problems than you set out to solve.

Unfortunately for many homeowners in Chicago, water line problems are an issue they constantly have to deal with because of aging infrastructure. If your water line is leaking or your home’s water supply is contaminated, maybe it is time to overhaul the line.

But should you repair or replace the damaged water line? That depends on the water line issues you have in your home and how long the problems have been there. It also depends on the steps you have taken to solve past issues. 

In this post, we explain the factors to consider before deciding whether to repair or replace a water line, along with the pros and cons of each option.

Water line repair versus replacement: 4 things to consider

The repair history of the water line

If the records show that your water line has had major problems in the past, there is a chance that it has also been repaired before. As a rule, you only want to repair a water line once. After the first repair, subsequent efforts will cost more money and be less effective. The potential for worse damage increases with each repair. Fixing a water line that has been repaired in the past is not cost-effective.

Age of the water line

If the water line is about or past 50 years old, it makes no sense to repair it. That’s because once a water line goes beyond this threshold, its functionality starts declining rapidly. Older water lines are more brittle, and minor problems with the pipes can easily escalate into major emergencies. Replace your water line if it is close to 50 years. Repair it if it is only 25 years old.

The water line materials

The type of pipes in your water line plays a huge role in your decision to repair or replace the line. If the line is made of lead pipes, replacing the water line is your best option, regardless of the age or condition. Some states and cities even make it illegal to fix lead pipes. In some locations, the only materials legally allowed for main water lines are brass, copper and ductile iron pipes.

The project cost

If the cost of repairing your water line is almost the same as the cost of replacing it, it makes sense to repair the line. As a rule, you want your repair costs to be at least 50%+ lower than your replacement cost. Otherwise, it is better to replace the line. This cost should include the material and labor costs for the entire project.

a water line replacement ready to take place in chicago.

Replacing your water line is a long-term solution. For the next decade, at least, you should not expect any issues with the line. 

Pros and cons of repairing your water line


  • Cost-effective: It will always cost less to repair your damaged water line than it costs to replace it.
  • Less disruptive: The impact on your time, lifestyle and landscaping is minimal if you elect to repair the line.
  • Smaller environmental impact: The volume of waste generated by the repair process is minimal. The impact on the environment is also minor.


  • Temporary: Repairing the water line is not a long-term fix because the problems may return
  • Potential for future problems: Repairing a water line can predispose it to future problems.
  • Not always an option: If the water line is badly damaged, repairing it may not even be an option.

Pros and cons of replacing your water line


  • Long-term solution: Replacing your water line is a long-term solution. For the next decade, at least, you should not expect any issues with the line. 
  • Improved performance: Replacing your water line is the best way to deal with all the performance issues plaguing the line.
  • Boost your property value: A new water line is something buyers want to see and are happy to pay more money for.


  • Costs more money: It costs significantly more money to replace a water line to repair it. Funding the project can be a major challenge.
  • Highly disruptive: Water line replacement involves a lot of excavation. That will often result in damage to your landscaping, driveway and paved walkways. 

To conclude, replacing your water line when the issue can be solved by repairing the line is a waste of money. At the same time, repairing a water line when it should be replaced will force you to spend twice to solve the same problems.

To ensure you choose the right solution for your water line problems, it is vital to have a qualified and experienced professional plumber evaluate the damage to your water line and recommend the most cost-effective solution to the problem.

Common Causes of Water Line Damage in North Center, Chicago, IL

water line damage in north center chicago area.

In this informative piece, we will explore the various factors that can lead to water line damage in this specific area. Whether you’re a homeowner, a business owner, or simply interested in understanding more about the local water infrastructure, this article is for you.

Understanding Water Line Damage

Water line damage refers to any issues or problems that occur within the water supply lines that connect buildings to the city’s main water source. These lines are responsible for bringing fresh water into homes, businesses, and other properties in North Center. When these water lines experience damage, it can lead to a range of issues, including reduced water pressure, leaks, and even complete waterline failures.

The Impact of Water Line Damage

Water line damage can have significant consequences for both homeowners and the community as a whole. Not only can it disrupt daily activities that rely on access to clean water, such as cooking and bathing, but it can also result in costly repairs and potential health hazards.

Now, let’s explore some of the common causes of water line damage in North Center, so you can be better prepared and take necessary precautions to prevent such issues.

Age and Corrosion

One of the primary causes of water line damage in North Center is the age of the infrastructure. Many of the water lines in this area have been in place for several decades, and naturally, with time comes wear and tear. The older the pipes, the more susceptible they are to corrosion and deterioration.

Corrosion occurs as a result of various factors, including water quality, pH levels, and chemical reactions. Over time, this corrosion weakens the pipes, leading to leaks and breaks. It’s important to note that the likelihood of corrosion-related water line damage may also depend on the type of material used for the pipes. Older pipes made of iron or galvanized steel are more prone to corrosion than newer pipes made of copper or PVC.

tree root intrusion of a water line in north center chicago.

Once inside the pipes, tree roots can cause extensive damage by exerting pressure, creating blockages, and even causing complete pipe collapses.

Tree Root Intrusion

In North Center, the abundance of trees in residential areas can contribute to water line damage. Tree roots naturally seek out sources of water, and if there are small cracks or gaps in the water lines, the roots can infiltrate the pipes in their search for hydration.

Once inside the pipes, tree roots can cause extensive damage by exerting pressure, creating blockages, and even causing complete pipe collapses. Not only can this lead to water line damage, but it can also disrupt the overall health and stability of the surrounding trees.

Ground Shifts and Settling

Over time, the ground in North Center, can experience shifts and settling due to various factors such as changes in soil composition, weather conditions, and construction activities. These ground shifts can put stress on water lines, causing them to shift, crack, or even detach from their connections.

Ground settling can also create uneven pressure on the water lines, leading to leaks or ruptures. It is particularly important to monitor ground shifts in areas with frequent construction or areas where the soil composition is prone to significant changes.

Freezing and Thawing

The North Center area of Chicago experiences harsh winter weather conditions, which can result in freezing and thawing cycles. When water inside the pipes freezes, it expands and puts pressure on the pipe walls. Over time, this repeated expansion and contraction weaken the pipes, making them more susceptible to damage.

Freezing and thawing cycles can lead to pipe bursts, cracks, and joint failures. It is crucial to take preventive measures, such as insulating exposed pipes and ensuring proper drainage, to minimize the risk of water line damage during cold periods.

External Factors and Human Error

While natural causes and aging infrastructure contribute significantly to water line damage, external factors and human error can also play a role. Construction activities, accidental digging, and improper installation or maintenance can all lead to water line damage in North Center.

It is essential for construction crews and property owners to exercise caution and follow proper procedures when digging or conducting any activities that may impact the water lines. Diligence in maintenance and regular inspections can also help identify potential issues before they escalate.

Summing it Up

Water line damage in the North Center area of Chicago can have a significant impact on residents and businesses. Understanding the common causes of water line damage allows property owners to take proactive measures to prevent or address potential issues.

By staying aware of the age and condition of water lines, monitoring tree root intrusion, paying attention to ground shifts, protecting against freezing and thawing cycles, and observing best practices during construction or maintenance activities, individuals can contribute to the preservation and longevity of the water line infrastructure in North Center.

If you suspect water line damage or require assistance with repairs, it is recommended to reach out to professional plumbers in the North Center area of Chicago or the local water department for guidance. Remember, a little prevention can go a long way in ensuring the continued availability of clean and reliable water in your area.

Having trouble with your water lines in the North Center area of Chicago? Contact us below:

Signs of Potential Water Line Damage and When to Call a Professional Plumber

high water bills usually arrive when you have water line damage.

Common Signs of Potential Water Line Damage

Water line damage can be a serious issue that requires immediate attention. It is important to be aware of the signs that may indicate a problem with your water line. Recognizing these signs early can help prevent further damage and costly repairs. In this article, we will explore some common signs of potential water line damage and when it is necessary to call a professional plumber.

1. Low Water Pressure

One of the most common signs of water line damage is a noticeable decrease in water pressure. If you are experiencing weak water flow from your faucets, showerheads, or other water outlets, it could be an indication of a problem with your water line. Low water pressure can be caused by leaks or blockages in the line, and it is best to have a professional plumber inspect and address the issue.

2. Unexplained High Water Bills

If you notice a sudden increase in your water bill without any changes in your water usage habits, it could be a sign of a hidden water line leak. Even a small leak in your water line can result in significant water loss over time, which can lead to higher than usual water bills. If you suspect a water line leak, it is essential to have it investigated by a professional plumber to prevent further water loss and potential damage.

3. Discolored Water

Discolored water coming from your faucets can indicate a variety of issues, including water line damage. If you notice rust-colored or brown water, it could be a sign that there is corrosion or sediment buildup in your water line. This can not only affect the appearance and taste of your water but also indicate potential damage to the line itself. A professional plumber can identify the cause of discolored water and provide the necessary water line repairs or replacements.

4. Water Leaks or Puddles

Visible water leaks or puddles in your yard, basement, or other areas of your property are obvious signs of water line damage. Leaks can occur due to cracks, fractures, or other issues in the water line. If you notice any standing water or damp areas where they shouldn’t be, it is crucial to contact a professional plumber immediately. Ignoring water leaks can lead to further damage to your property and potential water wastage.

5. Strange Noises

If you hear unusual noises coming from your pipes, such as banging, rattling, or whistling sounds, it could be a sign of water line damage. These noises often occur due to the excessive pressure or vibrations caused by issues in the water line. Ignoring these sounds can result in burst pipes or other significant plumbing problems. A professional plumber can identify the source of the noises and repair any damage to your water line.

a water service line repair.

A professional plumber will have the training and experience to handle water line damage efficiently and effectively.

When to Call a Professional Plumber

While there are some DIY fixes for minor plumbing issues like a clogged drain or a leaky faucet, water line damage is a more complex problem that requires the expertise of a professional plumber. It is essential to know when to call a professional to address water line issues to ensure the problem is resolved correctly and efficiently.

1. Multiple Signs of Water Line Damage

If you notice multiple signs of water line damage, it is vital to call a professional plumber as soon as possible. Trying to fix the issue on your own without the necessary knowledge or tools can worsen the problem and increase the cost of repairs. A professional plumber will assess the situation, identify the root cause of the problem, and provide the appropriate solutions.

2. Complete Water Line Blockage

If you experience a complete blockage in your water line, it is crucial to contact a professional plumber immediately. A complete blockage can disrupt your water supply and cause inconvenience in your daily activities. A professional plumber will have the expertise and equipment to clear the blockage and ensure the smooth flow of water through your pipes.

3. Suspected Water Line Leak

If you suspect a water line leak, it is best to call a professional plumber for a thorough inspection. Water line leaks can cause damage to your property, promote the growth of mold and mildew, and result in significant water wastage. A professional plumber will use specialized tools and techniques to detect and repair the leak, preventing further damage and conserving water.

4. Limited Plumbing Knowledge and Skills

If you have limited knowledge and skills in plumbing, it is always recommended to call a professional for any water line issues. Attempting to fix complex plumbing problems without the necessary expertise can lead to more significant damage and costly repairs in the long run. A professional plumber will have the training and experience to handle water line damage efficiently and effectively.

In conclusion, it is crucial to be aware of the signs of potential water line damage and know when to call a professional plumber. Ignoring water line issues can result in further damage to your property, increased water bills, and inconvenience in your daily activities. By recognizing these signs early and seeking professional help, you can address water line problems promptly and ensure the integrity of your plumbing system.

How Professional Water Line Repair Services Ensure a Hassle-free Home Ownership Experience

a water line repair service being performed.

Water lines connect your property to the municipal water supply. They ensure a continuous flow of clean water to your home. A healthy and functional water line, devoid of leaks and faulty connections, is one of the most essential things in a home.

Sadly, there is no readily available method for assessing the condition of the water line in your home. Even when buying a new home, Real Property Management Services notes that professional home inspectors are not mandated to do a detailed water line inspection during the standard home inspection.

A home inspection is primarily a visual inspection of the home. Therefore, any sections of the plumbing that are not visible and readily accessible will not be inspected. In most cases, the home inspector will only note the superficial characteristics of the plumbing system.

It means that a home can have serious water line problems, and you would not know it until after you have bought it. These water line problems can be wide-ranging and costly to fix, and they have the power to severely impair you from enjoying your new home.

Some of the water line problems you may encounter in your home include:

Leaky and burst pipes

This is caused by high water pressure, encroaching tree roots, freezing temperatures, weak pipe joints, worn-out seals, pipe corrosion and undetected clogs. A leaky or burst water line can lead to warped walls, mold and flooding.

Clogged water line

Foreign materials inside the water supply can lodge within a pipe and choke it. The effect is that the water pressure will increase until the pipe bursts. Old pipes with lots of corroded sections are more susceptible to this problem.

Displaced pipes

An underground water line can be moved from its place by soil shifts and interfering tree roots. A dislodged pipe will become vulnerable to clogs and is more likely to leak. This problem can also result in low water pressure.

a home flooding from broken water line.

A damaged water line in your home will cause the following problems:


A broken pipe can flood your home, damaging your personal property and the structures of your building.

Mold growth

Hidden water leaks and floods create the right conditions for mold, mildew and algae growth.

Property damage

Your home’s ceilings, wooden support structures, flooring  and insulation are highly susceptible to moisture.

Damage to electrical systems

Water and electricity should not mix, but a damaged water line can bridge the electrical connections in your home.

High repair costs

Water damage is the most common and most expensive kind of damage in American homes.

But you can save yourself from all these troubles by simply hiring a professional water line repair service to inspect, repair or even overhaul your home’s water line. What is a professional water line repair service?

Professional water line repair service and why you need it

A professional water line repair service is a trained plumber licensed to repair and maintain the water line in homes. The job of a professional water line repair service is to ensure a regular supply of clean water to the house by resolving all issues with the main water line.

A professional water line service should be one of the first experts you hire after you complete the purchase of your home. It is vital to do this before doing any upgrades to your new home. That is because a malfunctioning water line can damage your new updates.

For more experienced homeowners, a professional water line repair service can be your best ally when removing the inefficiencies in your home’s plumbing. The water line repair expert will solve the current issues in the water line and future-proof your plumbing by implementing lasting solutions.

professional water line repair service.

Benefits of hiring a professional water line repair service

When you hire a professional water line repair service, these are some of the benefits you can expect:

  • A water line repair expert will detect existing and potential problems in the water line with pinpoint accuracy. Doing this reduces the time and money spent to solve water line issues.
  • A professional water line repair service uses modern techniques and state-of-the-art equipment that help them detect and fix leaks without damaging your property or disrupting your lifestyle.
  • A water line repair expert is an invaluable asset when doing preventive maintenance for your plumbing. That is because they can detect weaknesses in your water line before they result in expensive emergencies.
  • Water line problems like tree root/foreign object intrusion, which are usually hard to solve, are not a problem for a professional water line repair service. They have the expertise to deal with these complicated issues.
  • The real benefit of hiring a professional water line repair service becomes apparent months after they finish their work because your home’s plumbing will continue to function with optimal efficiency.

Are you a homeowner who wants to experience a hassle-free life in your home? By detecting and restoring the problems in your water line that have the potential to interfere with your enjoyment of the property, a professional water line repair service can improve the quality of your life.

Do I Need to Leave My Home During a Main Water Line Repair?

a main water line repair taking place.

When it comes to home maintenance and repairs, few things can cause more stress and inconvenience than a problem with the main water line. This critical component of your home’s plumbing system is responsible for delivering clean and fresh water to every faucet, shower, and toilet in your house. So, when the main water line needs repair, it’s natural to wonder whether or not you will have to leave your home during the process.

In this article, we will explore the factors that determine whether or not you need to leave your home during a main water line repair. We will also provide some tips and considerations to help make the process as smooth and stress-free as possible.

Factors to Consider

Extent of the Damage

The extent of the damage to your main water line plays a significant role in determining whether or not you will need to temporarily vacate your home. In some cases, minor repairs can be completed without disrupting the water supply to your house. However, if the damage is extensive and requires major repairs or replacement of the entire water line, it is more likely that you will need to find alternate accommodations during the repair period.

Access to the Main Water Line

Another important factor to consider is the accessibility of the main water line. If the line is located underground or in a hard-to-reach area of your property, the repair process may involve digging or excavation, which can be disruptive and messy. In such cases, it is advisable to temporarily leave your home to avoid the inconvenience and potential hazards associated with these repair techniques.

Duration of the Repair

The duration of the repair is also an essential factor to consider. Minor repairs can often be completed within a few hours or a day, allowing you to stay in your home during the process. However, major repairs or replacements may take several days or even weeks to complete, making it necessary for you to make alternative arrangements for accommodation.

Tips for a Smooth Repair Process

If you find yourself needing a main water line repair, here are some tips to help make the process as smooth and hassle-free as possible:

1. Plan Ahead

If you suspect that your main water line may need repairs in the future, it is a good idea to plan ahead. Start by researching reputable plumbers or plumbing companies in your area and save their contact information for easy access when needed. By being prepared, you can minimize the time it takes to find a reliable professional and get your repair scheduled.

2. Communicate with Your Repair Provider

Once you have selected a repair provider, be sure to communicate openly with them about your expectations and concerns. Ask them about the estimated duration of the repair, the extent of the disruption, and whether or not you will need to temporarily leave your home. By having a clear understanding of the repair process, you can plan accordingly and make necessary arrangements.

3. Arrange Alternative Accommodations

If it is determined that you will need to leave your home during the main water line repair, it is essential to arrange alternative accommodations. This may include staying with family or friends, booking a hotel room, or renting a temporary residence. Consider the duration of the repair and choose an option that is most convenient and comfortable for you and your family.

4. Take Precautions

Before the repair begins, take some precautions to protect your belongings and minimize potential damage. Move valuable items away from the affected area, cover furniture and electronics with plastic sheets or tarps, and secure any loose items that may get in the way of the repair work.

5. Follow Safety Instructions

If you choose to stay in your home during the repair process, be sure to follow any safety instructions provided by the repair provider. This may include avoiding certain areas of your home, limiting water usage, or temporarily disconnecting specific appliances or fixtures.

In Conclusion

In conclusion, whether or not you need to leave your home during a main water line repair depends on several factors, including the extent of the damage, accessibility of the line, and duration of the repair. Communication with your repair provider and careful planning can help make the process as smooth as possible. If you do need to temporarily vacate your home, arrange alternative accommodations and take necessary precautions to protect your belongings. Remember to follow any safety instructions provided to ensure a successful and hassle-free repair process.

Why Is My Main Water Shut Off Valve Leaking?

a leaking main water shut off valve in need of repair.

Having a leaking main water shut off valve can be a frustrating and potentially costly issue. It is essential to address this problem promptly to avoid further damage to your plumbing system and potential water wastage. In this article, we will explore the possible causes of a leaking main water shut off valve and provide some solutions to help you resolve this issue.

Understanding the Main Water Shut Off Valve

Before diving into the reasons behind a leaking main water shut off valve, let’s first understand its role in your home’s plumbing system. The main water shut off valve is a vital component that allows you to control the water supply to your entire house. It is usually located near the water meter or where the main water line enters your property.

This valve is responsible for stopping the flow of water into your home in the event of a plumbing emergency, such as a burst pipe or a major water leak. It is crucial to have a functioning shut off valve, as it allows you to control the water supply and minimize damage to your property.

Possible Causes of a Leaking Main Water Shut Off Valve

1. Worn-out or Damaged Valve: Over time, the main water shut off valve may develop wear and tear due to constant use or aging. This can result in leaks around the valve stem or gland nut. If the valve is damaged or has reached the end of its lifespan, it may need to be replaced entirely.

2. Loose Packing Nut: The packing nut is designed to prevent water leakage from the valve stem. If it becomes loose or worn out, it can lead to leaks. Tightening the packing nut can often solve this issue.

3. Corroded Valve Body: If your main water shut off valve is made of cast iron or brass, it can corrode over time, especially if it has been exposed to moisture or chemicals. Corrosion can lead to leaks and make it difficult to close the valve properly. In such cases, replacing the valve is necessary.

4. High Water Pressure: Excessively high water pressure can put additional stress on the shut off valve, causing it to develop leaks. A pressure regulator can help alleviate this issue by reducing the water pressure to a safe and manageable level.

Signs of a Leaking Main Water Shut Off Valve

Identifying the signs of a leaking main water shut off valve can help you take immediate action. Here are some common indicators:

– Water dripping or pooling around the shut off valve

– Difficulty in turning the valve on or off

– Water meter indicating continuous water flow even when all faucets are closed

– Decreased water pressure throughout the house

If you notice any of these signs, it is crucial to investigate the issue further and address it promptly to prevent further damage or water wastage.

 a completed main water shut off valve repair.

If all previous attempts fail or if the valve is severely damaged or corroded, it may be necessary to replace the entire shut off valve.

Steps to Fix a Leaking Main Water Shut Off Valve

1. Identify the Source of the Leak: Before taking any further action, it is essential to pinpoint the exact location of the leak. This will help determine the most appropriate solution.

2. Tighten the Packing Nut: If the leak is coming from the valve stem, try tightening the packing nut using a wrench. Be cautious not to overtighten, as it may cause additional damage.

3. Replace the Packing: If tightening the packing nut does not resolve the leak, you may need to replace the packing. Remove the packing nut, replace the packing material, and reassemble the valve. Ensure everything is tightly secured.

4. Apply Plumbing Tape or Compound: If the leak persists, you can try applying plumbing tape or compound to the valve stem threads. This can create a watertight seal and prevent further leakage.

5. Consider Valve Replacement: If all previous attempts fail or if the valve is severely damaged or corroded, it may be necessary to replace the entire shut off valve. This task is best left to a professional plumber to ensure a proper installation.

Remember, if you are unsure about any step or lack the necessary plumbing knowledge, it is always best to consult a licensed plumber for assistance.

Preventing Future Leaks

Once you have resolved the issue with your main water shut off valve, there are some preventive measures you can take to minimize the chances of future leaks:

– Regularly inspect the shut off valve for signs of wear or damage

– Perform routine maintenance on your plumbing system

– Keep the valve area clean and free from debris

– Monitor and maintain appropriate water pressure

Implementing these preventive measures can help extend the lifespan of your main water shut off valve and prevent future leaks.


A leaking main water shut off valve can be a cause for concern, but with the right knowledge and steps, it can be addressed effectively. In this article, we explored the possible causes of a leaking valve and provided steps to fix the issue. Remember, if you encounter any difficulties or lack the necessary expertise, it is always recommended to seek assistance from a professional plumber. Taking prompt action and implementing preventive measures can help you maintain a functional and leak-free main water shut off valve in your home.

Understanding the Process of Water Supply Line Repair: A Step-by-Step Guide

water main line repair in chicago.

Water supply line repair is a crucial process that ensures the functionality and efficiency of the water supply system in residential and commercial buildings. Understanding the step-by-step guide to water supply line repair can help property owners and maintenance professionals tackle issues effectively. This article provides a comprehensive overview of the process of water supply line repair, equipping readers with the knowledge they need to navigate and manage such repairs.

Step 1: Identifying the Problem

The first step in the water supply line repair process is identifying the problem that needs attention. Common issues include leaks, bursts, low water pressure, or discolored water. Property owners or plumbers should carefully assess the signs, symptoms, and possible causes of the problem before proceeding with the repair.

Step 2: Shutting Off the Water Supply

Before performing any repair work, it is essential to shut off the water supply to the affected area. This can typically be done by closing the main shut-off valve at the water meter or by using a local shut-off valve located near the problem area.

Step 3: Draining the Water Lines

After shutting off the water supply, the next step is to drain the water lines to relieve any pressure and prevent flooding during the repair. Opening faucets and fixtures throughout the property can help facilitate the drainage process.

Step 4: Assessing the Repair Method

Based on the nature of the problem and the extent of damage, different repair methods may be employed. Common repair approaches include patching leaks, replacing damaged sections, or replacing the entire supply line. Careful evaluation of the situation will determine the most appropriate repair method.

Step 5: Gathering the Necessary Tools and Materials

Before initiating the repair, ensure that all the necessary tools and materials are readily available. This may include pipe cutters, wrenches, replacement pipes, couplings, fittings, soldering equipment, and appropriate safety gear.

Step 6: Executing the Repair

With the problem diagnosed and materials ready, it is time to execute the repair. This may involve cutting out the damaged section of the supply line, preparing the replacement pipe, and connecting it securely using suitable fittings and methods such as soldering or compression.

Step 7: Testing the Repair

After completing the repair, it is crucial to test the repaired water supply line to ensure its effectiveness. Turning on the water supply gradually while carefully inspecting for leaks, monitoring water pressure, and assessing water quality will help verify the success of the repair.

Step 8: Reconnecting the Water Supply

If the repair is successful and everything is functioning properly, the final step is to reconnect the water supply. Close all the faucets and fixtures that were opened during the drainage process and gradually restore the water flow.

Step 9: Monitoring for Further Issues

Even after a successful repair, vigilance is necessary to monitor the repaired water supply line for any potential issues. Regular inspections and maintenance can prevent future problems and ensure the long-term functionality of the system.

a water line repair service performed in chicago.


Understanding the process of water supply line repair is crucial for property owners and maintenance professionals alike. By following the step-by-step guide provided in this article, individuals can confidently address water supply line issues, ensuring the efficient and uninterrupted flow of water in their buildings. Remember to always exercise caution and seek professional assistance from a local plumber when dealing with complex or extensive repairs.

Ways to Keep Your Water Service Line in the Best Shape Possible


a water main repair in chicago.

Having a reliable water service line is essential for the functionality and convenience of your home or business. However, these underground pipes often go unnoticed until a problem arises. To ensure the longevity and efficiency of your water service line, it’s crucial to implement preventive measures and regular maintenance. This article outlines several key ways you can keep your water service line in the best shape possible.

1. Schedule Regular Inspections

Regular inspections are one of the most effective ways to identify and address potential issues with your water service line. Engage the services of a local plumber to conduct thorough inspections at regular intervals. These inspections will help identify any signs of wear and tear, leaks, or blockages, allowing you to take necessary actions before the problem escalates.

2. Protect Pipes from Extreme Temperatures

Extreme temperatures can have a significant impact on the condition of your water service line. Freezing temperatures can cause pipes to crack or burst, while excessive heat can warp or weaken them. To protect your pipes, consider insulating them with appropriate materials. This insulation helps regulate temperatures and minimizes the risk of damage due to extreme weather conditions.

3. Be Mindful of Landscaping

When planning or modifying your landscaping, it’s essential to be mindful of the location of your water service line. Planting trees or shrubs too close to the pipe can lead to root intrusion, potentially causing blockages or even pipe damage. Understand the layout of your service line and avoid planting large trees or deep-rooted plants near it.

4. Practice Water Conservation

Conserving water not only benefits the environment but also helps maintain the condition of your water service line. Excessive water usage can place unnecessary stress on your pipes, leading to increased wear and tear. Be mindful of water consumption by fixing leaks promptly, practicing efficient watering techniques, and using high-efficiency plumbing fixtures. These small changes can significantly reduce the strain on your water service line.

5. Avoid Chemical Drain Cleaners

While it may be tempting to use chemical drain cleaners to unclog stubborn drains, these harsh substances can damage your water service line over time. Chemical drain cleaners can corrode the pipes, leading to leaks or weakened joints. Opt for safer alternatives such as using a plunger, plumbing snake, or contacting a professional plumber to resolve persistent clogs.

6. Respond Promptly to Leaks

Even a minor leak in your main water line can lead to significant wastage of water and potential damage. To ensure the best shape for your service line, it’s vital to respond promptly to any signs of leaks. Monitor your water bill for unexpected increases, keep an eye out for dampness, mold growth, or reduced water pressure. If any of these issues arise, contact a professional plumber to inspect and repair the leak as soon as possible.

7. Consider Water Pressure Regulation

High water pressure can put excessive stress on your main water line, leading to premature wear and tear. Installing a pressure regulator can help control and maintain optimal water pressure throughout your entire plumbing system. This simple addition can greatly reduce the risk of leaks and prolong the lifespan of your service line.

8. Educate Yourself on Warning Signs

Familiarize yourself with common warning signs of water service line problems to catch potential issues early. Be on the lookout for unusual noises, foul smells, changes in water color or taste, slow drainage, or persistently clogged drains. Being aware of these signs allows you to take proactive measures and seek professional assistance before the situation worsens.


Giving proper attention and care to your water service line is essential for maintaining a reliable water supply and preventing costly repairs. By following these ways to keep your water service line in the best shape possible, you can ensure its longevity, efficiency, and uninterrupted water flow. Remember, regular inspections, protective measures, conservation practices, and prompt leak repairs will go a long way in preserving the integrity of your water service line, giving you peace of mind and avoiding unexpected plumbing emergencies such as a full water service line replacement.

How To Identify a Leaking Water Line

a leaking water line.

Of the different types of water leaks in your home, leaks involving the water line are usually the worst. Orca Realty says that is because water line leaks can do massive damage in a relatively short time.

Your home’s water line carries large volumes of water. The water often has a lot of pressure. Problems in this part of the plumbing can impair your quality of life and even endanger the structures of your home.

What is a water line?

The water line, or main water line, is the pipe that connects to the city water supply and carries water from the street into your home. While the impact of leaks in water pipes located inside the house can often be limited to the part of the home where the pipe is located, this is not the case with the water line.

Water line leaks affect the entire building. Even if the water supply to the house is not interrupted, a water line leak can affect the quality and quantity of water coming into the home. It will affect the water bill or even impair the structural integrity of the building. What are the signs that you may have a broken water line?

a water main system.

Signs of a leaking water line

  • Low water pressure: A noticeable change in water pressure across the entire home may signify a large leak in your water line.
  • Discolored water: If soil finds its way into the opening in the water line, it can cause the water entering your home to have a murky color.
  • Mounting water bills: If your water bill is going up, but there is no major change to the way you use water, you may have a water line leak.
  • Recurring clogs: Debris inside the water supply can cause frequent clogs in your drains, especially when the clogs happen to several drains in the home.
  • Smelly water: Impurities that enter the water through the crack in the water line can give it a bad odor.
  • Strange noises from pipes: A burst water line will make a bubbling or hissing sound. You may also hear the sound of dripping water.
  • Wet patches in your lawn: Because it runs underground, a broken water line can cause wet patches in your lawn.
  • Mold and mold-loving insects: You may have a water leak in your water line if you start seeing mold in your home or insects that love mold and water.

How to know if you have a leaking water line

If you notice some or all of the above signs in your home, you may be sure there is a water leak in your home. But the leak can be in your main water line or in one of the pipes inside the house. To determine the location of the leak, follow these steps.

How to know if your main water line is leaking

  • Turn off all inside and outside faucets and make sure no water-utilizing appliance is running.
  • Look for your home’s main water shut-off valve and turn it off. It is the valve that controls the supply of water to the house. Turning it off ensures that no water enters your home.
  • Look for your home’s water meter; it is often located on the front curb of the home or somewhere on the basement.
  • Open the lid of the water meter box and remove the cover to access the water meter. Lift the flap on the face of the water meter to see the dials. You may need to wipe dust and debris off the face of the meter.
  • If the snowflake indicator on the water meter is moving, it means water is still flowing through the pipes, even though you are not using any water in your home. That shows you have a leak.
  • If you are not sure, take the water meter reading and wait a few hours. If the water meter reading changes while the water supply to your home is off, you have a leak in your main water line.

a home water shutoff valve.

How to know if a water pipe inside your home is leaking

If you do the above steps and there is no movement in the water meter, the leak is probably inside your home.

  • To determine if this is correct, open the main water shut-off valve.
  • Check to see if the snowflake dial on the water meter starts moving.
  • If it moves, go back and turn off the water shut-off valve.
  • If the snowflake indicator on the water meter stops moving, the leak is inside your home.

To pinpoint the exact location of the leak, regardless of whether the leak is in your main water line or inside your house, please contact a professional plumber. It is not a good idea to try to fix water leaks in the home by yourself, especially when those leaks are in the home’s water line.

Do You Need Emergency Water Main Repairs in Chicago?

a water main repair in chicago.

Water main repairs are a crucial aspect of maintaining a functioning infrastructure in a city like Chicago. Water mains are underground pipes that supply water to homes and businesses; they are usually equipped to withstand the test of time and weather but sometimes a water main can experience a burst, leading to an emergency situation. In such cases, immediate repairs are necessary to avert any damage and ensure residents have access to functioning water supplies. This article highlights the critical aspects surrounding emergency water main repairs in Chicago, shedding some light on the need for timely repair services.

Understanding the Water Main System in Chicago

Water mains in Chicago are engineered to cater to the needs of the densely populated bi-level city and are located underground, making it challenging to spot signs of damage. The water main system has been in existence for over a century, and as with anything of that age, breakages are just a matter of time. When a water main ruptures or experiences a leak, the city responds quickly to ensure water supply restoration. Your role as a homeowner is to report suspicious water signs to your local water department ASAP.

The Signs of Water Main Failure

Homeowners in Chicago can sometimes experience lesser water pressure than usual or even notice murky brown water. This usually indicates that there is a break or leak in the water main somewhere, leading to contamination or sedimentation. If there is an unusual patch of wet ground or water pooling, it may suggest a burst pipe, and emergency repair is necessary. Burst water mains can also lead to flooded basements and, in the worst-case scenario; destruction of homes, particularly if it goes unnoticed for too long.

Who is responsible for paying for repairs?

The water main situated on your property is usually your responsibility, whereas the one on the street is up to the city to manage. However, if you damage the water main on the street while carrying out some maintenance on your property, you will have to pay to have it repaired. Homeowners are also responsible for any damage caused by a failure of the water service line. In Chicago, private insurance policies are available for those concerned about liability in case of water main damage.

Why Emergency Repairs?

Water main breaks require immediate attention, as they can quickly lead to secondary water damage or loss of supply among the affected residences and businesses. Emergency repairs are crucial for several reasons. For one, the damage may cause further loss of water supply necessary for daily living; for example, imagine having no access to water for a few days during winter, when it is very cold. Secondly, it opens up the possibility of water getting to electrical outlets and wiring, leading to short circuiting and electrocution. Thirdly, untreated water can lead to contamination, leading to illness and other health conditions.

What to do in case of a water main break?

If you suspect a water main break around your locality or within your property, here are some of the steps you need to take. Firstly, call the Chicago Department of Water Management at (312)744-8118; they will dispatch a team to investigate the problem. Turn off all water appliances within your home, and consider shutting off your water main valve outside your home to contain the damage. If you notice someone working on a water main, find an alternative water source as the water may be contaminated.

How to Prevent Water Main Breaks?

While it’s not possible to prevent all water main breaks, there are several maintenance strategies that homeowners can undertake to minimize the risk. For example, it may help to hire professional plumbers to assess your water main periodically, especially if you experience brown or foul-smelling water or lower water pressure. Additionally, try to avoid pouring grease, oil, or other debris down the drain or abandoned sump pumps in your property.


In conclusion, water main repair service is essential for keeping the infrastructure in Chicago running correctly and reducing any water damage that may occur. Water mains are crucial to ensuring communities have access to a steady water supply. Still, it requires close monitoring and quick action to ensure they maintain integrity. If there is a break or leak in the water main in your neighborhood, make sure to report it and follow the steps above to ensure your safety and protect your property.

If you are in need of emergency water main repair service, give us a call at 708-859-7540 or by filling out the form below:

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