Category Archives: sewer back ups

How Clogging Leads to a Sewer Backup

an unclogged drain

How Clogging Leads to a Sewer Backup- A sewer backup is the most disgusting drainage problem you can ever have in your home. Every year, tens of thousands of homeowners find themselves dealing with this issue in their homes. Yet, in most cases, sewer backups can be prevented if the problem is detected on time.

What is a sewer backup?

Most homes have a sewer line that carries wastewater from the sinks, drains, and toilets in the home to the main sewer lines beneath the streets. A sewer backup happens when the contents of this sewer line backflow into your home instead of flowing into the main sewer lines.

When this happens, all the content of the sewer line (including raw sewage) will start coming up inside the home via the floor drains, toilets, and sinks. A sewer backup releases foul-smelling unsanitary water into the house, causing untold problems for the home’s inhabitants, warns Compass Property Management.

What causes a sewer backup?

Sewer backups happen due to clogs inside a home’s sewer lines. Clogs make it impossible for wastewater to pass through the drainpipes. Having nowhere to go, and as more water is added from the house, the sewer line eventually fills up and spills its contents into the home.

There are many reasons why your home’s sewer lines may become clogged. Some of these reasons are outside your control because they result from natural events. But most sewer line clogs are caused by misuse of your home’s drains or failure to maintain the sewer lines properly.

Here are a few ways drain clogs can cause sewer backups:

Non-flushable items inside the drains

The only thing that should be flushed into your home’s toilets is toilet paper. When items like wipes, feminine hygiene products, fabric, dental floss, or so-called flushable products enter the toilet, they can block the sewer line. 

Hair can also block your sewer line if it gets into sink and shower drains. Soap scum is another major cause of drain clogs. It forms when soap and minerals inside hard water come into contact. Soap scum becomes a hard lining on drainpipe inner surfaces.

Cooking oil and grease buildup

A major cause of sewer line blockage is cooking oil or grease buildup inside drainpipes. Fats, oils, and grease (FOG) congeal into a hard mass as they cool inside the sewer line. This hard, sticky mass can directly block the channel or stick to the surface of the pipe. 

Once in place, the greasy lining will start to trap debris until the diameter of the pipe narrows to a point where water can no longer flow freely. If this situation is not reversed, it can culminate in a sewer backup.

Use of chemical drain cleaners

Chemical drain cleaners can dissolve the clogs inside your sewer lines. But while they remove clogs in the short term, they also cause long-term damage to sewer lines. That’s because cleaners contain caustic chemicals. 

These chemicals are responsible for the corrosive nature of cleaners that allows them to eat away the clog inside the pipes. The problem is that the chemicals can also weaken the drainpipe, causing sections to collapse, thereby blocking the pipe.

Old pipes 

If a sewer line has old pipes, it is more susceptible to clogs, and the risk of sewer backups in the home will be greater. This is particularly true for sewer lines made of clay or metal pipes because those start to degrade as soon as they are buried in the ground. 

Long terms exposure to moisture, from within and without, eventually causes the pipes to leak or even collapse. If the surrounding soil finds its way into the pipe, it can result in the sewer backing up into the home.

Earth movements

The soil around a sewer line can cause it to become clogged if that soil moves in a way that alters the position of the pipes. Upward or downward movements in the soil can change the level of the sewer line and make it difficult for water to flow freely. 

If the water inside the pipe is forced to slow down, it will deposit debris in that pipe section. This can continue until enough dirt accumulates in that lowered pipe section to block it and cause a sewer backup.

Tree roots

Tree roots may pierce a sewer line and block it. Most times, this happens due to small leaks in the pipe, which attract the attention of tree roots. To access the nutrient-rich water inside the pipe, the tree roots break into the sewer line and block it. Tree roots can also block a sewer line by growing over or above it and moving it out of place. This creates a depression inside the pipe, where debris is dumped until the entire sewer line is blocked.

What Happens When Your Sewer Backs Up?

a plumber cleaning a back up sewer line

Sewer backups are the worst kind of plumbing emergency to have in your home. When the contents of your sewer line flow back into your home instead of emptying into the city sewer lines or your septic tank system, you are often looking at several thousand dollars in repair costs.

In addition to the cost of fixing the damage to the sewer line and your home, you also have to deal with the gross nature of this backup. A sewer backup may deposit raw sewage inside your home, exposing you and your family to unpleasant odors and the risk of illness, warns

Why do sewer lines back up into the home?

Blockages inside the sewer lines cause all sewer line backups. These blockages happen for several reasons:

  • They may be an outcome of how the home’s drains are used.
  • Sewer backups can also be the result of natural events.
  • Sewers sometimes back up because of poorly maintained or aged sewer pipes.

When the backup is localized to one drain inside the home

If the backup is only happening in one of the drains in your house, it means there is a clog or blockage in the drain related to that fixture. For instance, if all other drains in the home are working perfectly but a single drain – sink, shower, or toilet – is slow, the problem is not in your home’s main sewer line.

You should look for the cause of the problem in the drain for that specific fixture. If this is a toilet drain, it could be that a non-flushable object is lodged in the drain. The drain could be blocked by hair or soap scum if it is a bathroom. You may have food waste inside the P-Trap if it is a kitchen drain.

Sewer backups affect every drain inside your home

If all the drains in your home are backing up at the same time or the sewer is backing up into the basement, the problem isn’t with the individual drains for your home’s plumbing fixtures but with your main sewer line. What is the reason for this kind of back up?

There are many reasons your home’s main sewer line may become clogged; they are explained below. Note that some listed reasons may apply to blockages within the individual drains for specific plumbing fixtures and not just your home’s main sewer line.

Blockages caused by FOGs

You should never flush fats, oils, and grease (FOGs) into your drains. These tend to congeal once they get inside the sewer lines. Instead of flowing through the pipes, FOGs clump together or form a sticky lining on pipe surfaces. These act as a trap for debris passing through the pipes until they accumulate enough material to block the lines.

Blockages by food waste

Food items that should never go into your drains include coffee grounds, eggshells, starchy foods like rice or potatoes, and hard objects like bones. Starchy foods swell inside the drain, and coffee grounds build up inside the pipes. Dispose of these items in the trash.

Blockages by non-flushable items

Hair, female sanitary products, wipes, and disposable diapers are a few of the items that should not be allowed into the drains. If they find their way into the drain, they can cause serious problems by stopping or slowing the wastewater flow.

Blockages by tree roots

Tree roots within and outside your property can damage your main sewer line and prevent waste from passing through them. Tree roots don’t even have to puncture your sewer lines to cause sewer backups in your home. Tree roots may grow around the pipes and dislodge them from their position.

Blockages caused by earth movements

Sewer pipes can be moved from their original position as your home settles. Due to seismic activity, upward or downward movements of pipes will push sections of the sewer lines above or below their average level. These changes will force the water inside the pipes to slow down, leading debris to settle in the area and eventually block the pipe.

Blockages caused by aging pipes

Old and worn-out sewer lines are more likely to cause sewage to back up into your home. This is because their diameter may become narrowed due to the corrosion, rust, and sedimentation that have happened over the years. This problem is more common with sewer pipes that are made of metal.

Blockages caused by the city sewer systems

Although it is less common, blockages inside the city’s sewer lines may cause a sewer backup in your home. Typically, if the sewer backup is caused by a problem with the city’s sewer lines, the issue will not be limited to your home. If your neighbors are also facing the same problem, you may want to contact the city officials.

Sewer Back Up Causes and Quick Fixes

Sewer Back-Ups

The sewer system is necessary for urban infrastructure because it helps maintain a healthy and safe environment. Carrying away wastewater helps keep the environment secure from flooding and helps stop the spread of water-borne diseases. Therefore, it could be troublesome if a sewer backup is in your home.   

The sewage system is a vital component of your commercial building since it is responsible for adequately disposing of wastewater away from the property. By strategically discarding waste, it is crucial to keep it well-maintained to avoid issues affecting its functionality. 

Although the primary function of a sewer is to circulate wastewater, a commercial system is complex and requires maintenance and professional services. Installing plastic access doors and panels will allow convenient access to these critical fixtures whenever there is a need for repairs and maintenance. 

But what are the common causes of backed-up sewers, and what can we do to fix and prevent it from happening again? Keep on reading to find out more!  

Cause #1 Clogs or Blockages  

Does your sink drain water slowly? Are there unfamiliar gurgling noises when you flush the toilet? These common signs could indicate clogged drains. Clogs mainly develop over time and are a product of a blockage that restricts the water flow from your drainpipes, impacting the plumbing throughout your entire home or establishment.   

Clogged drains can affect multiple fixtures such as sinks, toilets, showers, bathtubs, and sprinkler systems. Raw sewage could travel back into your drainpipes and your plumbing fixtures from the septic tank or the main sewer lines if the clogs become severe. The situation can get messy, and you would want to contact a plumber right away for hydro-jetting service.

Drain clogs are usually a long process of material buildup in your drains. Here are some of the common materials that can clog your pipes: 

  • Hair  
  • Solidified grease  
  • Baby wipes and feminine hygiene products  
  • Extra-thick toilet paper, facial tissues, towels, and other wiping products.   
  • Dental floss and cotton swabs  
  • Products labeled non-flushable 

You can place a drain strainer in your bathroom drains or sinks to prevent materials from falling into your drainpipes to prevent clogs from occurring. Also, make sure to dispose of hygienic products properly and, as much as possible, minimize the amount of toilet paper that you flush down your toilet.  

Cause #2 Tree Roots  

Tree root invasion happens when trees and plant roots penetrate your sewage system, growing through your plumbing pipes or crawling around and crushing the lines, searching for the water that flows inside.  

The tree root invasion process is usually slow, but it could speed up if your lines are in bad condition, with holes or cracks that conveniently allow the roots to enter the drain. 

To prevent yourself from dealing with this situation, you should estimate the suitable area if you’re planning to plant a tree within your property. It will vary depending on the type of plant and its growth rate. Ensure that the site you choose will not interfere with your plumbing pipes.  

Cause #3 Main Sewer Line Blockage 

A blockage in your sewer system usually occurs in the main sewer line owned and maintained by your city. The sudden backup caused by a clog is similar to what you experience during a household blockage. It can also be due to insufficient design capacity if your area encounters serious growth.  

The problem becomes prominent if a community has difficulties with the sewers after heavy rainfall. The main sewer blockage will continuously affect your plumbing in the entire house or establishment, rather than affecting just one drain.   

To decrease the damage, once there is a block in your main sewer line, shut off all water supplies in your home or establishment and shield drain openings with material that can absorb the liquid.  

Final Thoughts 

Although these valuable tips are practical and helpful, you should immediately contact a professional sewer cleaning plumber if nothing changes. There could potentially be a more severe cause for the blockage, which would require a possible sewer line repair service. 

Best Ways to Prevent Sewer Back Ups

Plumbing issues in the home are almost unavoidable. They are the inevitable outcome of the normal use and eventual aging of the plumbing system. Plumbing issues can happen at any time and in almost any part of the home. This is because the plumbing in your home extends throughout the house, as TE Johnson & Sons explains, so problems are not limited to just one part of the building.

Best Ways to Prevent Sewer Back Ups

Plumbing issues come in different forms. They may take place unseen behind an appliance or feature of the home. When this is the case, a plumbing problem can do secret harm and it could take some time before it is discovered. Other times, a plumbing problem is self-evident because it happens in a way that completely disrupts the normal use of the plumbing.

This second type of plumbing problem creates what is known as a plumbing emergency. These are issues that are so distressing that they must be dealt with immediately. Plumbing emergencies not only prevent the normal use of the plumbing, but they also damage the other features of your home. Sewer backups are perhaps the number one plumbing emergency in the home.

What is a sewer backup?

Sewer backups happen when the normal flow of wastewater from the home is prevented by a blocked or damaged sewer line. When a sewer line is blocked, its contents don’t flow into the municipal sewer lines as it should. Instead, it is trapped inside the pipes on your property. If those pipes become full, their content eventually starts to overflow inside your home.

A sewer backup is easily the most disgusting type of plumbing problem because it will release the gross contents of a sewer line into your home. Sewer backups are so damaging that out-of-pocket cost for fixing the problem is often between $2,000 and $10,000. But the good news is the problem can be prevented.

How to prevent sewer backups

Watch what you flush down the drain

Your home’s drainage system does not have the capacity to handle everything you throw at it. In fact, most items labeled “flushable” will create problems for the drain. The only thing you should flush down the toilet is toilet paper, not wipes, sanitary towels, disposable diapers, or feminine products. 

In the kitchen avoid putting grease, oil, fat, eggshells, potato, rice, fibrous vegetables, and coffee grounds into the drain. Also, do not let hair get into the shower drain.

Protect sewer lines from tree roots

The roots of plants and even small bushes pose a major threat to your sewer lines. The wastewater inside sewer lines provides a rich source of nutrition and tree roots will invade any place where there is water and nutrition.

sewer tree roots

If allowed to grow close to the sewer line, plant roots can puncture the pipe and eventually block it. To prevent this, don’t plant trees or bushes near sewer lines and laterals. You can also prevent tree root damage by using plastic piping.

Do not divert excess rainwater into the sewer

Diverting the water from downspouts, the sump pump, French drains, and your flood control systems into the sanitary sewer line might seem like a good idea. It feels like an easy way to prevent water pooling in your yard. But it is actually a bad idea because rainwater can overwhelm the drain and cause flooding in your home. By diverting the downspout into the sewer, you could be unintentionally channeling floodwater into your house.

Install a sewer backup valve

This serves as the last line of defense against sewer backups. The backwater valve installation will let wastewater flow out of your home into the sewer line but will prevent the sewer contents from flowing in the opposite direction. When backs happen up due to a damaged or blocked line and because of heavy rains, the valve automatically closes the channel.

Install an exterior cleanout

An exterior cleanout offers a cost-effective way to deal with sewer problems. They are often located in the yard and can be identified by their round cap. Most are made of vitreous clay pipe and installed flush with the ground.  

An external entry point to the main sewer line makes the work of cleaning sewer lines or removing blockages easier. An outside cleanout helps prevent water and pipe damage, and if a problem does happen, it cuts your repair costs since the repair is done from inside the cleanout.

Inspect and fix old pipes

The probability of sewer backup increases with damaged lateral lines. The only way to be sure your sewer line is in good condition is to have it inspected by an expert once a year. If the line is damaged, you have three options for solving the problem. Lining the pipe is an effective way to solve minimal issues with the lines. For more serious issues the next option is pipe bursting. Both pipe bursting and pipe lining do not involve excavation. But if the problem is major, the only way to solve it may be to dig up the yard and replace the sewer line.

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